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"Where is my script for the vlog?" I've been looking for the script before but I still can't find it. I'll find that later, will I get dressed? Off will come to pick me up. Yeah, I need to get dressed.

I'm in a hurry looking for something to wear now that I should be more handsome. I take all my clothes out of bed and choose a better dress. What should I wear? I'm just wearing a T-shirt to make me look simple, he might think I'm wearing fancy clothes to impress him.

After I get dressed I prepare all the things I will take with me today. I opened my phone to scroll through my Facebook first, until now I still haven't accepted his friend request.

"Gun. Someone is looking for you, his name is Off!" My mother shouted at me.

I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror before I came out. My mother stood in front of my door with her hands on her waist. I smiled at her but she just ignored it.

She raised an eyebrow at me. "Is that the man you love?" Mom asked me jokingly.

I winked at her. "Mama, let's talk later, I'm leaving. I love you ma." After I spoke I didn't wait for her to say anything. I hurried out of the house, I saw Off and he was waving at me.

"Let's go." He nodded.

Our ride was quiet no one spoke. I was just looking at the road with a headset on, I was just listening to music so I wouldn't be bored because the two of us were quiet in the car. I closed my eyes to feel the music.

"Baby, wake up. We're here at our house." Off gently shook my body.

I slowly opened my eyes. Did I fall asleep? I fix myself before getting out of the car. My jaw dropped when I saw their house, it was huge and beautiful.

I thought Off was not rich because of all the things he did at school as well as how he interacted with other students. He just has a good heart, he is really a kind person. He took my bag and we went inside.

"Please, prepare us something to eat and take it to my room." He commanded the woman that I think she was a maid based on her dress.

The woman bowed. "Yes sir." She said politely.

We climbed the stairs to his room, I couldn’t help but look around the beautiful interior of their house. He opened the door that I think was his room so I just followed him like a dog. His room was nice, everything in his room is just one shade and it was green.

"You love green." I told him as I looked around his room. He just nodded at me. The picture on the small table next to his bed caught my attention. I approached and grabbed the picture. I was stunned when I stared at the picture, it was me. I swallowed my saliva then I turned to him and showed him the picture.

He smiled at me and scratched his head. "Don't be angry if I have a picture of you. A -ah .. I want to see your face before I go to sleep even when I wake up." He said shyly.

That was fucking cute but at the same time creepy. Is that how he loves me? I returned the picture to its location and I sat on his bed, he also sat next to me. "Why would I be angry if that's what makes you happy." Every time he is next to me or I see him my heart beats became faster.

"Really? Can we take a picture now? I want to have a picture of the two of us." He said happily as he picked up his phone.

I smiled and nodded at him. The two of us took a picture and we were laughing because there was no sensible picture that we took.

He put his arm around me so I also put my hand on his waist. "Okay! Let me put a timer. 1 .. 2 .. 3!" We were both happy with what we were doing until there was a knock on the door.

He stepped aside and opened the door. He took the tray the woman was holding and placed it on the small table before he returned to my side.

He stroked my hair gently. "What do you want? Shall we eat first or shall we do our vlog first?" He asked me as he continued with what he was doing.

"Let's do our vlog first." I replied to him.

He just nodded. "Let's go to the other room, everything we're going to use is set up there."


He stood up and I followed him out of his room. We moved next to his room and it's true what he said, everything we needed for our blogging was all here. I sat on the side where there was a couch. This room is like a modeling studio, it has various cameras and other things that you need when taking a picture.

Off approached me. "Where's the script?"

I left my bag where I put the script for our vlog. "It's in my bag but I left it in your room." Why did I forget to bring my bag? "Wait a minute, I'll just get my bag." I was about to get up but he stopped me and he volunteered to get my bag from his room. I can't do anything but say yes to him.

As I was left here alone the bathroom door suddenly opened and Arm popped out. I was scared I thought there was a ghost.

"You scared me Arm" I told him as I caressed my chest. I was nervous when the door opened.

Arm laughed out loud. "Are you scared of me? I've been waiting for you here before." He said while still laughing.

I asked him why he was here. He told me that Off asked him for help to shoot our vlog and in return Off will also help him for their vlog.

"Tay is coming here, we'll do our vlog here." He said while focusing on his phone.

The two of us are talking about our vlog today. I wonder why Off hasn’t come back here yet. Is my bag too heavy for him to take about half an hour to pick up my bag?

"Arm I'll leave you here first. I'll just go to Off to see why he still doesn't come back here." Arm nodded at me.

I left Arm and went to Off's room. I slowly opened the door and peeked to see if Off was in his room. I saw him sitting on his bed holding a notebook, he was smiling as he read it. I wonder why he was smiling while reading the notebook. I went in and I approached him but he didn’t notice me as he was engrossed with what he was reading.

"What are you reading?" I asked him so he would notice me.

He looked at me and his happy smiles suddenly disappeared. He panicked and he dropped the notebook so I picked it up and looked at it. I was receding and my knees were shaking. This notebook is my diary but I haven’t brought it before. Why did he have it.

How much did he read in my dairy? Did he read everything? Did he read what was written on the back of the notebook? I hope he didn't read that. I leaned against the wall as I was nervous and my knees were shaking. I was embarrassed to speak to him so I just waited for him to speak first but a few minutes later he still did not speak, he remained silent.

He won't talk, maybe I'll just leave here. I slowly walked towards the door and when I touched the doorknob he suddenly hugged me from behind. I tried to remove his hug from me but he tightened his hug even more.

"Let me go." I told him as I still tried to remove his hands from my waist.


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