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Protocol, funnily enough, was both Lynx's greatest strength and greatest weakness. She adhered to it so readily that it could end up hurting her at times. This was one of those times.

"So hot..." she thought deliriously. Lynx had heard from others that the sand kingdom was scorching but she dramatically underestimated what the word "scorching" meant. With how out of it she was the heat had practically melted her brain. Lynx looked down at the bowl of warm water that was supposed to be her savior before splashing some of the liquid in the brass bowl onto her face. Yeah, that turned out to be a gigantic mistake. Lynx hadn't expected the water to be cold but it was so hot that all it did was add to the suffocating atmosphere. She stumbled back a few steps before trying and failing to send an intimidating glare at the bowl that had lied to her. (yes it is an an inanimate object but she really needed something to blame for her predicament.)

This was bad. She had a meeting with the QUEEN OF THE SANDWINGS and her TWO CHILDREN in less than thirty minutes, and she looked utterly debauched. Lynx sighed and took a hesitant glimpse of herself in the mirror that had been placed in the bathroom hoping that maybe she thought she looked worse than she actually did.
Her normally pushed back hair had gotten loose from the headband she'd had it in and was falling in front of her face, it was also terribly tangled. Her actual face was flushed bright blue, sweaty, and hot. She was breathing heavily and Lynx decided to not continue looking at herself.

At least she was right, it was far worse than she thought she looked. This was no good, at the rate she was going she would pass out from a heatstroke. It's not like she could use her powers though, she was far to out of it to make sure that nothing got damaged and no one got hurt. She staggered forward a few steps before bringing a hand up to her face and immediately putting it down after remembering it had been submerged in warm water.

The clock was slowly ticking as she grew more and more panicked, frantically trying to cool herself down, only leading to her, of course, getting hotter.

She eventually sat down and tried to regulate her breathing so as to not pass out or throw up from the intense heat. This went on for a good three minutes until she heard a knock on her door frame. She stopped breathing completely so as not to worry whoever was on the other side while also ransacking her mind trying to find something reassuring to say. "It's me Lynx" said a calm voice from the other side. "You can let me in."

She sighed in relief before mustering up the strength to say "please come in, the door is unlocked." The big wooden door opened slowly to reveal Winter who upon Laying his eyes on her quickly grew concerned. "Oh my moons, Lynx are you okay?" He quickly rushed to her side and cupped her face within his hands, she was about to freak out internally but then she realized. His hands were cold. "How did you-?" He answered her in the middle of the question. "I can regulate my body temperature because after flying through the kingdom of the sand once I'd realized that if I ever needed to be here for something important I would simply die. So I trained."

She tried to nod her head but it was much more of a slight bob because her face was still in his hands. It felt nice. She knew that it was wrong but Lynx decided to indulge in the moment; closing her eyes she hummed and allowed her head to relax. There was a moment of silence before Winter talked making Lynx open her eyes. "You were a good eight minutes late which was strange because you're normally ten minutes early. They sent me to check on you, good thing." She tired nodding once more but it was again a small head bob. Winter looked away and made a strange coughing noise. Was it a laugh? She decided to not dwell on it very much. Instead she grabbed his forearms and moved them down to her collarbone.

Before he could freak out though she simply pointed to the places where his hand were and stated "hot..." . After that his face immediately morphed into understanding and he gently caressed her neck, simultaneously cooling down his hands so that she could become more lucid. He soon brought his hands up to her forehead and cooled it down a bit more before moving them both down to the sides of her face, this time closer to her upper neck. Lynx unconsciously leaned into his touch, it felt much nicer than it should have, or perhaps she was making it, either way she would simply milk this moment dry. She closed her eyes again and leaned in just a little bit more.

Suddenly she heard the door open, then a small gasp. Winter immediately removed his hands from her face and she could only frown drowsily at the loss of his hands for a moment before realizing what had actually happened. Standing up straight and opening her eyes she found her absolute worst fears standing at the door. Qibli with a mischievous smile and Sunny with a much more innocent one.

There was a pause


"when I told you to go and get the Icewing representative I meant it literally not metaphorically but good for you kid." 'Oh my moons!!!' Lynx thought, already feeling hot again "Queen thorn... just how long have you been there?" "Long enough to see you guys get touchy and almost kiss." The new queen stated bluntly. Winter choked on air and Lynx quickly hid her face behind her hands. "We weren't gonna kiss!!" They said simultaneously facing pointedly away from each other

"Neither of you said anything about the touchy part though." Qibli lovingly pointed out, turning the both of them into stuttering messes. 'No no no no no no no no no no!!!' How in the world was Lynx going to earn this queen's trust if on their first ever actual meeting she's seemingly caught making out with a secret boyfriend. She took in a deep breath and turned to face them. With a twitching eye she explained the entire situation and watched as Sunny's face shifted to a dejected one whereas the queens expression stayed the same. Qibli on the other hand eyed something in the middle of the room and turned even more smug. Lynx supposed that she'd have to deal with that later.

They all eventually started the meeting and Winter paid close attention to her the entire time. "You know that I'm not a child that needs to be looked after, correct?" She asked him once they were outside "I just didn't want you to pass out in the middle of the meeting, sorry for worrying I guess." She simply rolled her eyes and he rolled his eyes back with slightly more attitude she stifled a smile at it and instead pretended to be annoyed. "Goodbye, my stupid prince" "don't die you stubborn soldier." This time instead of acting annoyed she smiled genuinely and then lifted off in the direction of the ice kingdom. 'I wonder what Qibli was so smug about' she thought to herself as the climate slowly started to change into one she felt better in.

Winter p.o.v
He watched Lynx grow into nothing but a small white dot in the sky before turning around only to be jumpscared by his sandwing friend. "Hello." Winter said awkwardly while also rapidly looking around for some kind of escape because if Qibli was quiet things normally weren't going to go well. "Winter,would you mind walking through the palace with me?" He'd said it in his normal tone of voice but even still Winter felt a massive pit of dread grow inside of his stomach as he agreed. Eventually after passing the rooms that Winter already knew rather well they stopped at Lynx's guest room.

'Yeah, I knew it' he thought dejectedly to himself "what do you want to show me?" Winter asked with a sigh. "Did you see that bowl of water when walking into the room?" Qibli asked with a smirk beginning to grow on his face. 'Obviously' Winter thought 'it was smack dead in the center of the room of course I saw it.' He ended up settling for a simple "yes. why is it important?" "Could you have cooled down the water with your powers?" Qibli asked.

Time stopped.
He could've done that yeah, but if he had he wouldn't have been able to touch Lynx. Wait why is that even a caveat? He could have easily just given her a block of ice or something too. Now that he thinks about it, there were multiple different ways he could have helped her. But his stupid brain decided to pick the only one that would lead to him being able to touch her, her face, her lips, her neck. He was horrible and apparently in love, again. With a person that it was practically illegal to be in love with, again.

All that came out of his mouth during this period of self realization were half spoken words and confused sputters. "Looks like my job is done here" Qibli said proceeding to drag his broken friend to the guest room that had been prepared a week prior.

An: omg finally! I have been having serious writers block but I hope the people that actually read this enjoy it, I found it pretty fun to write so yeah.

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