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Two days have passed and our situation here at home is not good, as if the enemies have been combined into a group that does not get along and always fighting. And that's our situation here now, I don't know how long I can handle this.

I called Mild last night because I wanted to know something about Off. She told me that we would just talk here at Off's house and I agreed. I just want to know what really happened.

I get hurt every time I see Off that he became like that because of me.



This is not the position I dreamed of in his life. I want to be the source of his happiness, the reason for his smiles, when he is at the lowest point of his life I am there to support him, I want to be there always by his side whether his happy or not.

Am I selfish if that's what I want?

"You're thinking deeply."

I was startled when someone suddenly spoke behind me. Mild sat next to me where we were on the edge of the pool. I smiled at her.

"How are you?" I asked her.

She looked up at the sky before looking at me. "I'm okay. How are you? I don't think you're okay." She said sadly to me.

The other day she was so angry with me that she almost slapped me. It's a good thing New stopped her but I wonder why she's so gentle with me now.

"How can you say that?"

She chuckled and patted my head. "Forgive me for what I did when we met the other day. I honestly don't know whose side I'm on whether it's yours or Off's."


"You want to talk to me because of Off?" I nodded at her. I have a lot of questions but I don’t know which one to ask her first.

"Why do you want to know what happened to him before? Don't tell me that you still love him until now or you feel guilty because you left him?"

I just lower my head and stared at the pool. I was ashamed of Mild but I was more ashamed of myself. I don't know how to answer her questions to me. My tears were slowly falling and my chest suddenly tightened.

She suddenly pulled me and hugged me. I cried out loud as I hugged her. She caressed my back, each caress she made my back made me cry even more.

When I calmed down from crying she suddenly asked me.

"Why did you leave suddenly before?"

I told her the whole story of why I left. I left not only because of what I saw and heard that night, I left because I wanted to be with my real mother even in a short time. Her condition was not good because she could not cope with the death of my father.

"I wanted to say goodbye to him that night soo I went to him even at midnight." I couldn’t stop my tears from dripping. "But I saw them kissing." I slipped out of her embrace and wiped away my tears.

"I was blinded by what I saw, I was angry, I wanted to approach them but I thought not to. I decided not to say goodbye to him even to my friends as my revenge on him."

I smiled at Mild even though I was in so much pain and my tears continued to flow. I’m the only one who knows how I really feel even my parents didn’t know I cried almost every fucking night for a few years.

But now, I'm here in front of my friend crying while telling the story because I want someone to know what I went through. I also want Papi to know how much pain he gave me. Mild touched my face, I looked into her eyes, there were tears forming in her eyes.

"I'm really sorry ... I didn't know that you were having a hard time, I thought it was just Off." She was crying.

I wiped away her tears and said it was okay and she didn’t have to apologize because I should be the one to blame, I included them even though they were innocent, I didn't even think about how my friends felt.

"Mild. I want to know what happened to Off back then, even though it hurt what he did to me. I still want to know what he went through during the times I was away."

She smiled at me. "You still care about him even if there's nothing between the two of you." I giggled at what she said.

I really thought that when I was still in America I had moved on with him but when I saw him, I realized that I still love him, he is still the one my heart cries out for in spite of everything.

"It seems that... what you witnessed that night was wrong, even what you heard about the two of them talking that night. Off and Aom have no relationship and the child that Off will be responsible for, is not his child."

My jaw dropped, I couldn’t believe what I heard. "If that's not Off's child then why would he be responsible for Aom's pregnancy and most of all why did they kiss?" I frowned as I looked at Mild.

I wonder what happened before and what I hear now. Did I just overreact before? But why didn't he tell me that Aom was pregnant and he had to take responsibility for that.

She shook her head. "I don't know what you heard that night and the kiss you saw, but listen carefully and I'll tell you what really happened."

Mild pov.

10 years ago.

The next day when you didn't go to school, we thought you were tired from all we did at school so you didn't go because you might want to rest. Off went to school and he was sad that day, he obviously had no sleep and he was stressed.

He asked us why you were absent and our only answer to him was that we didn’t know maybe you were just resting but we were surprised when he said you didn’t reply and couldn’t be contacted.

"Just go to their house later after class." New suggested to Off.

We even asked him if you fought but he said no, maybe you just got angry with him because he didn't tell you that he can't go to school.Tay asked him what his problem was because he was always thinking deeply and sighing.

After class we decided to accompany him to your house because maybe you got sick that's what we thought because you didn't reply to us and couldn't be contacted. When we got to your house we knocked a few times and we called your name but no one answered. Until the old woman approached us.

"Who are you?"

"We're Gun's friends."

The old woman frowned. "You're his friend but you don't know they don't live here anymore?"

We all looked at each other and couldn't believe that you didn't live in your house. I looked at Off and he was really shocked by the news. Arm approached him and patted his shoulder as he comforted Off.

"Are you sure about what you said grandma?" Off asked almost in tears.

The old woman nodded and looked at your house. "Yes, they just left this morning and my grandson helped them load their luggage into the taxi."

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