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5 months later

Off and I are finally ready to confess to our gangs about the two of us. All I can say about our relationship is that it is absolutely perfect because we only fight once and if we do fight we will fix it right away. We trust each other and communication is the reason why our relationship is healthy.

I did not regret the day Off read my diary because that day I found out how much he loved me. He has read everything written in my diary, how it all started even at the times when I was still hiding my feelings for him when Aom was still his girlfriend, he already knew that and he just laughed at me because we just had the same feelings for each other.

It's funny to think that he didn't think I liked him because he thought I was straight especially when JingJing became my girlfriend before.

"What are you thinking?"

Off put our food on the table and my friends also put their food on it as they looked at each other, I know they already suspected that Off and I were in a relationship.

Namtan coughed and she caught my attention. "What happened and why are you eating next to each other today? As far as I know you don't want to be next to each other an-." She didn't finish what she was saying when Mild suddenly threw food at in her mouth.

"Shut up, you chatterbox!" Mild smiled and and she motioned for us with her hand to ignore them.

Off held my hand so I looked at him, he was smiling and I just nodded at him. "We'll tell you something." I squeezed his hand. "We're in a relationship." Off is nervous and his cute look every time he is nervous makes me giggle.

They all frowned and I just bowed my head and waited for what their reaction would be. We were quiet so I slowly lifted my forehead to look at them, when I looked at Mild her face was red as she suppressed her laughter, I also looked at Jane, New, Arm and Tay they were all equally suppressing their laughter.

I gasped as I looked at them. "You can laugh if you want to laugh." I just rolled my eyes at them.

They stood as they laughed, they took something from their bags except Tay and Mild where they both looked at each other while laughing.

"What happened to you guys?" Off asked in astonishment.

Tay approached me. "Mild and I won our bet that you two are already in a relationship." Tay and Mild are already collecting the money they won.

New pouts as he looks at me. "You should have told me Gun."

We just laughed at him. I'm happy that our friends accept us, maybe because they already know that I like Off and they also know that I'm gay.

After a long conversation we finally ate and just like before there was another teasing going on while eating. Mild and Tay had known for a long time that Off and I were in a relationship but they waited for us to say it. There were a lot of rumors spreading on the school campus that Off and I were dating, in fact, they even created a fan page about the two of us.

After we ate we went back to our classroom. Now New and Off are swapping their seats because Off wants me to be next to him even if Tay and New don't get along, New still agreed to swap seats with Off even if Tay will be his seat mate.

"I love you .." Off whispered in my ear.

I kinda pushed him away from me. "You know, you're like a puppy that's too clingy to the owner." I whispered to him.

He clung to my arm and rubbed his cheek on my arm."In that case, you're my owner because from now on I'll be your puppy..." I'm used to him being so sweet to me.

I raised my eyebrow. "Really?" I teased him.

He nodded at me.

Tay appeared in the middle of our seat. "If he's your puppy you should give him a nickname."

Arm pulled Tay over and we all laughed. "You're not part of their conversation, it's just a couple's conversation."

What could be a good nickname for him? If he's my puppy, my nickname for him should be the one that suits him.

"How about, Papii?" I asked him.

He smiled widely. "Papii sounded a bit like a puppy as well."

"Ohoo ... Papii ..." Namtan teased Off.

We just laughed until our teacher came to teach us. My classmates are whispering that they still can't get over what they heard earlier that I called Off, Papi. When the bell rang for the next subject, they continued to tease us until we no longer noticed that our second period teacher had arrived.

"Please, be quite." Mr.Suppasit said.

We all keep quiet and stood to greet him. After we greeted him we sat quietly. He put his book on the table and called me, I was nervous when I heard him call my name.

I stood up in my chair to respect him. All my classmates were looking at me and I could see in their faces the concern they had for me especially Off.

“Have other teachers ever talked to you about the election of student councils?"

"No sir." I replied to him.

"The election is coming up, don't you have any plans to run again? New, will you run again?"

"Yes sir, as a president." New said.

I looked at Off, he was also looking at me. If I run again as a student council officer, will everything be fine? I want to be an officer but it might affect my relationship with Off, especially since you have to watch your every move when you are a student council to avoid trouble or gossips.

"I'll think about it sir."

He nodded. "Tell me when you've made your decision. Okay class, open your book."

We just finished our class but I still don't understand anything because I'm thinking about what sir and I talked about earlier, I was determined to run before but now I'm hesitant, maybe I won't be able to do my duties with too much on my plate. I need to think about it carefully and talk to Off and mom about it.

"Why are you tying my bag to my chair!" I flinched when I heard New shout behind me.

"It's like an old couple." Jane comments on the scene of the two.

Off and I just shrugged as we watched them fight. I don't know why they didn't get along, it's almost the end of a year but they still keep bickering. They never get tired of always arguing and fighting.

Arm intervened between the two of them. "That's enough of the argument between the two of you, let me remind you that our class is over and we need to go home."

"You can continue that tomorrow." Jane said jokingly to them.

They are still not done bickering. We were about to leave our room when Off suddenly pulled me and took me to the cafeteria where there were a few other students. We sat in our favorite spot.

"Don't worry about me Gun, if you want to run as a student council officer then run, I'm just here and I'll support you in everything."

I smiled at him. "Papi. The way you speak, you can beat my grandmother." He caresses my head.

He is really kind, understanding and he always puts me first and cares more than himself. I really admire him and love him so much because that's all I can do that I know will make him happy.

"I'm serious about what I'm saying. Follow what your heart wants and that way you won’t regret having things you didn’t do that you want to do." I just nodded at him and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you Papi."

"Let's go home, maybe your mother is worried about you why you haven't come home yet." I nodded at him again.

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