Chapter 26: Evie and the Maharaja

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As the sun rose, your eyes fluttered open against the warming hues of the morning sun. With a small smile, you snuggled into Jacob's bare chest, listening to the faint heartbeat that thudded against his chest. It was almost as if you had forgotten what today was going to bring. Jacob hummed as he pulled you closer into his arms, kissing the top of your head. 

"Morning," He mumbled softly, "I could stay in bed like this all day,"

"As could I," You smiled softly, "But unfortunately, we can't,"

"Today is going to be a long day," Jacob sighed, his eyes opening and staring up at the ceiling, "But it will be a huge relief once Starrick is dead once and for all. Me and Evie need to get everything together today, then we'll go and finish this,"

Your eyes slid shut, once again you felt useless in all of this, discluded. 

The two of you stayed in bed for a while longer before finally deciding that you needed to get up and make a start on what would seem like the biggest day of all of your lives. Not feeling like wearing a dress would be appropriate, you slipped on a pair of trousers, boots, and a shirt, tied your hair back, and stepped over to where Jacob, Evie, and Henry all stood discussing today's jobs.

"Well I need to somehow get some weapons into the palace tonight," Jacob said, which was met by a disapproving look from Evie.

"Why? And how do you suggest you'll manage to get them past the guards at the gates?" She asked, her arms folding over her chest.

"Well considering there will be many dangerous people there, and if there's going to be an attack, we need to prevent it from happening. How do you suggest we will do that without any weapons?" Jacob's voice mocked, "That is why I'm going to see Freddie, see if he's got any way of helping,"

"Or, we could get the plans to the palace, get to the vault before Starrick does and stop his plans altogether?" Evie suggested, her brows rising.

"Or you could do both?" You jumped in, your arms outreaching with the suggestion, "It wouldn't harm having weapons AND trying to get to the vault before Starrick. If one plan doesn't work, at least we have the weapons,"

"That's a wise idea," Henry nodded his head in agreement.

"Fine," Evie said firmly, "I'll go see Duleep, see if he has any ideas about the plans for the palace,"

Before either of the twins could disappear, you quickly spoke up, "I want to help,"

"What if it's too dangerous? Look what happened last time?" Jacob replied.

"Well, I'm sorry Jacob, but that isn't your choice to make. I didn't come back to London to just sit around being useless, whilst you lot are all out risking your necks. I came back to help you," You began. No longer did you want to be seen as a meek little rich girl, who was nothing but a burden and in the way. You wanted to be useful, to have some purpose in your life. All through your life so far, your only purpose was to find a man to marry, a man that had status and wealth. But you knew that wasn't the life you wanted to lead. You wanted so much more, and you finally felt like you have found what you were looking for. Jacob Frye, being the one thing that was driving you forward.

"She can come with me," Evie looked over at Jacob, "I'm only going to see Duleep,"

"Okay," Jacob replied hesitantly, "And you can come with us to the palace ball, but I want you to stay by either of our sides, okay?"

"Okay," You nodded.


"Delighted to see you again, Miss Frye. And who is this?" Duleep was a man of elegance. His brown skin glowed in the sun as his warm brown eyes pierced your soul. Sat upon his head was a black turban, decorated in jewels that showed his status. You felt as if you should bow to him almost, but seeing that Evie didn't, you remained still and gave him a polite smile. 

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