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Mild pov.

We accompanied Off to their house and spent the night there. We couldn’t afford to leave Off because we were afraid he would do something bad to himself. He always asks us what is the reason for your disappearance.

He called his brother and asked for help to find you all over the place here in Thailand. A few weeks later we watched him even more closely because he was slowly losing himself. We had already done everything but he didn’t want to talk to us and he wanted to be alone.

Aom and Off both have a big problems but the reason is not the same.

"Don't stress too much, that's not good for your baby."

"I also helped find Gun but they couldn't find him. Even at the airport they looked for Gun but still nothing." She gasped.

"We all didn't think that Gun would suddenly disappear without even saying goodbye to us."

Off's father also joined in the search for you. And he is very angry with you because you left his son after his son chose you. Off fought you with his father, he didn't go to school because he fixed something that would be good for both of you.

Four months later, Off was still the same, he only ate once a day and always locked himself in his room. He lost weight and was depressed. We are already worried about him.

Who would have thought that a 16 years old guy would truly love you but you left him.

Many more months passed and his grandfather died. He inherited his grandfather’s wealth and it was there that we saw gradual change for himself. But he still believes that you will come back to him and explain why you left him.

He loved you so much. Everything from you he kept it well because he wanted to appreciate it as much as he appreciated you. While studying he ran the company at an early age. He drowned himself at work until he was tired of waiting for you to return.

Two years ago, he gave up waiting for you. He was tired and hopeless. For him, you were a good thing that happened in his life even though it hurts him.



It was as if my heart was torn in excruciating pain. I don’t think I just misunderstood everything that happened before. I was carried away by my feelings, I didn't listen to Papi's side. We both suffered for no good reason.

"I'm sorry Papi.." I burst into tears.

The pain I’m feeling now can’t be compared to how Off suffered before. I'm sorry for hurting you, I didn't mean to hurt you.

"Now that you know everything that happened before, don't blame yourself. Everything that happened had a reason." I looked at Mild. She smiled at me.

"Thank you." I whispered to her. After we talked, Mild said goodbye to me. I thanked her because she told me even though I knew she hated me before.

Now, I don’t know how to talk to Off about it. How do I explain to him? Shall I say that, 'I left you before because I was carried away by my feelings?'

No! That's a stupid reason.

I was anxious as I thought about how I would explain it to him. Will he listen to me? I want the two of us to get along without resentment. He will be my step brother in a few months so everything should be clear before that day comes.

"Didn't I tell you before not to bite your nails when you're thinking about something or when you're stressed?"

I turned my back to face the owner of that voice. As usual, his expression was the same. He looks like a living dead, his face is dull even though he has a handsome face, wears expensive and beautiful clothes, his face is still empty.

'I'm sorry Papi, forgive me if I left you before without saying goodbye' are words I want to say to him but I can't because I'm disgusted with myself why I left him before.

It's too late.

I can’t go back to those times and many unexpected things happened. Shall I tell him? I want to apologize to him even if he doesn't forgive me, it's okay as long as I can apologize to him.


There is concern in his voice. He held me by the shoulder, so I looked straight into his face. His eyes were full of worry, his lips as if he wanted to say something but he couldn't.

If I hadn't left here and gone to America maybe I would still be loved by this person in front of me. The only thing I did wrong was that I left without letting him know. I wish I hadn't rushed into my decisions before.

He suddenly touched my cheek and wiped the tears running down my cheek. I didn't realize I was crying. "Do you miss your mother?"

It was so nice to hear his calm voice. I did not speak and slowly closed my eyes. My heart sunk every time I remember what Mild told me earlier.

If I only had the ability to stop the time, I would have done it. Call me selfish but I want us to stay this close to each other.

"I -I'm sorry Off... If I left before w-without saying goodbye to you. I -I'm so stupid because.... I -I thought you cheated on me."

I knelt down in front of him while crying. I can't control how I feel anymore. It's like, it's going to explode if I don't take it out.

"I'm sorry, I -I'm truly sorry... I  did not ask you to forgive me because I deserve it. But, I want you to know that I regret it."

"I -I really... r -really regret it!"

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