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Winter was now in student council, why? Some might ask. Well, Qibli signed him up without his consent and the rest of his friends guilted him into accepting the position. His hope was that no one would vote for him, but alas here he was, helping people as the Vice President and kind of hating it. His group was composed of Tamarin, Anemone, Umber, and Lynx. The only person Winter was even remotely happy to see was Lynx, she had been transferred to his school on accident. But after she got into the place there was nothing that anyone could do to put her into a different school that wouldn't make Snowfall angry, so she stayed. In reality Lynx and him had been friends since they were seven and they had met each other at five years old. As soon as they had become actual friends Winter's parents were adamant about not letting them go to the same schools. So most of the talking they did was over the phone. They also both still aren't sure why they weren't allowed in the same schools so they pretend as though they don't know each other in case the reason was serious. Winter had just walked into the room and it was normal for him to be hours early so he decided to finish up some homework while he waited for the others to show up. What he was not expecting though, was for Lynx to show up almost ten minutes after he did and sit down. Before pulling out suggestions for the school trip that needed to be signed and frantically reading through all of them before deciding which would be discussed amongst the council and which were either pranks or just straight up out of the budget. With her in the room doing the jobs of the Communications director and the Treasurer, Winter was snapped out of the mindset to do homework and instead started helping her. In the middle of reading a proposal to see the movie "Spider-Man: into the spider verse" Winter sarcastically asked "you know that this isn't your job right?" The president smiled slightly before saying "yes, I do but it's just that both the people who need to do this are busy at the moment and I have nothing else to work on." "Not even the essay that we were just assigned like an hour ago?" He probed again before raising an eyebrow. She sighed before going back to work; but this time it was something different. She wasn't as calm as she usually was, and she was doing that thing where she licks and bites her lips ("enticingly" added his brain) when she was nervous. "Are you anxious about something; upset maybe?" Lynx looked up in surprise before smiling and saying "no, of course not. Why would you think that?" She then went to tapping her cheek with her index fingertip. He then moved closer to her before removing her hand. "I don't know maybe because you were doing one of your upset and nervous ticks." The girl quickly stopped biting her lips and her right hand went limp in his grasp. He looked at her expectantly his friend of ten years took a deep breath and uttered the stupidest question known to man "am I pretty?" Winter blinked at her for a few seconds before hitting himself discreetly and popping back to attention also saying "yeah, why are you asking?" She looked like she wanted to drown in her own embarrassment before saying "it's just that, I've seen your other friends and the people you hang out with and I'm happy with them they're all very nice and it has been a long time since I've seen you smile. It's just that all of your other female friends are nice, and pretty, and well endowed" she stopped to look down at her small chest. "I'm just wondering if I'm enough anymore, or maybe if you would want another person" she then stopped and smiled sadly.

Winter took a look at his friend and squinted his eyes in confusion because as hard as he tried to he couldn't find anything wrong with her physically. These also weren't normal concerns of hers; Lynx rarely focused on physical attributes and instead always wanted to try and see the best on the inside of a person, that was something he liked about her. Apparently he had stayed silent for too long because while at first she had looked slightly upset and nervous, when his eyes traced her face a second time she looked dejected. So he decided to ask a question "why do you want to know that now? You never have before" Lynx was hesitant before answering truthfully "Cryo said that I was too small, and my hair was too long, and gave a lot of other excuses as to why he broke up with me a month ago. While I am happy that he did end the relationship it has made me wonder weather or not my physical attributes make me less appealing to others" she looked a bit angry at what was probably herself probably knowing that this was kind of stupid. One day Winter was going to kill Cryo for affecting Lynx this deeply. But as of right now he had to convince her that she was fine. "I'm honestly a bit biased but I think you look fine. Your hair is long but that's not a bad thing, neither is the fact that you're short." He saw a slight smile cracking through the deep frown that she wore so he decided to try and continue but Before he could she asked a question. "What would you do if you were dating me, hypothetically, I mean?" He paused to think for a second before stating "well if I was your boyfriend I would hypothetically spoil you, probably like to take you places, also do your hair." He stopped himself realizing that he could go on but might scare her.

"I would like that, hypothetically, of course" she said smiling fully now. "right... hypothetically"  he said Winter had just realized how close their faces were to each other. Before anything he could regret happened though Anemone burst through the door scaring them both out of their trance and making them move further away from each other. "I need to find the prop- oh..." Anemone looked to her embarrassed leaders "did I interrupt anything cause it feels like I interrupted something" Lynx smiled towards the younger student and said "if you did it was your imagination" before giving her the papers that he had forgotten about and leaving the room. 'Right' he thought going back to his computer to do more work 'my imagination, it was all hypothetical anyway." Winter then distracted himself with the essay that was due in a week.

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