Hatching day

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She was definitely overthinking this right? It's not like they were celebrated unless you were a queen and she wanted to do something nice. She looked up at the mountain, everything Lynx had just thought about was true but maybe going to jade mountain would make her seem a little too desperate. She had known him longer then they had but maybe her brain stopped working when Lynx had realized just how much she wanted to meet Winter's friends. 'Maybe I should turn ba-' her thoughts were cut off by an incredibly cheerful "hello!" Lynx turned around quickly and greeted the nightwing. Although she still had a bit of a grudge towards the tribe after the battle, being able to see that they were just as scared as she was a lot of the hate that she had just disappeared. And considering that the place she visits and works for three times a week was full of encounters with them that seemed to be a good thing. 

"So what are you here for if you want to take a class to see what the school is about I'm sorry but they are over for today I might be able to fit you in tomorrow." "no I know that b-but u-umm" the nightwing looked at lynx both surprised and expecting might as well get the easy part out of the way. "My friend he used to go here and well he lets me work w-with him a-and it's going to be his hatching day soon and I wondered if I could speak to his former w-winglet and if not then I apologize for wasting your time." Lynx then bowed her head, if only her parents could see her now bowing to a nightwing of all tribes. Lynx was a prodigy she was supposed to be noble she was supposed to be an icewing and yet here she was over what a friend who was basically exiled. "Depends is this friend a season who went off to go defeat darkstalker" the cheerful nightwing smirked. Lynx simply nodded her head forcing down the blue that was threatening to creep up to her face "here's a map to the caves he'd better not forget your hatching day with all of this trouble your going through for his." The nightwing laughed "I'll be sure to tell him that" Lynx answered luckily the first cave she walked into had the winglet In it. 

When they all looked at her confused she wanted to bolt but didn't she just closed her eyes "hello my name is lynx and I work at sanctuary the nightwing that looked kind of like Moon allowed me to come here." They looked understanding yet still confused "if you want to know how I know your names well-" "she's a friend of winters" said both qibli and snowstorm in sync "listen I come because winters hatching day is in a week and I have no idea what to get him." She fell to the ground "what the heck do you get someone who feels like they don't deserve anything" Lynx mumbled. "I thought maybe scavenger anything but I work for him it would just be me doing extra labor which I'm sure he would appreciate but not hatching day material. I asked Hailstorm what I should do, but he just shaped a snowball into a kind of bow looking shape put it on my head and then walked off. I didn't even know what that meant I thought about bringing food from the ice kingdom because he might miss it but I would be bringing a bloody unknown carcass into a forest of vegans, not the best idea. So do you have any?"

"Why don't you try hailstorm's  idea" said snowstorm "what?" "Kinkajou" she said expectantly "right" the little rainwing said handing her a bow made of leaves out of seemingly no where. "Wait you just have those lying around" Lynx asked. Snowstorm placed it on Lynxes head and whispered "now repeat after me, 'I am your present.'" The blush that she had tried so hard to hold back shot up "so that's what he meant, how about anything else" she said trying to hold on to the last of her dignity. "What about a date?" Asked turtle helpfully "what's that?" Lynx asked confused. A date? It sounded weird. Everyone looked at her as if she were insane well besides Snowstorm "she doesn't know because they never told her" "well obviously but-" Qibli was cut off by snowstorm "a date is when you and a friend do things together" I opened my mouth to speak "not work related" I then closed it and opened it back up again. 

"So like a break. But not, I wouldn't know where to go and wouldn't you want to celebrate his day it seems like he misses you a lot." "I still don't get why you're so interested in that idiot you can count me and mudwing out" "it's alligator " said the obviously annoyed dragon "but yes count me out" he sighed "so then will you guys come?" Lynx asked trying to keep the hopelessness out of her voice they all nodded "perfect I'll just keep him asleep then and do all of his work!" She smiled "you can do that?" Asked Kinkajou "I don't know but he's sleep deprived so he'll be happy having more time to rest, I think" "no I mean wake him up." "uhh I should answer that just a bit later bye!" Lynx  walked out of the cave as quickly as she could thinking about where she got the courage to do that wherever it came from it was gone now.

A week passed pretty soon

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