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"Stop biting your nail."

"I'm nervous, what if I forget my speech?"

We are in the back stage now waiting for me to be called for my speech as Secretary in Win's parties. After our Campaign today, the voting will take place this afternoon and tomorrow we will know who the winners are.

"Remember what I'm saying that when you're on stage, just look at me so you don't get nervous." I nodded at him. "You can do it."

When I was about to give the next speech, Off hugged me tightly before I went up on stage to introduce myself. I followed what Off said that I just looked at him, he was sitting in front of the stage where there were also other students from grade 7 to grade 10.

"Don't forget to smile." Win handed me the microphone.

Remember Gun you've done this before. My knees are shaking, I don't know why I wasn't nervous when I spoke before but now I feel like I'm fainting from the extreme nervousness in my chest.

I smiled and waved to the students in front of me. "Hello, everyone I know some of you know me because I ran last year as a grade 8 student representative. Unfortunately I didn't win because of my bad record in school. Now I will run again as a Secretary at Wiin's parties, I hope you give me a chance to prove myself that I deserve this position. I cannot promise to be a perfect secretary but I will do everything I can, to do my duties. I am Gun Atthaphan, 15 years old running as a secretary in Win's parties. Think twice and vote wisely, thank you. "

After I introduced myself, the students cheered me on. I went down to the stage and went back to where I was before, I saw Off waiting for me on the back stage while holding mineral water. He opened it and handed it to me.

"You're doing so well baby."

I smiled and drank the water he gave me. We waited in the back as we waited for the other running students council to finish introducing themselves. Win Metawin is the running president so he will introduce our plat form of our parties. After introducing both parties, we went back to our room while waiting for lunch time.

"Is it really different when you have a supportive boyfriend, right?" Jane asked Namtan.

Namtan just nodded at her.

"They're both perfect for each other. You see how they handle their relationship, I'm jealous of you." Mild hugged New after she spoke.

We just laughed at her. We spend our time talking funny things until the bell rings. We went to the cafeteria to have lunch, we planned that after we ate lunch we would stay here first while we waited for the voting to end.

We also have a ballot and we will answer it here, we don't even want to go back to the classroom because I'm nervous to see my classmates answering the ballot.

New, Arm and I are the only ones running as student council coffers and we are all on Win's side. My other friends don't want to join because they don't want to have big obligations at school.

"Ohoo. Omelette again?" Tay's face frowned when he saw my dish.

"It's his favorite dish." Off replied to him.

"Off what is your gift to Gun if he wins tomorrow?" New asked Off while eating.

I scooped up my food and just stared at them while busy talking even though they were eating. Off turned to me because my mouth was full of food I just raised an eyebrow at him.

"Win or lose, can I ask you out on a date?" I patted his arm and our friends giggled.

I swallowed my food before I spoke. "Yeah, of course." He just smiled at me.

"Ohoooo..Too much love in the air."

After we ate, we waited in the cafeteria while we waited for the voting to end. Then we went home, as usual Off accompanied me home. My mother has known for a long time that my boyfriend is Off and we often have dinner at home with Off. I'm happy that they get along with my mother. In fact, my mother likes Off more than me.

"How's your day Gun?" My mother asked as she put the cold water on the table.

"I'm just a little tired." I drank some water and went to my room.

I took a shower first before jumping on my bed to lie down and scroll on my phone, it wasn’t new to me that so many people tagged me or mentioned me on Facebook and instagram. There are a lot of students who want to capture the moments with the two of us, that's why I can see a lot of stolen pictures on Facebook and instagram.

As I scrolled, Off suddenly texted me so I immediately looked at his message.

'Sleep early my dear and don’t think too much of things that will harm your health.😘' -Off.

I cried when I read his message for me. "Yes boss! 😉" I reply to him.

I turned off my phone and went to sleep.

I went to school early today because I wanted to see the result on the bulletin board. I was already in front of the bulletin board and I closed my eyes before I slowly opened my eyes to see the result of who won the election.

"I was right in my suspicion that you would come in early today." I turned to where Off's voice came from.

I smiled at him. "Good morning Papi." I greet him.

He put his arm around me and he looked into my eyes. "Good morning and congratulations baby."

My eyes widened at what he said so I immediately looked at the bulletin board to see if I won because he congratulated me. I saw New’s name as vice president, Arm’s as treasurer and my name as secretary.

I jumped on Off because I was so happy that I won the election. The three of us won the election and now I am a student councilor at our school, not only me but also my two friends.

"How did you know I would win?"

Off took me down and patted my head gently. "Because I know you're going to win." He winked at me.

Soon after, our friends also arrived and we were happy with the result of yesterday's election that we won. Because we are minors and we are not allowed to drink alcohol, we talked about going on a food trip just to celebrate.

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