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10 years later.....

"Sir. Just call me if you need anything." I just nodded to her and she immediately left my room.

What a tiring day!

After 10 years of staying in America, I finally came back to Thailand. I was with my real mother for a short time, it's just sad to think that we were only together for two months and she passed away immediately. I never thought I was a child of a rich family but here I am now I inherited all the wealth of my parents who have passed away.

My real father died before my mother, the only sad thing is that my father died in an accident and my mother could not cope with my father's death and that is the reason why she died .

I thought they intentionally abandoned me but no, they just kept me away from them so that I wouldn't be involved in the chaos of their lives. My parents don't want me to be an heir to my father's position in his job because they both know it's too dangerous. I don't know what kind of work that is, but I don't care anymore the important thing is that I found out that my real parents really loved me.

I am very grateful to my foster mother because she was always by my side to guide and support me, so when she told me she would remarry I did not stop her because I wanted her to be happy. So we came back here to Thailand because of my mother's wedding and not only that but we will stay here for good.

The next day there will be a family dinner at the Perawat family's house and I will get to know him and his two children.

"Ahh! My head.. its hurt!"

I sat on my bed and opened my laptop. I haven't seen Off in 10 years, where is he now? Since that night, I have not had any contact with him or my friends, I changed my number and created a new social account with a different name.

My cruelty to them is unforgivable!

But, would they blame me if I did that because I was just hurt so much and I couldn’t think of any other way during those times.

I was able to move on with Off, I don't love him anymore but since then I'm afraid to fall in love again. I'm afraid that maybe that's how it will end.

I hate him, our relationship is so perfect but he just broke it. As far as I know, he is now the CEO of the famous hotels here in Thailand.

I don't know if I will be able to face him if we meet in the future. Did he get married? Or did he marry Aom? Why am I thinking trivial things! I just go to sleep instead of thinking about useless things.


"Don't forget we have dinner tonight." She winked at me before she got out of the car.

"Yes mom! Noted." I smiled at her.

Today we will meet my old high school friends, you know who I am referring to. Last night I opened my old social account again and I chatted in our group chat, they were all surprised and they scolded me.

They all worried about me before because they thought I had been kidnapped or had been killed. When I apologized to them I told them that I had gone to America before because my real parents took me but I didn't tell them about Off and me.

I miss them.

When I arrived at the restaurant where we would meet as I expected they were all here waiting for me. The smiles they drew on their lips were too wide. They all grown up and they get taller, I am ashamed of my height.

"How are you?" Mild asked me and she slapped my shoulder softly.

I sat down next to New and I stared at them one by one and they did the same to me. Jane suddenly rubbed my face and it was only then that I realized I was crying. We all cried and chatted after we calmed down.

"I never thought you were an heir!" Namtan said, she obviously didn't expect it.

"Me too." New agreed as he sipped his water.

"So ... Are you and Off already talking and did you explain to him everything what happened in your life?" Mild said.

I just shook my head. I don't have to explain to him and he's the one who should explain to me. I'm happy now even though there seems to be something missing in my life that I don't know what it is.

Their eyes widened and they were shocked. "WHAT ?!" They said at once.

"Why do I have to explain to him?" I rolled my eyes at them.

"Are you serious ?!" Mild yelled at me.

New raised an eyebrow at Mild to stop her. "Why do you say that?" New asked me.

I just took a deep breath and rolled my eyes at him. "He cheated on me before." I said calmly.

"Oh ...?"

"Wait? Off cheated on you? Really? Did you know that Off-"

"Mild, enough!"

Mild's eyes glazed over at me, she was furious and her face was red with rage. What happened to her? Why is she mad at me? What is the reason for him to be angry with me?

"Who?" Namtan asked calmly.

"It's been a while so let's forget about it and I've been able to move on." I smiled at them.

The tension on our table was intense, the surroundings were very heavy. They were all staring at me, I wanted to swallow my whole being now. Why would they look at me like that as if I had committed a great sin against all of them.

"Did you know that Off will almost go crazy when you suddenly disappear? He'll almost scour the whole of Thailand to find you." Jane said sarcastically to me as she looked outside.

I was shocked by what Jane said and my heart ached when I heard that but at the same time I was also happy because he was also looking for me.

"I don't know what kind of reason you have for leaving him and us without warning but I hope you thought carefully before you left or that you talked to us or him before you left." New said sadly.

"fter 10 years, you will suddenly appear here in Thailand."

As I expected they were really mad at me but they didn't know why I was so desperate to leave here before.

"You don't know how heartbroken I used to be when I left here, you don't know how hard it was to start again" I cried as I explained to them. "Everything I've been through hasn't been easy, but I'm willing to wait until you forgive me. I'm really sorry if I left without saying goodbye. "

New hugged me and they also approached to hug me. I love them so much, they were the only ones who became my friends. After we ate and talked, I immediately went to the Perawat family's house.

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