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"WHAT?!" I shout at them in the extreme anger I feel.

"I.... I'm sorry, we didn't p-plan to keep it from you. We-we're just waiting for you to get along before we admit what we did" Namtan said tearfully.

"Namtan is right." They all nodded, including my mother and Off's father.

We remained standing in the doorway, I felt Off frustrated based on how he breathed deeply and restrained himself. I could see in their eyes that they were begging us to forgive them in spite of what they had done.

"Is your relationship real or, is it just your excuses?" I looked at my mother.

She bowed her head while pinching her finger. "I'm sorry Gun." She started to cry.

"That-" Ahhh! Suddenly my blood rose at my mother's response. "That's not the answer I want to hear from you, mother." I said firmly.

"Gun, calm down."

I immediately understood why my mother apologized. Honestly, at first I didn't notice that my mother's smiles on her lips were not really a happy smile. I discovered that after the dinner that took place at the restaurant when we first met her fiancé.

She was still happy while we were eating, but when we were on our way home, I noticed that the sweet smile etched on my mother's lips suddenly vanished. I thought, she was sad because she would miss her future husband, but when I saw her eyes, I realized that something was wrong but I ignored it.

I get disgusted as I think of those times

"New, shut up! If you don't want to go home with your bloody lips."

New backed away and I glared at them, all their faces turned pale. I can't control the anger I'm feeling now.

Off's father remained silent and he was obviously thinking of a way for them to solve this problem. Off approached the small table and put the food he was carrying, then he also took the food I was holding and put it on the table.

"So, what's the secret you're keeping from us?" He asked as he crossed his two arms and leaned against the wall.

"and why can't you answer your son's question?"

Tay suddenly raised his hand and looked at Off. "I'm the one who dares to confess our sins. First, we don't have any bad plans for you guys." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. New grabbed Tay's hand and smiled bitterly.

"Please hurry before I run out of patience with you."

"I hope you forgive us. I'm sorry if we deceived you, we pretended not to know, but the truth is that everything was planned.No wedding will take place next month because your parents' relationship is not real."

"We just want you two, be together again." Mild added.

Off and I were both stunned by what we heard, it's like a big bomb had exploded. Big tears dripping from my eyes, my heart is aching.

I never thought that the people I considered as my best friends would betray me. I was a fool, we didn't know that they had deceived us.

My chest feels so heavy...

Everyone got involved in our problem because they deceived on us. I really wondered at first, why they always bring the past as a topic. I thought, they were concerned, especially my mother. I was worried about my mother's illness because she didn't remember Off who he was in my life before.

I don't know that...

That was part of their plan.

I don’t know if, I should be happy or not.

I don’t know if, I can forgive them.

It was a big mess that even our parents were involved. They were desperate to fix my relationship with Off. I can't believe that my mother won't really get married again, it's all just an excuse. Aom, our families, and our friends were just playing with us. And Off and I both didn't know about it.

I was hurt by what they did.

I hate them!

No one dared to speak further. Only sobs we could hear echoing in the room. I lifted my head and looked at Off. His face is red, his eyes are full of tears that will soon be dripping. His fists were clenched. He restrained himself from hurting others no matter how much he wanted to do it, he could do nothing because it was those he loved who betrayed him.

He was staring at me and so was I. I stared blankly at him, I could think of nothing else but to worry about what he would answer me. Is there any hope that I can be with him again? What if there is no hope because of what these people have done? I can't help but think of such things. My knees were shaking and I felt suffocated in this room.

I wiped away my tears and composed myself. "Mmm." I don't know what to say to them and even to my mother. "I want to be alone, I need time to think about what you've done. And Off. "He was startled when I called his name." You don't have to answer what I asked you earlier. "I smiled at him.

That's right, he doesn't have to answer that anymore because now that he knows what his friends did, there is definitely no hope that we will get back together.

They say that first love is usually destined to be painful and if there is forever, it is only for the lucky couple.

"Mother take care of yourself." I approached Off and patted his shoulder. "You too." I smiled at them before turning around and leaving the room. When I got out of the room, I ran out of the hospital and went to my favorite place.

"I love you." I murmured as I continued to run.

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