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Winter wasn't a dragnet lover, the opposite really. He found them incredibly annoying and if he had any of his own he just might go insane. But he did have a soft spot for the little things just because they were so innocent and pure. They smiled at everything and that was something Winter had longed to be able to do. It was also why he was now covered in seaweed, different chalks, stickers, and ink that definitely wasn't washing away anytime soon. Currently sitting in jade mountain as Auklet continued to ruin his face he wondered why he had agreed to this in the first place. He knew that if Anemone had a date with Tamarin she could have canceled and Coral wouldn't mind no Matter what important things she had going on. But no, instead he was forced into this position as Qibli, tsunami, and Kinkajou talked as if he weren't there. Moon and Turtle went hunting with the rest of the new winglet. Auklet had just made a star with ink and was about to go for his horns. No, no they were not doing that at all, no way in the ruins of the old nightwing kingdom. He walked over to Tsunami holding a little paintbrush that her little sister had been using as well as a small pot of ink. The older seawing took one look at him and laughed so hard it looked like she was going to fall too the floor. That caused his other two friends to look and laugh just as hard he was about ready to snap and then Kinkajou had to go and say "you look so cute." He gave the ink and paintbrush back to Auklet and walked out of the cave along the way more students called him cute and it took everything he had to not freeze their faces off. He got back to his job and more dragons laughed. Winter was getting angry at this point until he heard a squeak of alarm and turned around only to have Lynx holding his face in a talon. "What happened to your face?" She asked "dragonet" he sighed she then giggled "well if it makes you feel better you look really cute" he chuckled and sighed "I don't mind" he didn't really, she was one dragon he didn't mind being cute in front of.

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