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"Papi. I want to tell you something."

We have a date today and we are on the beach now sitting on the sands while our hands are intertwine.

"What are you going to tell me?" He answer me while looking at the waves.

"Next year, can you not be too clingy to me just like you often do to me like hug me and kiss me on the cheek."

Honestly, last night I thought about it carefully if what I thought was right. I don't want to have an issue while I'm working as a student council secretary at school. I hope he understands me and he won’t get mad at me.

He turned his attention to me. "Why?" He frowned when he asked me.

"I just don't want to get involved in any issue, I want to take care of my position." I said softly.

He smiled at me and squeezed my cheek with one of his hands. "I'll let you, if you're not at school, I can hug you and kiss you." I smiled and nodded at him.

Off is a very romantic person, you wouldn't think he's only 15 years old if he can handle a relationship, he's very mature when it comes to everything.

As time went on my love for him deepened, maybe I wouldn’t be able to cope if he left me. If we weren't destined for each other, I'm still very grateful that I met him but I hope we are destined for each other.

"We have to go home as the sun goes down."

I did not notice that the sun was setting. The two of us got up and we took a walk on the beach for a few minutes before going home.

When I got home I saw my mother waiting for me in the living room. I sat next to her and looked at her face carefully, my mother is happy now and I need to know what is the reason for the smiles on her lips.

"You look happy now mom your smiles aren't the same as before." She giggled.


I nodded.

She showed me her phone and I looked at it carefully. My mom used a dating app and she chatted with an anonymous guy and this is the reason she smiles? Is my mother okay or maybe she went hungry. I raised an eyebrow at her but she ignored me and she went to the kitchen with a big smile drawn on her lips.

"God what happened to my mother?"


9 months later.

Now we are in grade 9 and my friends and I are still in the same class and most of all my boyfriend who is the most handsome is still my classmate.

Everything went well, especially my duties as a secretary and as Off's boyfriend. But I seem to be looking for Off's clingyness to me the same as before, but I don't know how to tell him because I'm ashamed to open up to him in such a thing.

"Why isn't Off here yet?"

Mild whispered to me that he was obviously wondering and I was also wondering why he wasn't there yet and our first period  will start in a few minutes.

The bell rang but Off was still not here. I'm worried because I'm not used to him not being late or absent without letting me know. Our teacher, Mr. Prachaya, entered our room.

"Good morning students."

We stood up and also greeted him then he taught immediately. I don't understand anything he taught and I'm also confused about other subjects because my mind is busy thinking about what happened to Off.

After our class I quietly followed my friends to the cafeteria and they noticed I was sad and even in eating my food I had no appetite. I want to eat with Off but he's gone now and I've missed him.

"Gun, the President is looking for you." The student said as he approached our table.

I just nodded and said goodbye to my friends. "Come to me when Off comes in this afternoon, because he hasn't updated me yet and I can't contact him either." I told them and just nodded their head.

I went to the student council room, when I arrived I saw Oab sitting there with his arm crossed. "Gun, inform the other student councils that there is a program to be held tomorrow and we will be in charge of decorating the stage." After he spoke, he handed me some envelopes. "Give that to the teachers."

I accepted what he handed me and I nodded at him. When I was going to leave, he suddenly changed his mind and accompanied me to hand out envelopes to the teachers.

"Have you been dating Off for a long time?" Oab asked me while we were both carrying flowers for stage design.

"Just last year." I replied to him.

When we arrived at the stage, the other members were already there and they were starting to decorate the stage. I approached Arm and New.

"You look dead."

"New. Am I the one you're referring to.?"

"Who else do you think I'm referring to?" He teased me.

We were all happy as we decorated the stage and when our work was over we headed home. I wasn’t really in the mood all day. I walked inside the house and wondered why my mother was so serious while staring at her phone.

I was sitting next to her but she didn’t notice me, is mom too addicted to the dating app? "Mom?" She just raised an eyebrow at me.

"What happened to you mom? Your eyes almost popped out while looking at the phone." I removed my bag and placed it on the table.

"Guns." I turned to her.

Suddenly the expression on her face changed, before she was serious but now she was becoming sad. Is my mother bipolar?

"Do you remember the conversation I showed you from the anonymous man I met on online dating?" I nodded to her. "We were talking and he shared something with me about his son."

I'm curious about what mom said. "And?"

She looked at our family picture before looking at me. "He found out that his son was dating a man and he could not accept that his son was gay."

Suddenly I choked on my own saliva so I started coughing. "He was very mean to his son." Fortunately, my mother accepted me for what my sexuality was, she didn't hesitate to accept me for who I really am.

My mother took a deep breath. "I told him that he should understand his son but he didn't listen to me, that's why I told him that I also have a gay son which I loved so much."

I felt relieved when I heard what she said. I smiled at her and hugged her after we hugged she went to the kitchen to cook and I went to my room.

My phone rang so I turned it on and read the message from Off. "I’m sorry if I just went online and I apologize because I didn’t tell you I wasn’t going to school. Goodnight and I love you baby😘."

I didn’t replay him and I turned off my phone. I'm mad at him, doesn't he think about how I feel? I worry about him all day and then he just chat me like that? He should have called me because I missed hearing his voice.

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