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"Meanie head!" Shouted the stuffed up five year old before running straight into Winter's shin. "Look kid, I'm sorry but you have to go to bed." He said trying his hardest not to hit the child, said child then latched onto his leg. This action made Winter just give up and sit down for a bit while trying to figure out what to do. Mangrove and orchid were a very nice married couple that lived only a few doors down from Winter. They were known in the building for being both nice but firm with pretty much everyone. They were also known for the mischievous child they had five years ago, Mango. He was normally a good kid that would pull harmless pranks you would see coming and have to humor. Winter had babysat the kid before and he was practically an angel like his parents. Now though, he had an attitude and was upset, and Winter had tried everything, yelling, glaring, threats... (he didn't have the best childhood alright, he wasn't exactly sure how to calm one down from a temper tantrum. Winter just kinda got hit really hard and shut up after that).Winter was just about to give up and let the kid do whatever he wanted before remembering the last and most powerful weapon in his arsenal. After he had gotten away from his abusive family Snowfall had given him financial support until he could find a job. At age 21 he moved into a nice apartment and that was that; At least until his new neighbor/childhood friend Lynx moved in, after that they started doing lots of things together and babysitting Mango was one of them. The kid might have hated him right now but he loved Lynx, Winter was pretty sure between the both of them she was his favorite. So with a child still latched on to his leg he dragged himself over to his phone and called her. "Hello?" She asked "I need help, please." He said trying his best not to sound too desperate but that was no use seeing as how she laughed a little before hanging up. Lynx came through the door in clothes that were probably his once upon a time and a tired smile, "Lynx!" Shouted Mango before sneezing, he then ran up and hugged her legs. "Hey Mango, is something wrong?" She asked hugging him back while Winter discreetly sat back down on the far side of the couch. After that Lynx picked him up and put the both of them on part of the couch furthest from him. "Winter is being a mean butt-hole!" He exclaimed crossing his arms and pouting, while obviously trying her best not to laugh at what he had just been called Lynx asked "Why do you think that?" "He's making me go to sleep" Mango frowned "but it's so early though" Lynx stated "it's because I'm sick" he said then coughed right after. "Ohhhh, well even though you think Winter's being mean, I think he just cares about you a lot." She smiled "really?" Asked Mango, a bit confused. "Yep! You see sometimes when people get really sick they have to go to the doctor and get shots." Lynx exclaimed over dramatically,the kid looked up with both guilt and fear in his eyes. "Shots?" He asked in a shaky voice "Mhmm, but if you sleep a lot, drink tea, soup, and medicine. Then you won't have to go to the doctor, That's why Winter wanted you to go to bed so bad." Mango then nodded in understanding before getting up and saying "Sorry mister Winter" with a guilty expression on his face. Winter then sighed and stood up before saying "It's fine, just don't do it again." "I'll go to sleep now" Mango sighed in a somber tone. "Hey, Mango" Lynx spoke softly "you didn't mean it, and you know what, you don't really have to go to sleep sleep. We can just stay up and watch those cartoons that you like until you go to sleep." Mango's eyes lit up "even though I've been bad, really!?" Winter rubbed his eyes before saying "Yep, let's get you set up on the floor." "No I'll get him set up on the floor, you will make soup" Lynx said authoritatively. "You're ordering me around?" Winter asked, already walking to the kitchen "you called me over here." She half yelled back as he got further "touché!" he shouted back now fully in the kitchen. 20 minutes and six blankets later they were all situated in the front room eating chicken noodle soup and watching Paw-Patrol. About an hour later the Tv was on 10% volume and Mango was sleeping. Winter took the dishes back to the kitchen and Lynx was on her phone in the front room. As he sat back down he sighed and asked her "Have I ever told you how incredible you are?" She laughed softly so as not to wake the kid up "once or twice but I wouldn't mind hearing it again." "Hmmm" he said before laying on her shoulder. He honestly should not have been as comfortable as he was but he was and at least in that moment he was okay with it.

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