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Ring... Ring...I woke up to the sound of my phone, I picked it up and looked at who called me 'Peng' I answered Tay's call.

"Yes?" I said to him as I yawned.

"Get your ass! Arm and I have been here waiting outside your house!" Tay complained to me.

I looked at what time it was 6:35 am, I turned off the call and took the towel and went into the bathroom to take a shower. After I took a shower I got dressed and fix myself. I grabbed a sandwich before I left the house, it was enough for my stomach. I can't go to school on an empty stomach, I can't afford that.

When I came out of the house I saw Tay t Arm talking while leaning against the car. They are my friends. The three of us grew up together, but last year Tay didn't study here. He was studying in Italy, but he came back in Thailand to continue his studies here.

Tay is smart, he will definitely be in the first section and my beloved Gun is also there. When he said last year that he would come back here to study, Arm and I agreed to study hard so that the three of us could be classmates.

At first glance,  I'm already in love with Gun, I couldn't get him out of my mind when I saw him last year at the gate, but the sad thing is that Aom became my girlfriend at that time.

Aom was my neighbour and she became my friend. Unfortunately, our parents wanted us to get married on our 18th birthday. We didn’t want it because we didn’t like each other, but we loved our parents so we just agreed to be lovers.

All the sweets we showed our parents every time we had a family dinner were just fake until they heard us talking about our relationship, at first they were furious but eventually they also accepted the fact that we weren’t love each other.

But I was still hurt when I caught her cheating on me, even though I didn’t love her the fact that we were in a relationship, she shouldn’t have done that to me.

"Miracle that you are studying well now?" That snapped me out of my thoughts. I just smiled at Tay.

"Do you remember what I told you last week?" Arm asked Tay as he drove the car.

Tay nodded at him. "Is Gun the reason he became diligent in his studies?" Arm looked at Tay and he nodded and they suddenly laughed out loud before turning to me.

I frowned at them. "W -what?" Tay patted me on the shoulder gently.

"Peng, whatever you want we will accept you as long as you are happy, remember that." Tay said to me and Arm agreed with him.

I'm not afraid to let my friends know that I like Gun, I know they understand me and they won't judge me who I want to love.

We chatted on the way to our school. When we arrived at school we were in a hurry to go to our classroom because we were a few minutes late.

As we were at the door of our room my heart pounded even louder, our teacher stopped speaking and turned to us while holding a paper. All eyes on the students were looking at us but I was not embarrassed I smiled at our teacher and apologized for being late on the first day of school.

"You shouldn't be late next time." The three of us nodded. "Okay, you can sit down."

As our other classmates continued to introduce themselves we sat behind Gun where there were four seats vacant. He has changed a lot now, he is no longer the same as before in how he dresses but now he has changed, as well as her hair style.

I know he can't believe I'm going to be his classmate. Earlier when he saw me at the door his eyes almost spit out because he saw me or maybe he misses me.

One of Gun's friends turned to us. "I didn't know you were hiding some intelligence." She smirked after she spoke.

"I'll tell you a little information about him, he's just the first honor in our class before from grade one to grade six." Tay replied. This dude doesn't miss anything, not even a woman.

He raised an eyebrow at me. "Well, let's see if he can beat New when it comes to intelligence." And she rolled her eyes before settling into the seat.

Tay was annoyed that he wanted to speak but I stopped him knowing that Tay's patience was superficial. After the other students introduced themselves, Gun's name was called. I looked at him and listened carefully to him while smiling.

He stood up nervously and played with the hem of his uniform. "Hello everyone, I know some of you already know me, I'm Gun Atthaphan, 14 years old. I love to read and cook delicious food." After he spoke he turned to me before sitting down and I smiled at him.

My heart is dancing with my ecstasy now. When my name was called I stood up smiling I looked at Gun who was sitting in front of me. "Hello, I'm Off Jumpol, 14 years old." I’m still wondering what my habit is because I haven’t had any passions since then. "Maybe my habit is... to eat." They all laughed.

I sat back in my chair. All day we did was introduce ourselves to our teacher. I miss Gun so much but now I will continue my failed courtship with him. Last year I stopped flirting with him because I had to study hard to increase my grades so I could catch up with him.

I know he is smart but he also has weaknesses when it comes to subjects like Math and English. Me on the other hand, a lot of people say I’m smart but I also have weaknesses like being left alone.

When my mother died after I graduated from 6th grade, I was very sad and I always cried. My studies were also affected but because of Gun and the return of my friend Tay, I was encouraged to study hard again.

"Peng. New's cute but it's a bit scary because he's always frowning and he looks like he's going to eat us when he looks at us." Tay broke the silence as we got in the car to go home.

I just nodded at him but  Arm pulled him and stared at him carefully. "Don't tell me you like him?" Tay just chuckled. "Ohooo. So .. All my friends are gay? I'm the only one straight in this group." Arm said while pretending to cry.

I just shook my head at him, this Arm is really very dramatic. I don't know if he will still be like this if he has a girlfriend someday.

When I got home I hurriedly took a shower and got dressed before I faced my laptop. Gun still didn't accept my friend request from him on Facebook. I took my phone and my notebook where Gun's phone number was written earlier. I got it from Mr. Prachaya at first he didn't want to give it to me but eventually he gave it too.

I was hesitant whether I would call him or not. If I call him what will I say? I'm sure he'll ask why I called him. What if he asks me why I suddenly avoided him 4 months ago. I was nervous while staring at his number, I could do it. I dialed his number, I took a deep breath as he answered it.

"Hello? Who is this?" -Gun.

Shiaaa ... His voice is beautiful.

"Hello, Gun. I'm Off." I said softly.

I heard him take a deep breath on the other line. He hadn't spoken for a few more minutes. "Gun, are you still there?" I asked him while looking at the phone if the call had died but not yet. "Gun. Can you hear me?" I said worriedly.

"H -huh? Yeah I hear you, sorry I was just shocked." -Gun.

I smiled when I heard him speak again. I still remember how nervous he was when I approached him before. I'm very grateful to JingJing because of her, I had the strength to woo Gun. She just told me that Gun likes me so I don't hesitate to woo him right away when I found out.

"How are you?"

"It's still the same as before." -Gun.

The two of us talked for a long time, I didn't think he was talkative because I knew he was really scary, the students were avoiding him, he didn't smile either and most of all he was quiet. I'm happy to know that he has this kind of personality that he hides, I just listen to him while he tells stories and he does the same when I tell stories. After we talked we said goodbye to each other and he turned off the call.

Tomorrow I will start flirting with him and I will not stop until he will allow me to be his boyfriend. I looked at the picture of Gun on the side of my bed where it was sitting on the small table.

"Goodnight baby and see you tomorrow."

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