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Third pov.💚

"Are you kidding me?!"

Gun shouted in anger when the owner of the hospital said that it was just an accident yesterday. But they could do nothing because there was no evidence that the NICU unit was intentionally burned.

"So you're saying it was just an accident?" Off said calmly while looking at the cctv footage.

"Yes, but if you want to investigate what happened we'll let you." The hospital will face a big case for their negligence due to the incident.

"You're a lawyer, you know in yourself that it's all the hospital's fault that happened and you also know that I won't forgive you just because you made a mistake." Off clarified that even if the owner of the hospital kneels down or they pay a billion, he will not let it go because his son's life is lost and that cannot be replaced by sorry and money.

After they talked the owner of the hospital left. In the other corner Off sees Gun just staring out the window with sad eyes. He approached Gun and hugged him tightly. The rainy night seemed to sympathize with their hearts mourning the death of their son.

12 years later.....

Over the years, the wound healed and they lived happily with their son Kayden and the memory of Kyle.

Life is not easy, you never know when a storm will hit you but the important thing is that someone stays by your side to fight it, that's what Gun learned from everything he went through. Gun looked behind him to look at the beautiful sky, he smiled at the thought of how different his life used to be from his life now. After looking at the sky he entered the mall to follow his husband and son.

"Kayden be careful!"

"Why did you run? Didn't I tell you a few times not to run when we're inside the mall?" He scolded Kayden for running around freely.

Kayden hugged Gun when he approached him. "I'm sorry Dada but I just chased the boy earlier." He said softly.

Off, on the other hand, approached the two of them with the popcorn and they immediately went inside the cinema to watch the movie that Kayden had been waiting for a long time to watch. After they watched they had lunch at the fancy restaurant.

"Kayden always remember that you are not allowed to eat seafood." Gun reminds his son while looking at the menu.

Kayden looked at his father. "Because I have allergies?" He said sadly.

Off stroked Kayden's head. "Correct, do you remember when you were 6 years old when you ate seafood?"

Gun and Off are afraid that what happened before will happen again because he ate crabs, he was curious what it tasted like. Kayden remembers what happened and from the beginning he promises not to eat the food that his doctor forbids him.

While his parents are busy ordering their food, Kayden sees the child touching him earlier at the entrance of the mall. "I'm going to the comfort room." He followed the child but he could no longer find him. "I lost him." He just gasped for breath. He could no longer find the boy in the crowd.

As he stood in the middle, a boy approached him maybe it was a few years younger than him. "Why are you here?" The boy clung to his arm. "Is this your gift to me to surprise me here?"

Kayden just frowned and quickly removed the boy's hand from his arm. "Who are you?" He asked rudely.

The boy looked him up and down before he spoke. "Huh?" The boy wondered as he looked at Kayden.

Kayden was annoyed that he didn't answer properly. "Are you dumb? Or did you just not understand my question?!" After he spoke he left the child and returned to their table. Kayden thinks that maybe he was just mistaken by someone else who looks like him.

Kayden sat down in his seat with many different kinds of food on the table. Kayden started eating when her Daddy suddenly spoke.

"Kayden, we'll take you to the party tomorrow. It's time for us to introduce our heir. You know a lot of children of wealthy families at the party so you should watch your manner."

Adulkittiporn is one of the richest families in Thailand so Off doesn't want to embarrass his son especially since many media are watching them tomorrow.

"Yes daddy!"


"Good evening everyone! Thank you for attending this party ..."

The party started, everyone sat at their table based on their rank in society. Every year the rich people in their country have a meeting but this meeting is just like a party where you just meet people and talk to them so that you have a lot of connections. But if you are the richest like Adulkittiporn family, you don't need a connection because the lower one will approach you.

"Good evening to you Mr Adulkittiporn."

Off reached out his hand for a handshake. "Oh ... Mr Alvarez it's been a long time since we last met, how are you?"

The last time they met was when their children were born, so Off and Gun were happy to see Lawrence again.

Gun clung to Off's arm. "How's Jay, why aren't you with him?" Gun asked.

Lawrence tightened his grip on the wine glass and bowed slightly. "Since our son died he has not attended any meeting or party about business or status." He answered sadly.

Gun feels the pain Jay feels because he was the same when Kyle passed away. As the three of them were talking Kyle suddenly approached them. "Daddy, Dada."

Lawrence was a little bit surprised to see Kayden, he looked at him from head to toe. "Oh... your son has grown up." He said while smirking.

Off and Gun chuckle. "Yup! Meet my son, Kayden Adulkittiporn." Off introduces Kayden proudly.

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