Chapter 9: Overdose

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Patient after patient, the apothecary began to boom with business, and your life seemed to make a turn for the better. Money was rolling in with every bottle of pills and medicine you sold and with every patient Victor diagnosed. Victor even went out of his way to teach you the art of being a physician, and it immediately captured your interest. So much so that he had assured you a place in Dr Elliotson's next operating theatre, to see the wonders he would perform.

Even when you had been busy with your business and learning new things, your mind never strayed from Jacob. You wondered exactly how he was, what he was doing, if you would see him again any time soon. You knew he would only come around if he really needed to, if there was a need to check up on things, but there wasn't, what with the Rooks being around to assure things were safe. So you occupied your mind for the time being, focusing on maintaining your home and your shop.


A navy dress with lace cuffs that sat at your elbows was what you adorned, as you aimed to look professional in the wealth you were gaining, to show the men attending the operating theatre that just because you were a woman, didn't mean you weren't suitable for such an occupation. You had found that, whilst building upon the business of medicine, many looked down upon you for the fact that you were a woman in such a profession. And as you stepped into the operating theatre, taking your seat near the doors, that glaring eyes peered up at you before turning to the man sat next to them to whisper to each other about the fact that you even dared to try and crawl your way into such a profession knowing that it would get you nowhere but penniless. Little did they know how much your business was climbing, and it helped that Victor was the man to treat all the patients anyway.

The rain had made your hair fall loose as you made your way into the Asylum Hospital, and so as you waited for the operation to start, you adjusted your hair as best as you could to make it look presentable. However, you were quick to drop your arms as 2 men walked into the middle of the theatre. A man with an apron and a top hat, he looked young, and no doubt the assistant beside the older man with a doctors coat and a long grey beard. He looked around at the crowd, catching eyes with you with a slight twinkle and a smile before he then addressed to the whole audience that he now had.

"Gentlemen! And lady," He began to speak, "Welcome to today's procedure. I will be performing an operation to the brain to show that we can fix the inmates insanity with a complex procedure, but I must warn you, it is not for the faint hearted,"

Your eyes caught a small smile tug in the corner of his lips as he said so, and it made you fidget in your seat feeling slightly uncomfortable in the Doctor's presence.

"Let us begin," He boomed as he pivoted around to face his assistant, who then disappeared and reappeared with a stretcher. Upon it, a fearful looking inmate, alive and well, besides the obvious mental illness that brought him to the asylum. A sudden sickening began to churn in your stomach knowing that the procedure will be performed upon a living person, who is awake through the whole thing, and who will feel every ounce of pain.

Dr. Elliotson equipped himself with a surgical tool, and without any hesitation, because to twist the tool into the inmates head. The piercing screams made your body shiver, and even though you wanted to look away or leave for that matter, your body refused to let you do so. A minute or so went by, and the screams seemed to go on and on, until finally, they abruptly stopped, and the inmate's body fell lifeless. With a sigh, Dr. Elliotson pulled the tool out from his head and turned to address his audience once more.

"Well as you just witnessed, the application of too much pressure can sometimes result in... unexpected outcomes. Unfortunately, it appears I've ruined the organ," He sighed once more before moving towards a speaker, "Send up a cadaver,"

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