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"Why are you here?"

I can't explain Tay's expression on his face, his tears were about to drip but he was smiling like a fool. He put his two hands on my shoulders and suddenly jumped.

"Finally, Arm proposed to Namtan! "He shouted in front of my face.

Namtan and Arm have been in a relationship for a long time so I won't be surprised that he proposed to his longtime girlfriend whom he loves so much.

Gun got up and hugged me from behind. "That's good news!" He said while sniffing my nape.

"OMG! Off, she already said yes to me!" Arm was panting as he stood at the door, he hurried to come here to tell me what Tay told us.

"We already know."

He immediately glared at Tay who was standing next to us. Tay looked at me asking for help, I just shrugged while Gun just laughed at him.

End of flashback....

"Hi..." A sweetness in Gun’s voice caught my attention as I thought of the past.

I was startled when Gun's lips touched mine. He was awake, his smile was wide, his eyes were sparkling with joy.

"Looks like you're thinking about the past again."

I just smiled at him. I took the flower from the table and handed it to him. "I love you.." I whispered to him.

"Thank you and I love you more." He hugged me.

"Let's go!"


"Congratulations on your wedding day Arm."

"Thank you." He thanked me happily.

I also want to propose to Gun but the ring I'm asking to make isn't finished yet so I'll have to wait another week before I can propose to him. I can't wait for us to get married too.

"Attention to all of you the ceremony is about to begin."

I was just daydreaming until the exchange of sweet 'I dos' between the two couples ended while I was holding Gun's hand. Gun burst into tears of joy as he watched our friend get married.

"I can't wait for Namtan to wear the gift I gave her for their honeymoon tonight." Gun whispered to me and he giggled.

Damn! My heart can't take it, he's so cute.

I pinched his cheek. "What did you give her as a gift?"

He smirked. "Lingerie!"

What a naughty brat!

"I also want you to wear lingerie when we make love." I whispered to him again and then I licked his earlobe.

He glared at me, his face was already red. "Stop..."

"Everyone, come here to catch the flower bouquet!"

I looked at Gun where he touched his both cheeks while watching the people gather not far from the bride to catch the bouquet.

"Go ahead my love." I want him to catch the bouquet.

He smiled sweetly at me. "Okay!" He said excitedly. I watched him as he approached the crowd.

Many people attended their wedding, Arm and Namtan knew many people because of their business so they were expecting it that many would be their guests on this day.

Namtan instructed that after she counted to three she would throw the bouquet behind her and the people standing behind her would catch it. But, it didn't happen according to what she said earlier, after she counted she didn't throw the bouquet instead, she approached Gun and handed it to him.

It would have been perfect timing now to propose to him but I didn't have a ring with me, I just smiled at him and congratulated him. But I wondered why all the people were approaching us, they were all smiling looking at us. Gun handed me the flower bouquet and I accepted it without hesitation

"Papii.. I'm sorry if I left you back then, I'm sorry if you waited for me too long." Suddenly he apologized to me.

There were tears running down his cheeks but they were not tears of sadness or because he was hurt but because he was happy. I wiped his cheeks with my hand. "Didn't I tell you not to apologize, right?"

He just smiled at me. " You know, I want to be with you until I grow old. I want to take care of you, waking up next to you, I will cook for you and love you."

The people around us were noisy but my attention was focused only on Gun. I don’t know why he suddenly speaks like that in this kind of place.

"I want to accompany you to all the dreams you want to reach. I want to stay by your side until we both grow old."

I immediately understood why he suddenly cried and said that. He knelt on his right knee and opened the little red box. I saw a beautiful gold ring with a diamond in the middle of it inside the box.

I was stunned for a moment but before he asked me if I would marry him I suddenly kissed him on the lips. "YES!!!" I said loud and clear.

Tons of congratulations we hear from the guests, our friends and family. The two of us hugged tightly and I also couldn't stop my tears from dripping with the great joy I feel now.

"What the heck Off! Gun hasn't even asked you 'Will you marry me', you answered right away!" Tay said jokingly.

We just laughed and so did the people around us.

He didn't even have to ask me if I would marry him because I knew that was also where our relationship would end.

Back then, when we were in high school we were one of the high school sweethearts in the school where we were famous because of our perfect relationship. Many people predict the fate of the two of us based on what they see but only a few people predict them correctly.

I have no intention of letting you go because you will never be able to get away from me again.

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