Chapter 11: Bloody Revenge

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The mornings sun peaked through the curtains and shone down a golden light upon your sleeping form. The warmth enough to bring you comfort and peacefulness despite all you had to bare witness the previous day. Never did you thought that you're life could get any worse. Your shop twice destroyed, then one of your closest friends killed right before you eyes. It tore a hole in your heart, a hole only stitched up by revenge for your fathers sake and for the sake of Victor.

With that thought playing on your mind, you roused from your sleep, a single tear rolling down your cheek which you instinctively wipe away before you pushed yourself up to stand. Your eyes wandered the room, trying to take in your new surroundings and scent that engulfed you... Jacob's scent. You were glad to have Jacob by your side, always there to shield you from harm despite some of his failures. But you guessed it was the thought that counted, the thought that someone was actually there for you, to look over you during a time when you were at your most vulnerable.

You threw the bed sheets away from you and picked yourself up out of the sanctuary of the bed. You wanted to thank Jacob for his efforts. Once you were dressed, you padded your way through to the next car of the train where Jacob was sat with his elbows upon his knees, reading a parchment of paper. Upon your entrance he looked up and gave a small smile, "[Y/N], how are you feeling?"

"Better, thank you," You managed to voice out and stepped over to his side before sitting down upon the chaise next to him. He could see just how truly lost you were and wished to remedy that. So, with a clearing of his throat, he passed over the parchment within his hand.

"Whats this?" You asked with a furrow of your brows and read the letter. Your eyes widened and snapped over to Jacob realising exactly what it was. A plan to kill the doctor.

"He deserves what he's going to get," Jacob reassured, "And... I hope it will bring you some sort of peace,"

A silence filled the air as your eyes averted back down to the plan to read it once again. Slowly you began to nod and once more met Jacob's gaze, "It will... Thank you,"

Jacob smiled softly as he pried the plan away from your hands and folded it up to put back into his jacket pocket. He sat back with a sigh and his arms sprawled over the back of the chaise, "How are you feeling... Truly?"

You hesitated for a moment in thought, trying to wrack together the words for how you're feeling. Then, slowly, you turned to face him, "Like i've.... I've failed my father.... Failed Victor. And the only way to make up for my mistakes is to give back what i've been given. Give back the same disrespect i've received. If i don't, i am a true failure, and my heart will never mend,"

Jacob listened intently, and once you finished, he nodded with a thinning of his lips. His hand went down to your arm and gently rubbed it soothingly. The touch warmed your skin in more ways than one, and your heart raced slightly.

"Well i'll be here to help you all the way," He reassured, making you smile softly at his gesture. A tension began to form between you as your eyes met. Never had you felt this way before, the thick tension between you and another person, and you could not truly pinpoint why it was and why your heart fluttered so.

Jacob's hand suddenly snapped away when the door on the opposite side of the car swung open and Evie came bounding in. All eyes peered up at her approaching form, and the two of you shuffled slightly in your seat realising that Evie certainly interrupted a moment you were both having.

"Brother! We should move with this plan, we have the most perfect opportunity! He's at home ill and we have found the location of his residence," Evie said, and it immediately sparked your interest as you listened carefully to their conversation.

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