Chapter 21: And The Truth Will Set You Free

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Life had returned back to normality somewhat. You woke up each day to your mother, ushering you to not waste your day in bed, and as she normally would, she'd help you dress into your old elegant dresses, making your hair show your availability to any bachelors that you may encounter. However, most days, you would just sit in the drawing-room stitching a pattern or reading. You had enquired to your mother about possibly opening up your own apothecary in Cambridge as Jacob suggested but was met with disapproval.

"Apothecary work is unsuitable for a woman of your status," She would say, "Plus, if you marry, you may not need to work,"

And just like that, you found yourself in the same old cycle of your mother finding you a suitor, the same boring life you led before your father's passing, before you took the train to London, and before Jacob.

Jacob was always on your mind. Everything reminded you of him. The smell of cologne that he regularly wore, the letter he wrote to you which he had hidden in your luggage, you even dreamt of his soft kisses. It was hard to let him go.

Typical of your mother, she hosted a dinner party with some of the top aristocrats locally in Cambridge, all of good wealth and fortune. Dressed in a pale blue dress with a Bardot neckline, exposing your shoulders, cinched at the waist and draped down in a voluminous skirt, adorning stitched patterns in a silvery thread. The conversation was that of politics and royalty, and for some, crude jokes in between.

"Have you heard? The Duke of Edinburgh got shot in Sydney the other day!" One woman gossiped, "It's lucky he even survived!"

"I do think it is a huge mistake to allow more people to vote, don't you agree?" A rather elderly man began, "Allowing poor people to vote will destroy what has been built. If people can't afford to look after their money well enough to own their own house, how are they supposed to know which is the correct party to vote for?"

Your eyes lifted, "I'm sorry sir, but wouldn't it be correct to assume that people vote for the party that benefits them? Labour are showing their sympathies towards people of lesser fortune. If other parties do not even consider those unfortunate people, then life would be much harder would it not? So I agree to allow more people to vote, let more peoples voices be heard. In fact, let women vote too i'd say!"

Everyone around the table looked around in horror, and your mother gave you a warning glare.

"My Katherine, your daughter sure has some... strong opinions,"

"Yes well, she's been living alone in London for a few of months, looking after herself, so she was bound to be independent and strong-minded," Your mother explained rather nervously, "But she's back to stay with me now, so..."

You rolled your eyes and sat back in the dining room chair. You decided to remain silent unless asked a question. You knew if you did not, then you would get a scolding for your mother once the guests had all gone. Come to the dessert, your mother looked over rather excitedly towards you, "[Name], this here is Mr. Thompson,"

Your eyes searched the table and fell upon a young and rather handsome man. His eyes blacker than the night sky, his hair a dark chestnutty brown, and his features rather feminine and soft. He was pretty, a complete contrast to Jacob's masculine, sharp, and rugged appearance. You gave him a small smile and a nod of your head.

"It's nice to meet you," He smiled back, he had a nice smile despite the slight unevenness of his teeth.

"Over the past week whilst you've been home, myself, Mr. Thompson and his father have spoken, and we've agreed that you both are to get married," She announced excitedly. Your heart stopped and your face instantly dropped.

"Excuse me?" You asked sharply, and the room fell silent.

"You are to get married," Your mother informed once again, her voice matching your own sharpness, clearly unimpressed by your reaction.

"Mother, I will not marry anyone-"

"You will do as I say," She spat, but when she once more realised her audience, she cleared her throat and straightened up, "We will not discuss this at the dinner table,"

With your lips pursed and the anger seething inside, you abruptly pushed yourself up to your feet, the chair beneath you screeching against the wooden floor panels, "Will you excuse me,"

With that, you stormed up to your room, slamming the door shut as you did so.

Later that night, as you sat at your windowsill staring at the starry night sky, a knock echoed from your door and groaned as it began to open. Your eyes drifted to the door to see your mother hesitatingly entering.

"[Name]?" She said, when your attention averted back to the window and you failed to reply, she gave out a deep sigh and entered anyhow, "[Name], please hear me out?"

You felt her presence behind you, and her hand gently fell to your shoulder, "[Name], i know you and this... Jacob Frye had a thing together, i know you loved him and he loved you deeply... but he was a man of no status, no money. What could he provide for you?"

"I was doing well enough for myself-"

"I know your apothecary burnt down my dear," She interjected, and your shoulders visibly deflated, "He was a nobody. And if you ended up being with him, you would have lowered our name to the ground-"

"Is that all you think about? Our reputation?" You bit, your flaming eyes glaring deeply over to her, "I couldn't give two SHITS about our reputation. I was HAPPY!"


"Oh and whilst we're here... why didn't you tell me about the assassins, about our grandfather? Edward Kenway, the famous pirate assassin?"

Your mother fell silent at that, her eyes widening. When she failed to reply, your brows lifted, "Well?"

"It wasn't something you needed to know-"

"Well it clearly was, i was recognised by the templars over there. Or didn't you think about that hm?" You spat.

"I was trying to protect you, and then you had to go and meet those blasted Frye Twins-"

"Oh so you knew about them?"

"Of course I know about them," she shook her head, "I know about a lot of things. And when your father went to London and started dealing with the Templars, thats when I told him we were finished. He hated the assassins. He hated me! And to get back at me, he went against me. When I heard that he left everything to you, my world was crashing down. And then finding out that you were with the Frye twins? Well... i hated them all for dragging you into the world i wanted to protect you from. This life has brought nothing but pain since the day i was born! Can't you see why i wanted to keep you away from it all?"

"It wasn't your choice to make..." you said quietly and you shook your head slowly, "Now get out,"


"Now!" You yelled, and with a slight thinning of her lips, your mother exited the room.

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