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Third person💚

"Are you okay?" Gun asked his fiance worriedly while he helps him to sit on the sofa.

Off sighed as he sat down. "Yes.. I'm fine..."

"Lie down right there. I'll just get a towel and lukewarm water to wipe your body. I know you can't take a shower in that condition." He just nodded while closing his eyes and slowly lay down on the sofa.

Off did not expect that he had motion sickness. His head hurts and his vision is spinning, he can't do anything but rest first. He was even exited by Gun's desire to take a vacation here in America where Gun used to live but he didn't think he would feel like this. Even though he doesn't feel well now because of the trip earlier, he is still happy that he finally landed in this house.

He just let Gun clean his body and dress him. Off smiled and closed his eyes while Gun happily took care of the person he loved.

After Gun was done, he put things aside and lay down next to Off. He wrapped his hands around Off's waist as his head sank into Off's chest.

"Hmmm.." Off kissed Gun's forehead before hugging him tightly.

The two fell asleep embracing each other.


"What was your dad's job when he was still alive?"

He just shrugged as he went down the stairs. "I don't know..." He answered weakly.

Off frowned. "Huh? You don't know what his job is?" He just followed Gun into the kitchen.

Gun used to do everything he could to find out what kind of job his father used to have but he has no clue. He got nothing, his parents actually erased the evidence of their work because they did not want their only child to be involved in their work.

"Yup!" He picked up two apples and handed one to Off before he dragged him out of his house.

Off smirked at Gun's sudden action. "Where are we going?" He asked his fiance who hurriedly headed to the back of the house.

He was amazed at how beautiful the surroundings of the house were, as if he were in fantasy land. Different kinds of flowers were blooming and the trees were towering around the big mansion but his eyes landed on the two hills.

Gun let go of Off's hand and approached his parents' grave. This is the first time he has visited his parents' grave without crying and feeling heavy.

Off approached Gun and he placed his hand on Gun's waist.

Gun turned to Off and smiled. "Papi, this is my mom." He pointed to his mother's grave on the right side. "And this is my dad." He pointed to the other side. "Mom dad, this is the person I love the most, Off and we will get married the next day." He sobbed after he spoke.

Off bowed. "Hello aunt and uncle, I'm happy to meet you. Don't worry, I will take good care of your dearest son and I will make sure he is happy with me." Off was sincere in what he said, it came from the bottom of his heart.

He pulled Gun for a hug. Off knows that he is not a perfect person but he is willing to sacrifice everything just to make Gun happy. "Stop crying baby, your eyes will be swollen later." He kissed the tears running down Gun's cheeks. "Don't be sad dear."

Gun's tears were tears of joy. He was so happy and he didn't want it to end, it was like a dream for Gun. Sometimes he is afraid that he might wake up and everything is just a dream but if it is a dream he does not want to wake up.

"I love you so much Papi." Gun whispered to Off.

"I love you more baby."

They sat on the bench a little far from the grave and the two talked happily until Off remembered something. "Oh, yeah! What are your plans for what we talked about last week?" He asked Gun while looking up at the sky.

"I've thought about it and I'll agree." He replied cheerfully to his fiance.

Last week, Off suddenly asked if they could have a baby after their wedding so that the two of them would be happier in their marriage but Gun was hesitant especially since they were both busy with work but he also wanted them to have a baby.

Off quickly turned to Gun and held his hand. "Really?! Aren't you kidding?!" Gun smiled as he nodded to Off. "I'm so happy baby that you agreed. I'll make an appointment right away."

Gun touched Off's cheek. "I'm ready to be a father like you. And I think you can probably manage my elite clubs while you run your company."

The weather was as beautiful as their romance.

Gun is ready to support Off what makes him happy, they both respect each other especially when making decisions for them. They are just like other couples who fight sometimes, but they are not going to bed to sleep until they have solved their fight.

"Don't worry, I will be a good father and husband to you."

"I know.."

Gun placed his head on Off's shoulder as their hands intertwine.

"I can't wait for us to have a child right away and he will grow up fast so that he can inherit all our property and we can live happily."

Gun laughed out loud when he heard the ridiculous thing Off was saying. "You just want to have an heir not a son/daughter."

"I'm serious."

"Whatever my love as long as you don't enslave our children."

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