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I didn't know that he was also having a hard time. And what's worse there was that he was alone, he had no one with him. If I knew where you used to live, you wouldn't be able to go through that alone. I am too immature to torture you just because I want to see you suffer without knowing that you have been suffering alone for a long time.

I regret all the stupid things I did to you.

Aom is right that I still love him, if I don't love him I won't bother him anymore, but I did. I want him to feel guilty for what he did to me but there is pain in my heart every time I see him feel sad and struggling because of me.

I pulled him into a hug but he quickly pushed me away.

I could no longer hold back my tears.

It hurts......

It fucking hurts. My chest tightens with the extreme pain I feel. My tears continued to drip. Gun’s sobs echoing in my ear that went through my veins towards my weeping heart.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know you went through anything like that. Forgive me if I've been selfish, I always put myself first when I don't even think about how you feel."

We both cried while our friends were just quietly watching us. Gun's face is already red, especially his nose because of his constant crying.

He wiped away his tears. He raised an eyebrow at me while smirking. "You don't have to apologize, didn't you say I was wrong, I was the one who suddenly disappeared without saying goodbye." He closed his eyes and stroked his hair before looking at me again.

"I did everything, I humbled myself to all of you. I just kept quiet because you might just say that I'm making excuses so you can forgive me. I fucking love you so I stayed in this house! "

I messed up!

I made a big mistake.

I reached his hand and he immediately raised his hand to surrender.

"Don't touch me!"

I felt frustrated that I couldn't reach him so I could comfort him. My heart breaks into pieces every time I see him like this.

I just want you to know that I was hurt when you left me before so I did that to you and I regret it. I was blinded by the anger I felt for you which caused me to forget that I loved you so much from the beginning until now.

Honestly, I realize now that I'm the real coward, not you.

"Do you know why I stayed here at your house step brother?!" He pointed to the house. "I stayed here because I was hoping that when we are together under the same roof we will be close to each other and you can love me again. But I was wrong."

I remained silent despite how much I wanted to say to him that I still loved him. But my mouth doesn't want to open. I can't love First because the truth is that I really love you. I can't move on. I can't forget you so I deceived myself and pretended that I had moved on so that my friends and your friends would not worry about me.

I'm secretly investigating you, I want to know what happened in your life. But, you are good at hiding.

"Let's stop this. Our parents can get married without us having to be kind to each other."

My knee fell to the ground, I don’t care if they see me kneeling in front of Gun. What is important to me now is that he will never leave me again.

I want to fix this.

"I'm... I'm sorry fo-for everything I've done to you. A-and I'm sorry if...if I give up! I won't bother you anymore."

I held his hands as we cried. I remained on my knees even though my knees hurt, I didn't want to stand up.

"Please... Please I beg you... Don't leave me again... Please..."

He also knelt in front of me. He removed his hand and touched my cheek. I lifted my head and our eyes met. I could also hear a sob from our side.

He wiped away my tears then he leaned his forehead against my chest. I stroked his back to comfort him.

"Do you still love me?" He asked me as we remained in our position.


Damn! My voice betrayed me.

My voice doesn't come out.

He pushed me gently before he stared at me. "Can you love me again?"

I don't want to waste this opportunity. The only thing that will make me happy in this world is to see you happy by my side. I don't have to love you again because in the first place my love for you didn't disappear even though we haven't seen each other for a few years. You're the only one I love, Gun. I just became a coward because of the anger I felt for you.

I stared at him for a few minutes. I was suddenly nervous. "I ~ i ..." Shit! My voice was shaking. "Gu-"

"Hmmm... Think carefully about what I told you. I wasn't in a hurry so think about it but I hope it won't take a month, maybe a week is enough."

He cuts me off while I'm talking to him then pushed me so hard, I fell over to the ground. I looked at him.

His body was trembling and I could tell he was afraid of what I would answer so he didn’t let me finish. He panicked as he realized he had pushed me hard. He held my shoulder. There was a look of concerned on his face.

"Are you okay?" He asked me anxiously .

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