Breakfast time!

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Winter groggily walks through the mansion that he's called a home since childhood. It is currently 4am and the reason that he is up this early is because he has mountains of papers to sign. You would think that he'd have more free time considering how he is the most overlooked person in his family but no. As it turns out being overlooked simply meant that you did all of the background stuff. Making sure that everyone and everything is in tip top shape because if it's not you are just the first person to get blamed. Winter was always looking after is family to make sure that if his sister or parents did anything wrong he was always able to fix it.

His mother had done something very wrong yesterday though. It was Icicle's first job interview and Tundra had called in to say and confirm that it would happen on the Wednesday of this week. What his mother seemingly forgot about though was that they were going to Snowfall's ballet recital the exact same time on the exact same day. So that means that he now has to call and reschedule as well as tell his mother why. And tundra hates being wrong. He gave an involuntary shudder at the thought of having to talk to his parent.

Before he does all of that though, he needs coffee. Winter is no stranger to burnout, he had been working on a presentation for school until 1am yesterday leaving him with only a 3 hour long nap before he started his day again. So instead of going into what is basically his office at this point Winter turns left at the door and heads toward the kitchen. As he nears the doors though Winter realizes that there is someone in there. He can see that the lights are on though the cracks and as he gets closer to the door he smells pancakes, bacon, and eggs. Winter gets even closer to the door and hears humming as well as a bit of singing.

"Hmmm, hmm hm hm, hm hmmmm hmmm
They're coming to save the day
Hmm, hmm hmm , hm hm
For they know what's right
The dragonets hooray."

There is then a sweet and melodic giggle that he could know from miles away. 'Lynx' he thinks to himself rather fondly. As much as he hates to admit it to himself Winter has grown quite smitten with his family's protector. She was one of the only people in this god forsaken place that didn't completely despise him. In fact, he would even go as far as saying that they were friends. They would help each other through anything and as often as they had responsibilities thrusted upon them it was quite the help to have someone in your corner. Whenever he thinks of her a soft smile spreads onto his face, completely unnoticeable to anyone who doesn't know him well.

If he was in his normal state of mind he might have reconsidered the very emotionally driven decision that he was about to make. He wasn't though, so that is why when he walked in on Lynx in a nightgown with a very cute messy bun looking so proud of herself for getting up earlier than him and making breakfast for the two of them. All that he could do was smile before kissing her on the forehead before making himself some coffee.

However, right after he had it, coffee seemed like a very bad idea because he had now come to realize what he had done. His face heated up and he spat out his coffee before quickly turning to Lynx who wasn't doing much better herself. Pushing away the fact that he thought she looked absolutely adorable and clueless while flustered he started to apologize. "Lynx, about earlier I am so so-"

"No" he was cut off by the protector "I-it's fine, I mean- I'm fine with it. Wait no-" Lynx cut herself off and simply stared very intensely at the floor. "I don't mind what you did. In fact it felt quite pleasant, though unexpected."

He stared at her for a minute before saying the coolest most suave thing Qibli had taught him.... "Oh." 'Yes' he thought to himself wryly 'what poetry.' He then tried to redeem himself "does that mean you wouldn't be opposed to doing it again?" Lynx's face burned hotter and she looked up shyly. "No, not at all"

Winter chuckled to himself before looking at her lips. As he got closer he looked to her for approval and got a smile and nod. That was all he needed.

Icicle pov
"Mother!" I yelled "yes dear?" She asked tiredly walking out of her room. "We're just gonna skip Snowfall's recital right?" I questioned. Winter walked out of the room and I ran up to him "why didn't you tell us about the dates or call anyone?" I asked (demanded). "Oh." Said Winter as if just realizing something. "I forgot." He smirked to himself slightly after that answer.
Lynx then appeared out of the same corner looking much less presentable than usual. "Oh, ms. Arctic and young mistress I apologize for looking so unprofessional I fell asleep in the kitchen." My mother seemed to allow the girl the excuse and let her go up to her room. "Asleep in the kitchen, forgot?" I mumbled to myself "they are both getting an ear full after this stupid interview."

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