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"Mom I'll just visit Off but I'll go home right after."

I said to my mother as I fixed myself in front of the mirror. When I came home from school earlier, I received a lot of messages from Off. He explained to me why he didn’t go to school yesterday and today. I am exited to see my boyfriend now.

"Just make sure you're careful on the way home."

I approached her, she was busy hanging my clothes in the closet. I kissed her on the cheek before I left.

I didn’t tell Papi that I was going to visit at their house I wanted to surprise him. I miss him so much. It was close to five o'clock and I was just walking towards them.

Honestly I didn't doubt Off that the news that was spreading was true, I knew him very well so I knew he couldn't do that to me.

I was already in front of their gate, I fixed myself before I rang the doorbell. One of their maids let me into their house.

"Sir is at the back of the house."

I smiled and thanked her. I put my bag on the sofa and I went to the back of their house where there is a swimming pool and there Off often hangs out. I smiled remembering that we often hung out here.

Where is he?

I thought he was here, why is he not here?

Maybe he was in the little hut.

As I approached the small hut I heard a woman crying. Maybe Papi just scolded one of his maids that's why I could hear someone crying. It's getting dark and the breeze was cold.

"Off, I'm scared."

"Don't be afraid Aom! Look into my eyes!"

"What if daddy and mommy find out that I'm pregnant? What do I do?"

I stopped walking and just looked at the two of them talking, I could hear what they were talking about and it was as if a knife had been stabbed in my chest.

Off touched Aom's cheeks. "Look! I am ready to be a father to your son and I will never abandon you. We will explain this to your family and I know they will understand everything."

Aom's tears continued to flow down her cheeks from her eyes. My knees were shaking and I couldn’t help but cry.

My chest hurts!


How did you do this to me Off?!

All this time you just deceived me!

Is everything we do together just a lie?

Do you really feel anything for me? But if so, why did you get your ex girlfriend pregnant?

"How about Gun?"

He took a deep breath and looked at the sky. "Gun will  understand this and I will  explain everything to him."

After he spoke he smiled sweetly at Aom and put his hand on Aom's stomach.

Aom is pregnant?!

You're so stupid Gun! You fell into the trap, you thought he was sincere to you but the truth is, he is not.

I wanted to scream but no voice came out, just tears kept flowing down my cheeks and my heart was aching badly. I would have taken a step to approach them and ask what was going on but I didn't seem to need it anymore because Off kissed Aom on the forehead.

I have understood everything, I don't need an explanation. I turned around and walked slowly as I wiped away my tears. I picked up my bag on the sofa and hurried out of their house.

I ran towards my house. I tried to hold back my tears but they continued to flow. When I opened the door I went to the kitchen because I knew my mother was there, I stopped at the door and just looked at mother where she was sitting at the dinner table. Her forehead furrowed but she seemed to understand me, She opened her two arms and I ran to her and cried hard as we both hugged.

"Shhh .. Calm down my love, everything will be okay." She caresses my back and kisses my head. "After you cry we'll talk about something important." I just nodded at her.

I wanted to tell my mother everything that happened but from what I saw on her face it looks like she also has a problem now and I don't want her to think of anything else.

I cried for almost an hour before I calmed down. I sat properly next to mother and there I noticed that there were two airplane tickets, my forehead frowned and I looked at my mother who was just staring at the tickets.

"Forgive me son if I kept this a secret from you but we have to leave tomorrow."


That's the only answer I can think of. If we leave tomorrow does that mean I won't see Off and Aom again? I will live peacefully and so will they, this is my chance to start a new chapter in my life.

"Where will we go?"

She looked at me. "America."

I just smiled at my mother, I knew we were going to my real parents. When I was young, my mother always told me that my real parents lived in America.

"But what about the school? Were we there for a while?"

"Everything's already processed so don't worry, there's still time to tell your boyfriend about it."


For me he was no longer my boyfriend at the time he became the father of Aom’s son. But, will I be able to forget him? I love him so much but he cheated on me.

"Don't worry mom there's nothing between us."

My mother's eyes widened. "How?" She caresses my cheek gently. "Is that why you go home crying?" I just nodded to my mother and hugged her while I cried again.

Now I understand that people who are broken hearted, the pain they feel is not a joke, it's very painful as if there is a knife buried in your heart.

Maybe God has a reason why this happened to the two of us.

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