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As I looked behind him as he left the room I couldn't stop my tears from flowing. It flashed in my mind, 'it's a deja vu'. This has happened before, but in a different way. If before he left me without saying goodbye, now he really said goodbye to me.

It was as if my heart was pierced by what he said, I can't answer his question anymore.

It hurts...

Why do I always lose everything that is important to me?


I do not understand.

I said then that I didn't want to love him again, but when he came back, I could gradually forgive him but then, he gave up. I want to chase him. But, what happened before was enough for me to let him go forever.

I looked at my father, aunt and my friends. I shook my head in disbelief at what they had done. "Is it fun?" I said sarcastically.

Their eyes widened, they flenched and had a horrified faces.

Looks like I hit the nerves to react that badly.

The chance that we could still be back together suddenly disappeared in a minute like a bubble because they interfered.

It can't all end here! I need to talk to Gun.

I ran and hurriedly chased Gun out of the hospital even though I couldn't see him anymore. I didn't even pay attention to the people looking at me because the only thing on my mind was Gun, I had to chase him.

"Please don't runaway again!" I shouted desperately hoping he could hear me.

There were many eyes of people looking at me as I gasped with exhaustion, I've been running for hours to find Gun but I can't find him. Whispers of people, horns of cars were the last I heard as my vision darkened.



I can't explain how I feel, my heart hurts. I want to cry but no tears to drip, I want to express my feelings by screaming but I don't want to attract attention to the people around me.

I stopped running.

It's midnight but my sweat looks like I've been exposed to the sun while working for a few hours. I sat on the bench and looked at the sky. Stars shining in the middle of the night.

"You're so beautiful to watch but it's a pity because I can't reach you."

I sobbed when I remembered Off. He's like the stars in the sky that shine. I punch my chest while crying.

"It hurts."

While I was crying mess, I suddenly remembered what my real mother said.

"We all have a destiny engraved in our lives since we were in our mother's womb. It's up to you if you let it happen or not but don't forget that you have a choice, you can change your destiny."

Those were the last words before she lost her life. While I was thinking carefully about what she meant, I suddenly stood up and my feet carried me back to the hospital.

"Is this the right decision of mine?" I was tired of running away from all my problems.

Now, I will deal with it.

I ran towards the room where I had left them earlier. As I was in front of the door my knees suddenly shook and my heart was beating faster. I took a deep breath and opened the door.

Miserable faces staring at me.

They cried more and came closer to me to gave me a warm hug. They never stopped apologizing to me. I approached my mother and hugged her tightly.

"I'm sorry." She whispered to me. I looked at Off's father and he also apologized.

They are all sincere in apologizing but right now, I can't forgive them. They broke my trust in them, they wouldn't blame me if I didn't forgive them right away.

They need to respect why I can't forgive them right away. Yes, I understood them but I lost my trust in them.

After we talked deeply and cried, I only noticed that Off was not here. I frowned as I wondered my eyes around the room. Where is he?

"Is Off what you're looking for?" Jane said jokingly to me.

My cheeks warmed when I heard what Jane said. They were all staring at me. If only their gaze could melt me, I would have melted.

"Stop staring at me." I feel embarrassed when they look at me like that.

"Off is in the other room next to it."

"Why?" I asked New worriedly. Why would he go to the other room when his father was here?

"Hmmm ... He fainted earlier while he was chasing you and it's a good thing I followed him." Arm said.

Huh? Did he chase me? I thought he wouldn't care about me if I left like that.

I hurried out and went to the room where Off was resting. I can no longer listen to what they told me, I'm worried about Off. I want to see him even though I haven't seen him for a few hours, I missed him right away.

I entered his quiet room, I saw him lying on the bed, he was sleeping peacefully.

"Don't worry, he's not in a bad condition. He's just lacking in rest the doctor told us."

I sat down next to Off's bed. I stared at him intently, his face pale. I held his hand. "Can you leave us Namtan? I just want to be with Off, I hope you understand." I said calmly to Namtan. She nodded and left the room.

"Why did you chase me? Did you chase me because you felt sorry for me or because you didn't want to lose me?"

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