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As a freshman at school, I don't have any friends, especially since I look like this, I don't know how to fix myself yet. I was constantly bullied by my former classmates in elementary school. I am a quiet student. I’m not smart and I don’t want to talk to others.

I entered the classroom and I sat in the back, I looked around the room. The girl sitting in front of me looked at me and she smiled.

"Hi, I'm Aom." She reached out her hand  so I took it and we  shook hands.

"Gun Atthaphan." I replied to her.

Since that day, we have always eaten together and she admitted to me that she has a boyfriend, Off Jumpol. I'm very grateful that I didn't tell her that I liked a man named Off Jumpol. Because if I told her it would be very embarrassing because her boyfriend is the one I liked, I don't want to ruin their relationship and most of all I don't want to be a third party.

In fact, I became a bridge in their relationship, I was the only one who delivered their letter to each other but no one knew that I like Off except me. I don't show the motive that I like Off and I also don't flirt with him because as Aom's friend I respect their relationship and even if Aom is not my friend yet I will never flirt with Off if I know he's in a relationship. And I am the type of person that when I like them, I will never admit to them that I like them.

A few months later I met JingJing Yu, she is a lesbian but she liked me, she flirted with me for a few weeks and I agreed to be her boyfriend she is kind and beautiful so it's okay for me to have her as my girlfriend.

Two months later, I gradually fell in love with Jingjing but I still remained the bearer of Aom and Off's letter to each other.

No one knows that I'm gay but I don't know why I'm slowly falling in love for JingJing, maybe because I'm still a man and he's very sensible and sweet to me who wouldn't fall for that.

"Hey .. Babe what are you thinking?" JingJing asked me softly.

I shook my head at her. We are now in the cafeteria for lunch.

She kissed me on the cheek and before she got up from the chair. "Wait for me here I'll just get our food." I smiled at her before nodding.

I don't know but she treated me like I was her girlfriend and she was my boyfriend, I just let her do what she wanted to do and how she would treat me.

"Gun can you hand my letter to Off?" My thoughts were cut off as Aom spoke in front of me as she handed me the letter.

I looked at her, her eyes were sad and she was obviously crying, his eyes were swollen. "Sure! But are you crying? What happened to you? If there's a problem, you can tell me." I said worriedly to her.

She shook her head at me. I took the letter and put it inside my bag.

"Thank you Gun." She told me.

I chuckled before I spoke. "You're welcome and I'm your friend so you don't have to thank me." She smiled at me widely.

After Aom and I talked, JingJing came with our food. The two of us ate quietly and I told JingJing to wait for me in the classroom because I still had something to do and she agreed.

I went to Off's classroom to hand over Aom's letter. I saw Arm outside their classroom so I approached him to ask if Off is here.

"Excuse me can I ask?" Arm one of Off's friends nodded at me. "Is Off here?" He called Off inside the classroom.

When Off came out of the room he took me to the back of the classroom where there were no students to see us, I wondered why he brought me here.

I frowned at him. "Is everything alright?" I asked him. He nodded to me.

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