Chapter 24: Chaos of Hellfire

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Crimson stained the steel of Jacob's hidden blade, and with a strain of his lungs, he cleared his throat as he rose to his feet. Around him was the thick acrid smoke of the burning theatre, and amongst it all, his thoughts finally came crashing down to you. Did you get out?

God, I hoped so!

Pushing his way through the smoke, he stumbled over the scattered chairs as he made his way towards the exit. However, he found that it was blocked by debris from the collapsed balcony above.

"Fuck," He muttered under his breath as his stinging and teary eyes focused up to the top of the balcony for another route out. In the corner of his eye, he spotted a mound of fabric. His brows furrowed as he stepped closer, and as he saw the [h/c] hair, realisation hit him like a tonne of bricks.

"[Name]?" He ran over, crashing down to his knees before lifting your limp body into his arms, "[Name], no please,"

A loud crack, and a thunderous rumble echoed above, the balcony began to collapse. Instinctively, Jacob covered your body with his own. With a groan, a block of wood glowing orange with embers bounced off his back and onto the floor. With a chesty cough, Jacob looked up desperately for a way out, and with a deep breath, he lifted you over his shoulder before aiming the grappling hook to the upper levels.

As the grappling hook embedded into the ceiling, Jacob held you tight as the cable recoiled and lifted you both to the upper levels of the theatre. There, Jacob could see the vast destruction that Roth had caused. The once beautiful and elegant theatre - now extinct amongst the chaos of hellfire. Jacob needed to get out quickly. With another cough, desperate for air, Jacob ran as fast as he could through the balcony doors and out among the stairs leading to the exit.

The fresh air hit Jacob like heavens golden gate. Welcoming with open arms. With a raspy gasp, Jacob's lungs began to clear with an almighty cough. Feeling the weight of your body pulling his oxygen-deprived body down, he lowered you to the ground carefully- like you were made of glass.

"[Name]? [Name], my love?" His hand gently cupped your soot covered cheek, thats when he could feel it, a thud beneath your skin as his fingertips brushed against your neck. A pulse. The feeling of relief washed over Jacob, and he signed out thankfully. And then as if risen from the grave itself, you spluttered out a cough. You fought for clean air with a gasp after frantic gasp. Eyes wide with desperation and exertion, you finally looked over at a very worried Jacob.

"Christ, I thought I lost you," He said emotionally, something that never failed to beat at your chest like a hammer to the heart. Once you caught your breath enough to speak, your weak voice slipped past your lips.

"I'm not going anywhere,"


Finally back at the train, you sat down in the arm chair with a glass of water to clear your airways. Your dress now ruined with soot and scorched from the embers that filled the theatre, you were a sight to behold.

"Here," Jacob knelt down before you with a wet cloth in his hand. He lifted it to your dirtied face, cleaning you up gently as minor burns reddened your skin, "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, Jacob," You reassured him, smiling softly. You missed this, his gentle touch and his softly spoken words that you only ever hear him speak to you, "Did you kill him? Roth?"

"Roth is no more," Jacob nodded. You couldn't quite make out what he was thinking, his face not giving much away. But you could tell that Jacob had a fondness of Roth. Not so much that he liked him, but maybe something beyond his control. A mutual appreciation.

"Why Roth?" You asked.

"Hm?" Jacob was suddenly caught off guard, his eyes lifting to yours, "What do you mean?"

"Jacob, I understand, maybe not for the choice in who it is, but I understand," You whispered, lifting your hand as you tenderly stroked his stubbled jaw. Knowing what she was talking about, Jacob's head fell, feeling ashamed that not only did he have feelings for another man, but he had feelings for someone else and you knew.

"Hey, it's okay," You comforted, pulling his chin up with your fingertips and meeting his eyes softly, "You can't help who you have feelings for, I love you all the same,"

"I love you too," Jacob whispered, and he moved forward as his lips pressed against yours in a lingering kiss.

"[Name]?" A voice came from over Jacob's shoulder, and as soon as you broke the kiss, your eyes landed on Evie looking as if she had seen a ghost, "What are you doing here? Why are you not in Cambridge? What happened to you?"

"Evie," You called, your smile spreading wide at the sight of the twin, it had been so long.

"Jacob, what have you done to her?" Her voice was stern, and you could tell immediately that all wasn't well between the two of them, and you shuffled uncomfortably on the spot.

"Evie, It's not Jacob's fault. I'm here on my own accord and I'm fine," You defended.

"You don't look fine, you've got burns!" She cried out as she walked over to you to inspect your wounds.

"I've decided to come back and help," You explained, politely swatting away Evie's hands, "Besides, my mother had basically disowned me, so there's no going back now,"

"Why, what happened?" Evie asked, her voice thick with concerned.

"Look, Evie, I will explain what happened, just right now, I want some sleep,"

Evie looked up at Jacob who stood towering over her with his arms folded. Taking the hint, she rose to her feet and turned to leave.

"Jesus, talk about full on," Jacob shook his head and helped you to bed.

"She's just concerned, thats all," You said as you sat on the bed and began to rid yourself of your burned dress, and then finally the two of you tucked into bed, arm in arm.

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