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3 months later...

Love is not always as beautiful as how our mother's  embrace us for the first time. For me, love is all about sacrifices, letting go and love sometimes is painful. Sometimes what your heart wants can't have, even if you work hard just to have it, you still can't.

Often we humans seek to reciprocate our love from the person we want, whether we admit it or not but that is the truth. We cannot deceive ourselves about what we desire although we can suppress it, it is still not easy to get rid of it in our minds that we hope that the person we love will also love us.

I used to think our love was perfect because we really loved each other but I was wrong, there is no such thing as a perfect love. All lovers have different problems faced, the others succeed in staying together until the end. While some lovers are parting ways because one has given up or they ran away from the problem they were supposed to conquer.

"But, I'm glad"

"Pardon?" He asked in astonishment as he rummaged through the papers.


I didn't realize I said it unconsciously. "A-ah... Nothing, are you done? "He nodded as he focused on the papers." Good, I'll personally go to all my business after the wedding." He was my secretary, when I came back here he handled everything while I stayed at Off's house.

A lot happened after that incident 3 months ago. Off and I have a good relationship now but we don't rush everything, we take things slowly.

I'm happy, everything I hoped for before has come true. I was grateful for my mother’s last words to me because of it, I had the courage not to run away again instead, I followed my heart’s desire.

At first we were awkward with each other but when we always met and were together we gradually became comfortable and of course he loved me more and so did I.

Speaking of..

I miss him already!

I want to see him...

"Gun, don't forget that Off will pick you up later around 12pm!" my mother reminded me.

"Yes mom."

There were many twists in Off and I's love story, just like our parents and friends became cupids for us to get back together. I'm still impressed with their acting, especially my mother, she didn't really forget Off because that was part of their plan.

After my secretary did what he was doing, he left my office immediately. Because there is still an hour before Off picks me up, I'll take a nap first.



"Son, you're already here. It's too early for you to pick up my son, just come into his office." She winked at me.

I smiled at Gun's mother, I approached her to hug and kiss her cheek before I went to Gun's office. I have a flower bouquet in my hand. I knocked three times, no one opened the door so I just opened it and quietly entered his office. He was sound asleep on the couch, I put the flower on the table and sat down in front of him.

So cute

I stared at him intently and I couldn't help but remember the night I thought he would leave me for the second time.

Flash Back..

My whole body ached. I felt someone holding my hand so I slowly opened my eyes. I was shocked to see Gun sleeping next to me while he was holding my right hand. His eyes were puffy and I could see on his face the tired but there was a smile drawn on his sweet lips.

Suddenly my tears flowed, I cried with great joy. I leaned over and took his hand, I pressed my forehead to his. He suddenly make a sound and opened his eyes.

I smiled and so did he. "I'm sorry if I woke you up." He shook his head.

He should have gotten up but I stopped him. "Stay here." I said softly.

"I need to call a doctor for you."

I patted his head and kissed his forehead.

"I'm sorry. I became selfish, I didn't think about how you feel for me. I want to make up for it, I hope you give me a chance to stay by your side so I can prove my love for you."

His grip on my hands tightened and he sobbed. "I- I'm really sorry. I l-love you and I- I want to choose you this time. I can't afford to be away from you again." He sincerely confesses to me how he feels about me.

I lifted his chin. "Shhhhn .... Enough, the important thing is that you are here now. Step by step we will build our relationship again."

He smiled at me and suddenly hugged me tightly. "Let's go beyond our previous love for each other." He murmured and he slipped out of my embrace.

I kissed his tears. It hurts me to see him like this but why did I feel happy? Is it because of what he says or because he is here now?

Many years have been wasted and I don't want to add more, as much as possible I should always just keep him so that he doesn't disappear. "Gun, I love you so much. Please... I beg you don't leave me again, stay by my side until my last breath."

He looking at me with full of adoration.

My cute little bunny is so innocent, so clueless that his gonna eaten by a hungry best.

I caressing his face passionately and I slowly put my lips to his kissable plump lips.

Before my lips press in to his, we heard someone opening the door and he kick me out of the bed.

"Did I interrupt something?"

"N-no..." Gun said nervously.

I look at Tay annoyingly."Yes." I slowly get up from the floor and sat on the bed where Gun is still lying while covering his face with blanket.

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