Chapter 2: The Arrival

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King's Cross Station was dense with a sea of people, all hastening along the platforms to their required destination. You stepped off the train in a state of wonderment. All the hustle and bustle of the place was nerving, could you really get used to this lifestyle?

Relieved from the density of the station, you stepped out into the street, and your [e/c] eyes gazed upon the enormity of London. It was so much grander than Cambridge, and the thickness of the air kicked hard at your throat, causing you to splutter out a cough.

"Miss [y/l/n]?" A voice rose from the sound of carriages passing by and the voices of Londoners, your head swivelled towards the voice.

A man atop a black carriage with red features dressing its woodwork, looked down upon you, and you realised he was addressing you.

"Are you Miss [y/l/n]?" He asked once more, and you quickly nodded as you made your way over towards him. The man jumped down from the seat and with a small smile, took your cases from your hands.

You waited patiently for him to finish, and once he did, he opened the door for you, holding out his hand to help you into the carriage.

The journey to your father's apartment was one full of nervousness as you did not know what to expect. You hardly knew your father for he left for London when you were only a small child, he'd left your mother for some other woman, which you did not blame him for, as your mother was definitely hard work. Though, you felt hurt that he'd not made the effort to come and see you.

Your eyes watched as London passed by. You felt a foreigner in such a large and intimidating place. Though you had seen paintings of the landmarks that your eyes casted upon, you felt you knew little of London, and with that, you let out a staggered sigh.

The carriage came to a gradual halt outside your fathers apartment, which was above your fathers shop, an apothecary. The shops exterior was run down, and you knew that a redecoration was in order.

Inside was no better, it was like your father had refused to make any sort of improvements to the place, but now the shop was inherited to you, you decided you were to change the place around a bit. Starting with the outside, maybe with a lick of paint and a change around in the display, maybe you could keep the business on a high.

Up in the apartment, the place radiated masculinity, with no feminine touch in the decoration or with the smell. In the end, you let out a sigh as you gave up on expecting something to the standards you were used to.

"You certainly had bad taste, father," You muttered under your breath, making your way over to the desk in the corner of the room, and your eyes skimmed over the paperwork laid down upon the chipped wooden surface.

With furrowed brows, your eyes read the words carefully. Bills. In debt?

"Why did I not know about this?" You said a little louder to yourself, your eyes continuing to take in the words printed in the parchment.

"Indebted to whom!?"

Finally your eyes came across a name that you had never seen before, Crawford Starrick. You didn't know the man, nor did you understand why your father, or should you now say you, were indebted to Starrick.

Your eyes widened at the enormity of the debt, £1000*. You didn't have that sort of money, not even with the wealth of your family and the inherited riches you received. It wasn't enough to pay a debt and to survive off.

Suddenly a sickening feeling churned in the pit of your stomach. Maybe if you spoke to this Starrick person, you could explain about your situation and let you off for a while whilst you get the business going.

You planned a visit in the next day or so.


Your night was less than unsettling. The unfamiliar surroundings and the rather uncomfortable bed made it hard for you to have a decent nights sleep.

Just as you were beginning to feel yourself be taken by your exhaustion, there came a loud smash from downstairs in the apothecary. Your [e/c] eyes shot open and your body froze into place.

Muffled voices were heard through the quietened rummaging and crashing of bottles and desks. Your heart pounded hard against your chest, hoping that the intruders knew nothing of your presence at that moment in time.

Your fingers grasped tighter at your bed sheets as you laid frozen in your bed, your breath held in, in fear that they may hear you, despite being passed many locked doors.

A few moments went by, the intruders destruction ceased to a halt as they let out a proud chuckle, then they disappeared out the apothecary, their work now complete.

Feeling now safe to breath again, you let out a staggered sigh of both fright and relief that they had now gone, and you plucked up the courage to investigate.

With your candle in hand, you tip toed down the stairs, each creak making you cringe in fear that they may still be inside. As soon as you pushed the door to the apothecary open, tears flooded your eyes immediately to the state of the shop.

Glasses and medicines were scattered upon the stone surface of the floor and the glass cupboard doors were smashed or torn from the hinges. All your fathers hard work was put to waste in a single moment, and it tugged at your heart painfully.

As your eye wandered, it soon settled down upon a small note pinned down upon the counter by a small dagger wedged deep within the wooden surface.

Carefully, you trudged your way over to the counter to read the note.

Starrick doesn't like to be kept waiting. His fellow Blighters left a little message. If he doesn't receive his money soon, something far worse will happen. Tick tock.


So guys, this is chapter 2, I hoped you liked it. I will not be updating now until after the new year due to Christmas being in 2 days and then my holiday to Lapland. Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas!

* Just a quick fact, I have looked at how much £1000 was worth in 1868, and £1000 would be equivalent to £16,500 round about. A lot of money right?!

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