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"Gun. Are you sick?" Mild asked me.

I shook my head at her.

"Then why are you like that?" Namtan said.

I looked at them, the four of them were equally worried about me and I could see that in their faces. I took a deep breath before telling the story about last night that Off called me.

They frowned at me. "A -and? What's the reason?" Jane asked in astonishment.

I smiled awkwardly at them. "To say hello to me?" I told them, right now I can't say that Off and I are talking about anything else.

They don’t believe what I say, they are whispering in front of me. I just rolled my eyes at them.

Mild approached me and whispered. "So you slept late last night?" She giggled.

Their eyes widened at me. "What the f*ck! Of course not!" I said nervously.

I certainly can’t escape them teasing me about Off. I left the classroom and went to the comfort room to calm myself. I looked at myself in the mirror. "Gun clam down." I closed my eyes as I calmed myself.

"Hi, good morning baby."

I was shocked when I heard Off's voice. I slowly opened my eyes. In the mirror I could see Off's reflection and he smiled at me. Oh ... God he's handsome and his smiles are so beautiful to look at.

He slowly approached me and gently patted my shoulder. "Don't stare at me like that because from now on I'll always be by your side." He told me.

I was stunned by what he was saying, but I managed to turn to him and talk to him softly. "Really? Maybe you're like before that you suddenly disappear like a bubble." When I realized what I had told him my whole body suddenly went cold with extreme shame. What if he thinks I’m waiting for him?

He giggled. "I didn't think you were waiting for me, as far as I know you don't want to flirt with me anymore." He brought his face close to mine and lifted my chin. "I promise it won't happen again." I could feel his breathing warmly, our lips were barely touching as we were so close to each other.

My heart seems to come out of my chest, it's beating faster and faster. I think he can hear my heartbeat. We were in the same position for a few minutes before I pushed him away from me.

"N-no. Not like that, I wasn't waiting for you. A -and why would I wait for you." I stuttered telling him.

He leaned against the wall before he clapped me while a big smile clung to his lips. "Did i make your heart flutter?" My eyes widened at him and I was disgusted with what he was saying to me.

I smirked at him and denied what he told me. "No." I answer him seriously.


He just shrugged his shoulders. "They say the mouth can lie but the eyes and heart can't."

After he spoke, I went out immediately before he could see my blushing face. Yeah.. I am madly in love with him. I'm so happy that he will be my classmate now, I don't have to hide far away to see him.

I can see him closer now but I have to be careful that he doesn't know that I really love him. I know it's widespread all over the campus that I like him but I never admitted that it was true. I don’t know who is spreading that.

"Gun did you see Off?" Tay asked me. I shook my head and I pretend I don’t see him so I can avoid the teasing of my classmates and friends towards me.

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