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"Gun, haven't you forgotten anything?" I shook my head at my mother.

She tapped me on the shoulder and smiled at me. "Good luck on your first day of school." I smiled and I said goodbye to her.

She has been my mother since I was a child because my real parents abandoned me. My mother and I are very close even though we are just two and we are no longer with father because he is already in heaven.

I love them both and I am so grateful that they raised me and took good care of me and loved me as their own child. We are not rich but we are happy with our lives and I am satisfied with the life I have.

Although, sometimes I can’t help but ask myself why my real parents left me but I still pray that they will be fine and hopefully we will meet someday.

When I arrived at school, I immediately looked for a seat in the back, I didn't want to sit in the front, usually because the only ones sitting in the front were the smart ones or the hard -working students. I sit in the back to avoid Mathematics and English subjects, I'm so dumb when it comes to those two subjects.

I'm lazy to study those two subjects, my brain is weak every time the teacher discusses. I often just look at the teacher who is having a discussion but my brain is already flying to another planet.

When I was still in first year, I failed in the second grading in Mathematics because I always took cutting classes and sometimes I only went to school for half a day. Fortunately, my math teacher gave me a second chance to study hard and he would pass me his subject.

Since then, I have studied well not only in Mathematics and English but in all subjects, I even ran as a student representative of grade 8th but did not win because my record in school was not good and the students did not vote for me.

I'm not smart but I'm studying well now and I want to graduate so that in the future I can give everything my mother wants because I know it's hard to raise a child especially if it's not your own child.

I sat down in my chosen seat. I turned to the window to look outside where the students were busy with their own business. Some are laughing, others are talking. You know, after the summer vacation and when the best friends meet, if they can talk, it's like they haven't seen each other for decades. My friends and I did the same every time we met.

"You didn't wait for us at the gate." Namtan said to me as she slapped me on my shoulder.

I turned to her and looked at her badly. "Duh! Why should I wait for you?" I told her and I rolled my eyes.

Jane, Namtan, Mild, New and I have been friends since last year when I was in 7th grade. They are also one of the reasons why I study well because almost all of them are Top students while Jane and I are not and they are smart especially New he is the valedictorian in our class.

In our circle of friends, we have different habits and inclinations. Newwie is the smartest of us, he is quiet and I can say he is ideal boyfriend and he is one of the high school students council here at our school.

Namtan and Mild are the ones who love to participate in dances but Namtan is very dedicated to her studies and has no time when it comes to love life. While Mild is a player and only knows how to do bad things in life and a bitchy one, but when it comes to studying she studies well.

Jane, on the other hand, doesn't care what happens in the world and she loves us very much, she left her ex -boyfriend for us, her boyfriend is jealous of New.  And the biggest mistake that her ex -boyfriend did is that he lets Jane choose between her friends and him. Jane chose us over her boyfriend, she told us we were more important than her boyfriend and she didn’t want to stay in a relationship that seemed to choke her in the neck.

Me, on the other hand, I am the one who likes to give advice whenever they have problems about their family and so on. I am an open minded and independent person so many students come to me for advice even if they are not my friends. I'm the type of person who is talkative when I'm with my friends but when it comes to other people I'm serious and I'm often mistaken for a bad person.

How did the five of us become best frinds? Well, last year I just saw New crying so I approached him to comfort him. That's when I found out that he was broken and I helped him how to move on and I also found out that the four of them were friends and that our friendship had started.

"HEY! Are you listening to us Gun?!" What the f*ck. Mild shouted at me in the ear.

I slapped her on the forehead. "You don't have to shout in my ear, do you want me to be deaf?" I rolled my eyes at her. Duh! She always does that to us. I looked at them, they were all here I didn't realize much because I was thinking of something. I smiled at them and we started talking about what happened on our vacation as we waited for the bell to ring.

"Oh. I almost forgot to tell you that I saw your crush a while ago while I was walking in the plaza." New said as he looked at me. I know who he's referring to, when we talk about my ultimate crush Off Jumpol he's always thrilled.

"Awwwee ....!"

All my classmates in the room were staring at me and they were teasing me about my crush. That's not new to me because the whole campus knows who my crush is and even the teachers joined them to teased me.

Not everyone would have known who my crush was if Off hadn’t flirted with me last year.

"Class please be quiet." We all turned to our teacher.

We all stood up and greeted our teacher. "Good morning sir!" We sat down again.

Our teacher in the class looked at us. "I will be your history teacher. I am Singto Prachaya but just call me Mr. Prachaya." After he spoke he sat down in his chair and he opened his book.

"Before I start our class, I want you to introduce yourself to me one by one. I will call your name in the attendance class and all you have to do is stand up and introduce yourself, what is your habit and your talent."

This is what I hate the most on the first day of school when we introduce ourselves to our teacher and I’m sure even other subjects will do the same.

As my classmates began to introduce themselves, a student council suddenly knocked on the door of our room.

"Excuse me Me. Prachaya." One of the student councils at our school said.

"Yes?" Our teacher's answer to the student council.

He approached our teacher and handed him a piece of paper. "List of transfer students in your class." Our teacher picked it up and read it.

Our classmates murmured. It is not new for me to see my classmates whispering and wondering who the new students are, all the students in the first section are the ones with high marks only, so if you want to go to our section you must burn your eyebrow first before you become our classmates.

"Your classmates will be Tay Tawan and." His speech was interrupted and he looked at the new students at the door of our classroom.

My classmates started making noise and I gasped at what I saw, I can’t believe what I’m seeing now.

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