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"Can I go to the balcony?"

They both nodded so I didn't hesitate to leave the venue immediately. As I was walking towards the balcony, I saw the boy I saw yesterday I would have approached him but I realized that someone was watching me. I looked around the corner and caught my attention at a man standing just on the side away from the dancers and the partygoers.

As I looked at him he suddenly left as if he was signaling me to follow him, I immediately followed him where he was going. The hotel hall was quiet, only the noise of the party people could be heard. I continued to follow the man, I noticed that we were in the parking lot and he was just standing not far from me.

"What is the feeling of having a quiet life and a complete family?" Suddenly the man spoke and I could feel the resentment in his voice at how those words coming out from his mouth.

I was shocked by what he said, I could not understand what he was referring to.

He suddenly laughed like a maniac. "Do you know what your grandparents did to my family and to other people's families?"

I was angry when he suddenly mentioned my grandparents but I still remained calm and waited for him to finish speaking.

"Does Gun know why he's not with his parents even though they're super rich?" He was smirking and he leaned against the red car.

All I know is that Dada’s parents have been dead for a long time and he also told  me that he didn’t grow up with them, he also didn’t know what the reason was. Dada doesn't know what kind of person his father is or even his mother.

I took a deep breath before speaking. "What do you mean ?" I asked him. Maybe this person just wants to mess up my mind or he wants me to dig into the past what’s buried?


I couldn't say anything, I just kept my mouth shut while looking at him.

"Isn't what happened to you before enough for you?" A man spoke behind me and I turned to see who he was. I don't know him, but I can say that he is about 50 years old plus. He glared at the man leaning against the red car. "I know where your new family lives. If I were you, live quietly if you don't want to lose your wife and child, like before." He warned him.

The man's eyes widened, he still wanted to talk but he just looked at the old man and hurried to leave the hotel.

He sight and looked at me. "This Monday go to this address" He handed me a small folded paper. "But, don't let your parents know if you want to know why that man speaks like that." After he spoke he left me dumbfounded.


"Are you okay? Ever since you came back here you've often been spacing out." He said as he just watched people dancing while holding the wine glass.

I just sight. "It's nothing daddy." I said to assure him that I'm feeling alright.

The old man warned me earlier not to tell my parents what happened, even though I didn’t understand what's happening I had to obey if I wanted to find an answer about it.

I'm a grown up and I am the only heir in our family so using my last name, I will be able to hire a good detective to investigate Dada Gun’s family history.

What is buried in the pit, I will dig it until I know what they were trying to bury.


I just now realize that the address given by the old man is the coffee shop near my school.

This is the day I've been waiting for!

"As expected you come here." The old man smirked as he asked me to enter his small coffee shop.

I looked around, the theme of his coffee shop is beautiful, black, gray and gold are the colors. It's not big but the ambiance is nice. I sat at the third table while I just watched him make me something to drink.

Is it alright for me to come here?

He put the coffee and dessert on the table and hurried upstairs and returned immediately carrying a thick envelope.

I frowned."What's that?" I asked him.

"This?" He returned the question.

He opened the large envelope, my eyes widened at what I saw. "I was a detective before but I was sent to jaile just because of a mistake I made before while I was in operation." He suddenly told me while I was busy examining the contents of the envelope.

Then he suddenly laughed. "Thanks to your grandfather for helping me so now I will help his grandson."

He told me everything in detailed and I cried while listening to him. Dada Gun's family went through a very difficult time, everything that happened was heart breaking.

I really don't think dada's family has such a dark past because there is no clue or maybe just because he didn’t grow up with his real parents?

"Whatever your plan is, I'm ready to help you." He smiled at me.

I burst into tears. "Thank you so much."

I know I shouldn't trust strangers right away but from the evidence he showed it was unlikely he was a scammer.

He hand me three business cards. "This will help you, they already know you so don't worry."

"Thank you."

I don't want Dada Gun to suffer so from now on I will protect them, like how they protected me before when they didn't introduce me to the public.

"Maybe, my guess is right."

---THE END---

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