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My cheek hurts a little. Gun slapped my face hard, but that was okay. I sat down next to Mild. All their attention was on Gun and Off where the two of them arguing, we couldn't hear what they were talking about. But, I can say, they were talking about something  depth.

We are aware of what we have done to them and we are ready to face that. We just want them to be happy. For ten years, we all learned only one thing, that they still love each other.

I sighed before I took the glass filled with alcohol and drank it. Seriously, my whole day was very chaotic. I'm glad, that everything that happened today went through according to our plan.

Mild winked at me knowing that we succeeded in our mission.

Mission accomplished!

I just smiled at her.

"I'm crying too." New was sobbing.

When all these problems are solved, I will really go on vacation and enjoy because I'm stressed in their love life.

While we were just watching them and my other friends were also crying, Tawan's phone suddenly rang. We ignored him because Gun pushed Off. I think Off was hurt but he just didn’t make it obvious. They both cried. I also had tears in my eyes while my chest felt like it was being squeezed.

"What?! Accident?! Don't worry we're going there right away!" We all turned to Tawan because of his loud voice and that was not the only reason. Our foreheads frowned at what we heard.

"Accident?" We all said in sync.

Tawan's face showed concern as he looked at Gun and Off. "Your parents had an accident and they're in the hospital now."

We all rushed to the alleged hospital where Off and Gun’s parents were admitted. I noticed a big improvement in Gun and Off’s relationship.

I hope their parent's condition is not bad. When we arrived at the hospital, we hurriedly asked the front desk what the room number of aunt and uncle was.

We were very grateful to see that their situation was not serious. Gun immediately hugged his mother while crying. He was very worried when he found out that his mother had an accident. I knew he was afraid of losing his beloved mother. While Off was just standing on the side of his father's bed. He just asked his father, if his father was okay and how they had the accident, but I could see in his eyes that he was worried about his father’s condition.

"Stop crying Gun. I just got scratches, so don't worry. Okay?" Aunt caresses Gun's back.

We are all in awe.

Aunt kissed Gun's forehead before he looked at Off and smiled. "Can you and Gun buy something outside for us? We just have something important to talk about." Auntie looked at us and Off nodded.

When the two of them left the room, Auntie breathed a sigh of relief. We all smiled as we looked at her. Now, she can sleep soundly without thinking about the two.

"With those smiles on your lips, I hope you have succeeded in what I have assigned to you guys." We all nodded.

We told her everything what happened when they were away. She was very happy when she found out that the relationship between Gun and Off was gradually improving.

"Finish what you're talking about, before they come and hear you guys." Uncle said.

We just laughed before continuing our conversation.

"Then, we'll tell them the truth when they say, they're back together."

"I can't wait for that day!" Mild said cheerfully.

"But for now, we have to be careful that they don't find out our dirty secrets that we deceived them." Arm just stared out the window while speaking. I can see the worry in his eyes.

I just hope the two don’t react badly about it.

Honestly, I want to tell Gun the truth. But, I'm also afraid that he might not accept it, and  he will hate us. I also thought that we wouldn't just tell them so they wouldn't get angry when they found out about it.

But the case is, I feel guilty every time I face them both, because I know we're keeping a secret from them.



"Are you okay?"

Off said softly as we headed out of the hospital to buy something to eat. Both of our eyes were swollen from crying, but mine were worse.

"Y-yeah." I glanced at him. I smiled at the thought that he was still handsome after crying.

"If you look at me for long, you will definitely stumble if you didn't look in your direction." He grinned as he looked straight ahead.

"Hmm." I looked away from him. How could he have noticed that I was looking at him.




I was so nervous that my heart seemed to come out of my chest.

Please heart calm down.

I bit my lip as I squeezed my fingers. I wanted to hold his big hands but, I didn’t have the courage to hold it.

We bought food and drinks at the convenient store and we went back quietly. The atmosphere was very awkward as we walked together. Only sighs, car horns and the people around us could be heard.

When we were in front of the door I grabbed the doorknob which was already slightly open . I would have pushed it, but I was stunned when I heard what they were talking about.

"But for now, we have to be careful that they don't find out our dirty secrets that we deceived them."

'Huh? Dirty secret? Who did they deceive? What did they do wrong, that they need to be careful of?' I turned to Off where he was behind me. I frowned as I looked at him. He just shook his head.

"You're right! Now that Gun and Off are okay we can't tell them now, let's wait for the right time."


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