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I parked my car in the garage but I was wondering why daddy's car was here, I thought he didn't want to come here anymore. Since mama died, daddy doesn't want to come back here because he doesn't want to remember the painful past he and mommy went through.

I went to the kitchen to drink some water. I saw daddy staring at the flower on the table. "Good evening dad." I greeted him and I would have kissed him on the cheek but he turned away. "Ohoo. Before, you wanted my kiss now you don't."

I sat down while holding the glass. "Why did you suddenly come home here? You haven't come home here for years. What's the reason for you coming home? I my phone from my bag and looked to see if Gun had a message for me.

He took a deep breath and clenched his jaw. "I haven't been with you for three years, but the path you have taken in your life has changed. "I cringed at him.

What does dad mean? I have studied well and I have not done anything bad that is not good for me." What do you mean? "

He handed me an envelope. I picked it up and opened what was in it that made dad angry, even though he didn’t say he was angry with me I could see that in the expression on his face that he was angry.

"You're an Perawat then that's your girlfriend, a FAGGOT?!  You're a disgrace to our family!" His eyes glazed over with anger and he was disgusted as he pointed to the envelope.

I was annoyed when he said faggot. I pulled out what was inside the envelope. These are pictures of Gun and me, different shots and locations. What does this mean? he followed me or he took it on the internet.

"What’s wrong if I love men instead of women?" I calmly asked him.

He put one hand on his waist while the other he pointed to our pictures. "A FAGOT ?!" He said angrily to me.

My blood heats up, I can't stand him insulting Gun like that. "You don't have the right to call my boyfriend a fagot because you don't know him! And one more thing, I don't have your last name 'Perawat' so don't dictate to me who I must love! "

My last name is not Perawat because when my mom gave birth to me they were not married and they did not know each other. Mom had no intention of letting my dad know that she was pregnant the night something happened to them at the party, but my dad found out about it through mom’s friend and he held my mom accountable so that's why they got married and got together.

He pointed at me. "Whether you like it or not, leave that man!" After he spoke he left and he could not wait for me to speak again.

I won’t follow what he told me, I can’t afford to break up with the person I loved the most. I will fight him no matter what happens as long as he doesn't leave me.

I picked up the photos and put them in my bag before I went upstairs. When I entered my room, I threw my bag on the table and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

While I was taking a bath, I couldn't get my mind off what my dad was saying to me. What happened to me was remarkably similar to the movies and series I watched. Parents always objected to their children when they liked the same sex.

The brain can be commanded but the heart cannot dictate who it wants to beat.

I will do everything so that dad understands me and I will not give up even if he rejects me as his child.

After I take a shower I put on my mightware  and look for my phone. I've searched the whole room but I still can't find my phone. I went down and went to the kitchen maybe that's where I left earlier.

When I still couldn't find my phone, I asked the helpers if they had seen my phone but they only answered 'no'. It only means one thing, that dad has my phone. I went to dad's room and when I arrived I immediately knocked on his room softly.

"Dad do you have my phone?"

He opened the door and raised an eyebrow at me. "I broke it and threw it in the trash so you wouldn't have any contact with that man."

I've run out of patience with him, I want to respect him but he's too much. "Are you like that to me now? Before I'm not angry with you and I still respect you despite everything you've done to my mom. You cheated on my mother, how many women have you slept with? There are many, I can't even count the number of them. What’s worse is you got one of them pregnant. I’m done with nothing wrong, but if you can judge the person I lo-"My words were cut of when he spoke.

"atleast I didn't have sex with gays!" He slammed the door loudly.

I punched the door and spoke. "Think carefully about what you said before I forget you became my father!"

I hurried to the trash can and saw that my phone was broken, I took the sim card and went back to my room. I am angry with my dad, he is proud that he cheated on my mother. He was a foolish man, he thought of nothing else but for his own happiness only.

I am so thankful that my mother divorced him. They separated when I was 5 years old and dad just realized that he loved my mother after 2 years but my mother didn't want him anymore.

I'm not sleepy, I'm thinking about how my loved one is doing. I'll buy a new phone tomorrow. I looked at Gun's picture.

"Goodnight love, I hope you sleep well."

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