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I woke up early and after I fixed myself I went out of my room and went to the kitchen to have breakfast. I didn't sleep well last night because I'm thinking hard about what we argued last night. I have to apologize to him because I know I said something bad to him, I shouldn't talk back to my father like that but he was also wrong.

"Has my dad left yet?" I asked the maid.

"Not yet sir." She politely answered me.

I just nodded to her and sat down at the table where someone had prepared food for me. After I ate I went to my dad’s room, I wanted to talk to him about what we had argued about last night. I knocked on his room but no one answered so I grabbed the doorknob and slowly opened the door.

I saw him sitting on his bed while just staring at his phone. I approached him and sat down next to him. He turned to me and I just smiled weakly. I took a deep breath and tapped his shoulder softly.

"I want to apologize to you for what I said yesterday. I know I hurt your feelings for what I said but you hurt me too." I said sincerely.

He put his phone on the bed. "Forgive me too if I have said hurtful words to you." I nodded at him and he tapped me on the shoulder. "I know I haven't been a good father to you but I realized last night that I should let you where you are happy as long as it doesn't hurt you."

My jaw dropped when I heard what my father told me. I am happy because my father accepts me where I will be happy but I also wonder how he accepted me so easily.

"Don't be surprised, someone just advised me that I should accept what my son's sexuality is." I smiled at dad and hugged him tightly.

He giggled when I suddenly hugged him. My father is kind except for being a womanizer but I have no intention of inheriting that from him. And I know he has changed too, he doesn't want to repeat what he went through before.

"And I already ordered your new phone, it'll be there soon." I nodded at him.

After we talked I went to my room and I realized that I was late for my class today so I just went to the bathroom to take a shower while I waited for my new phone. After I took a bath I got dressed, I leaned on the headboard of my bed while I was holding a book. I'll just read, I won't go to school this morning, maybe later in the afternoon. I was engrossed in what I read until I finished the book.

I'm worried about Gun, maybe he's worried about me now and I know he doesn't want me not to update him on what happened to me today. I also ask them if they have loads but their only answer is ‘none’. It's been afternoon but my new phone hasn't arrived yet.


"Sir, your phone has arrived."

I hurried to get up from my bed to open the door, the maid handed me my new phone. "Thank you." I closed the door and opened my new phone to insert the sim card. I didn't realize it was night, Gun was definitely worried about me.

I texted him. "I’m sorry if I just went online and I apologize because I didn’t tell you I wasn’t going to school. Goodnight and I love you baby😘." I waited a few minutes for his reply until I fell asleep.



"Gun Atthaphan Phunsawat! Wake up, before I break down your door!" I immediately got out of my bed because I knew my mother was not joking. "You'll be late for class if you don't hurry there."

I looked at the clock. "Fuck! I'm really late!" I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth then hurriedly got dressed. "Mom, I'm not going to have breakfast. I'm late." I told her as I hurriedly put on my shoes.

When I arrived at school I was wondering why the students were looking at me, they were whispering ang they had different reactions but I ignored them and I immediately went to my room. 

I entered the classroom where they were all staring at me and traces of concern and pity on their faces. I just shrugged and sat down in my chair.

"Do you know the news that is spreading throughout our school?" Mild whispered to me.

I turned to her and frowned. Does this have anything to do with me? "What is it?"

She closed her eyes tightly and held my hands before taking a deep breath. I was suddenly nervous, what is the news that is spreading here on campus? Whatever it was, it would have nothing to do with me, especially since I am one of the student councils.

"There's a rumor that Off and Aom aren't really breaking up." She said sadly.

I was stunned by what I heard, my whole body suddenly stiffened and I was sweating. I need to calm down, Off and I have been together for a long time. We don’t fight often because we don’t hide anything and we love each other.

"How did you say that? I mean, it's as if you believe in the news that is spreading without any certainty whether it's true or not." I let go of her grip and just looked outside.

What if it's true?

That's not possible!

"I'll show you something." She scrolled through her phone and showed me some pictures.

I grabbed his phone and stared at the pictures. Aom and Off are hugging and I can see in the picture that Aom is crying. What happened? Maybe Aom just has a problem and as Aom's friend, Off needs to comfort Aom.

I breathed a sigh of relief at my thought. I calmly handed her back her phone. I shouldn’t believe the news until I hear Off’s explanation and other than that I have a lot of trust in Off.

I don't think he will go to school today because it's late and he's not here yet. I looked for my phone in my bag, maybe he texted me and I never talked to him last night. I've been looking for a few minutes but I still can't find my phone, maybe I left it at home since I was in a hurry earlier.

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