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Where did Gun put his bag, why isn’t it here? I rummaged in my room to find Gun's bag until I found it just under the blanket, maybe he put it here earlier while we were taking a picture.

I opened his bag to get the script but as I was rummaging through his bag to find the script I noticed a blue notebook with paper stuck in it. Maybe the paper stuck to it is the script. I picked up the notebook and opened it to pick up the paper.

I'm right, the script stuck in the notebook is our script. When I picked up the paper, I noticed something written in the notebook, I didn't want to read it but it seemed like someone pushed me to read it so I just read it.

'My First Love' was written on the front of the notebook. I flipped the notebook over and opened the back of it. It's my habit that when I'm holding a notebook, I open the back first because I know there are things written on the back that are important. Well, not all students are like that, there are others who only see signatures or drawings on the back of their notebooks.

When I opened the back of his notebook, I cried because I was so happy to read what was written on it. 'By the time you read this Mr. Off Jumpol, I can say, you have read everything written in this notebook. I have nothing to hide anymore, you already know everything and this time, by using my bullpen and notebook I want to ask you.'

'Can I take care of your heart?'

I sat up in my bed and wiped away my tears. I just stared at his notebook but I didn't read what else was written because I wanted him to give me permission to read his diary.

I respected him and I read enough from his dairy, no matter how much I wanted to read everything but I don’t want him to get mad at me for the reason that I read his notebook without permission from him. I just looked at what I read earlier while smiling. It's true what JingJing told me that Gun loves me.

"Yes Gun, you can take care of my heart." I can’t explain how happy I am right now.

"What are you reading?"

I was startled when suddenly someone spoke, I looked at him. The big smile on my lips was suddenly erased and I panicked I didn't know what to do, I was nervous. I was looking for the script and suddenly his diary slipped from my hand. He picked up his notebook from the floor and his eyes widened.

I know we're both nervous now, he backed away a bit and leaned against the wall. I just stared at him as he held the notebook. I don’t know what I should say to him. Silence enveloped the entire room, no one spoke to the two of us. He slowly made his way to the door.

Wouldn’t he ask me what I read? We should talk about it. I stood up and approached him, I hugged him from behind. He tried to remove my hug from him, so I tightened my hug even more.

"Let me go." He said as he continued to remove my hands.

"No." I said softly.

Slowly I removed my hands from his waist, he turned to me and I saw tears running down his cheek from his eyes. I was devastated to see him crying in front of me.

"I'm sorry if I read your diary but I didn't mean to read what was written on the back of your notebook." I calmly told him, I wiped his tears with my hands.

He looked me straight into my eyes. "Did you read everything?"

I shook my head at him. "I only read the one on the back." I smiled at him and his cheek suddenly turned red. "And yes, you can take care of my heart, my heart is yours and it's always yours." I took his hand and placed it on my chest to let him know that he was the only one in my heart.

He smiled at me as his tears flowed, I pulled him closer to me and hugged him. I caress his back to comfort him. "I love you Gun." I whispered to him.

He looked up at me. "You don't know how happy I am." After he spoke he buried his face in my chest.

I thought he would be mad at me but he wasn't. "Will you be my boyfriend?" I whispered to him again.

He slowly nodded his head at me. I hugged him tightly and he hugged me too. After a long hug the two of us also let go and we laughed at what happened earlier. He said, right now he is not ready for me to read his diary and I respect his decision. I'm happy that I finally don't have to wait any longer for him to be my boyfriend.

"Peng. What are you doing there? Arm and I have been waiting on the other side for a while." Tay complained so I opened the door.

He looked me up and down. "Ohoo. What are you two doing?" he said mischievously.

I just rolled my eyes at him and called Gun and we went to the other room to start our vlog. While we were doing the vlog I often looked at Gun. He's cute especially when his cheeks turn red when he looks at me.

"There seems to be something between the two of you." Arm whispered to me as we looked at Gun.

I just hit his head and shook my head at him. Right now, I don't want to tell my friends that Gun and I are in a relationship, I want to talk to Gun first if he will agree or not.

We continued what we were doing, after Gun and I finished our vlog we also helped Tay and Arm with their vlog. It was afternoon we finished our project and now we are here in our living room eating a snack while watching a movie.

"Off, my mom is looking for me." Arm showed me his phone. I just nodded at him and turned my attention back to the TV. "I'll go home first, I'm sorry my mom is looking for me."

We stopped the movie first and accompanied Arm to the garage where his car was. When Arm left, the three of us continued watching the movie until we no longer knew what time it was.

"Peng, can I just sleep here at your house? I'm too lazy to go home." Tay said to me as he was going upstair.

I leaned on the sofa. "Even if you live here, it's okay with me." He just laughed at me.

"I like your friendship." Gun said and he giggled.

I smiled at him. "Cute." He hit my arm softly. "Do you want to go home or do you want to spend the night here?" I asked him.

He blushed again. "No, my mother will kill me."

I took his hands and looked him in the eye. " I can't promise I won't make you cry, that I won't hurt you but all I can promise is that I will love you until my last breath."

He smiled at me before nodding."You are my first love and my first boyfriend. Please, take care of my heart." He took a deep breath. "I'm ready to cry for you and be hurt as long as you don't leave me. I won't tire of loving you."

I couldn't stop my tears from falling. "I'm your first love and first boyfriend. Me too, you are my first love and first boyfriend." I said happily.

After we talked, We had dinner first and the three of us happily chatted at the dinner table. After we had dinner, I drove Gun to their house.

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