The boy beside the tree

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Lynx was not exactly a stickler for the rules of her home as much as she knew and was terrified of what would happen if she did not follow them. Yet here she is sneaking out for something so stupid and trivial she almost wants to hit herself. This had all started the other night when she had accidentally stayed asleep in the snow for too long, walking home and already knowing how much of a scolding she was going to get she decided to postpone her suffering by admiring the tree of light. The story behind it was beautiful, the tree itself was beautiful, and the name was so much more comforting than the other countless gifts her family had been asked to store behind their walls. For a split second she wondered weather anyone else liked it as much as she did. As she was about to laugh to herself and tighten up the coat that she had on before hearing a sigh and groan. Lynxes first reaction was to get into a karate position she had been taught before thinking better of it and hiding behind a bush near the tree. When she peeked her head out a little Lynx saw a boy that had to be around her age, ten or eleven years old. He had very pale blue hair, so light in fact it was almost white in some areas. His skin was also pale but a little darker than her own complexion. After assessing what he looked like she then decided to focus more on what the boy was doing. "I'm sorry" were the first two words to come out of his mouth 'for what?' Lynx wanted to ask but she opted to keep her own mouth shut. Yet as if hearing her question the next thing he said was "we're still trying to get Hailstorm and I know that even if they don't say it the rest of my family hates me. I am quite the failure, and I really should have let them take me instead like they wanted to in the first place." He then looked sadder than before "it's not like anyone would have cared." Lynx had to stifle a gasp at the last few words. Everyone knew that Hailstorm of the sleet family had been taken by the soldiers of scarlet but no one had known that another son had been present nor that the SOS wanted the other one at all. If Lynx did have to guess she would say that this was the second son, Winter sleet. He was competent and from what she had heard quite kind as well, though kindness wasn't very valued amongst his family. As if he has heard her again he yelled and kicked the tree "I know that I'm weak! It not some kind of secret that I'm too..." he trailed off and sighed at the glass statue "I'm screaming at a fake tree about my problems like some sort of crazy peasant" he then glared and if she wasn't looking as closely as she was she would have missed how his eyes were glossed over as he walked away. She did get the scold that she was expecting and she did feel incredibly guilty afterwards.

As much as Lynx loved her own family and their rules she just so happened to care about this stranger and his problems a bit more, for some unknown reason. She was not sure what she was going to do to help him out though. Lynx gathered her thoughts and concentrated but the only thing she could come up with was being his friend. This seemed like a good idea on paper and even off paper she was sure she could do it with enough effort but. She was from a family of lesser nobles so there was a chance that his family could think that she wasn't special enough to be his friend. Or Winter himself might not want to drag himself down further by being her friend. She pushed all of those thoughts away and took a deep breath and waited by the tree. She sat there for an hour before she heard some type of muffled groan of exasperation that sounded similar. Before he could walk away and find something else to vent his problems to she answered with a "hello? if someone is there could you please make yourself seen" he tried to walk away but Lynx saw his familiar hair and it was game over. "I can see you, walking away is kind of rude." With another sigh he walked through the foliage and sat down beside her. "What do you want?" He asked not even facing her. Screw what she said earlier making friends with this boy might be a bit harder than she thought. Though she had already set her sights on it so that means no turning back now.

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