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Riptide loved Tsunami, more than practically anything. If she asked, he might just go back to the sea kingdom and talk to queen Coral. Something Tsunami also was, was busy.

so when she came from Jade Mountain to him for a date idea that she came up with on her own. Riptide was planning to go no matter what it was, and also willing to ignore Winter, who was silently brooding in a corner behind him.

'Riptide, Riptide!' Tsunami shouted in aquatic, probably unknowingly. "Hey Tsu - Tsu" Riptide said back in dragon. After she realized what she had done Riptide saw her wings turn slightly purple.
"Anyway" she started "I have a really cool idea for a date."

He looked at her expectingly and she continued.
"Okay, so, I don't know if you know but Sunny went on a trip to possibility and came across this bar called 'The dancing dragon.' It's a place owned by a Sea and Mudwing with a tiny little hybrid dragonet. The best part about it is that you can drink, but the second best part is that you can sing. You see, they have musicians play popular bar songs that you can sing along to and I was hoping you would want to go with me."

Now Riptide knew that his girlfriend was bad at explaining things. And he honestly didn't really get what she was describing, but she seemed nervous and a bit more awkward than usual which he found incredibly endearing. So even though he had no idea what he was signing up for, he said "yeah, I'd go anywhere with you."

He literally could have singed up for his death and would have felt like it was worth it when Tsunami gave one of her exited full teeth smiles that rarely came out.

"See you at eight tomorrow squid brain, don't be late!" She said obviously excited. As she started to fly away he playfully yelled up to the sky "That's always you, remember!?" Tsunami rolled her eyes with a smile before leaving his field of vision.

He was snapped out of his gaze when he suddenly heard sarcastic clapping coming from behind him. Riptide turned around to see Winter clapping his wings slowly with an annoyed look on his face. "As happy as I am for you  I really need you to sign these important papers before you get ready. But then again I guess they can wait while you act like a bumbling idiot over her. After all these papers only help to house about 50 Pantalan dragons who need homes."

Riptide frowned slightly "You're just jealous" he said, "Ouch" replied Winter in the driest voice imaginable. Riptide then signed all ten papers before turning to leave. "Whipped idiots seem to be all around me in this forest" he heard Winter say under his breath before saying louder, "if you were wondering what she was talking about it's called a karaoke bar read about it if you want to learn more." "Thanks!" Called Riptide before leaving slightly annoyed but mostly exited.

Turtle was planning to write more of his new fantasy scroll "The ways of the wings." It was about scavengers who befriended dragons and learned more about their different cultures. He was quite excited about it because it was turning out to be a fun read. And if he could get it published he could put it in libraries and further promote peace to his target audience of younger dragonets.

Turtle hummed to himself as he walked towards his cave. His supplies already out and prepared. His eyes were closed for a bit, and while they were he ended up bumping into something tall, and cold. He yelped loudly as he fell to the floor. and when he hit the floor he started to immediately apologize while getting up. "It's fine Turtle, just stop saying sorry" said the dragon above him. "Oh" Turtle sighed "hi Winter." "Ummm, hello?" Asked a certain Sandwing. "And Qibli" Turtle chuckled "so what are you doing here?" He asked Winter trying to make small talk. "Oh, I'm here because-" "he comes to my beck and call!" Interrupted Qibli. "Wrong, he asked me and I came to see the delusional idiot out of pity." Winter corrected, sort of.

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