Chapter 7: Girl From Cambridge

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The days went by and there had been no sign of the Blighters. No doubt from the ever lingering presence of Rooks around the shop and near you wherever you went.

You were thankful, they made you feel safe and secure, which you hadn't been for sometime before the fire. You had always been on edge, not knowing what was to come next. But those worries slipped away once you knew you had a gang, who were apart of the greatest underworld in London, protecting you from harm.

It had been a while since Jacob had visited, so when you heard a knock on your front door, you placed the kitchen towel down by the sink and made your way down the stairs to the door. Your heart leapt when Jacob's muscular form stood at the door before you, you didn't know exactly what it was that played with your heart beat, but you were surprisingly pleased to see him.

"Miss [y/l/n]," He greeted with a smirk, and you lean't against the doorframe as you peered up at him with a smile.

"Mr Frye, what do I owe the pleasure?" You asked, a little bit of a playful tone in your voice.

"Your company. Through the city," He offered, and your smile widened.

"Give me a few seconds, would you like to come in?"

"No no, i'll wait here,"

When the door finally closed, you rushed up the stairs and quickly slipped on your jacket before heading back down and out of the door where Jacob was waiting.

Arm in arm, Jacob led you down to the riverside where the boats powered across the unsettled mirky water, and the pungent smell it emitted tickled the back of your throat slightly, but you cleared it away with a light cough.

The sun powered through the clouds that lingered in the sky above, and dimly glistened upon the water of the Thames. Despite the crowds that occupied the pavements and the many carriages that passed along the muddied roads, you found yourself in a slight tranquility.

"So, Miss [y/l/n], tell me about yourself," Jacob spoke up after a few moment of silence, and you took a deep breath as your eyes casted down to the ships that powered through the water.

"Theres not much to know about me, i'm just a girl from Cambridge," You shrugged.

"A rich girl at that, come on, there must be something more? What are your interests? Who is your mother? Who's the fiancé?" He asked, gesturing down to your ring finger that was dressed with a large gold diamond encrusted ring.

You lifted your hand to allow Jacob to grab a proper look at the ring, and he took your hand into his own as he inspected it, "It's a mighty ring, must have cost a fortune,"

"He's an entrepreneur," You sighed, the thought of Mr Matthews already draining her, "And he is very rich, probably why my mother chose him to be my husband,"

"You had no choice in the matter?" Jacob furrowed his brows as he asked, and you shook your head.

"No, I didn't," Then you froze in thought, "But I do now,"

You slipped your arm from Jacob's and stepped over to the stone wall of the river side, before slipping the ring from your finger and throwing into the depths of the Thames.

Jacob looked shocked, his brows rose to the top of his head at the mere fact that you threw such an expensive piece of jewellery into a place where it shall never be found again.

"I live in London now, and I have a business to run, so this marriage was never going to work anyway," You explained as you turned and continued on your way, leaving Jacob to take in what just happened. He soon caught up.

"What about you Jacob? Whats your story?" You asked inquisitively as you looked over to him by your side.

"Well, as you can tell i'm not from London, i'm from Crawley with my twin sister Evie-"


"Yes, though we look nothing alike, and we both have different mind sets. She tends to belittle my knowledge... And my gang," He explained with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Sibling rivalry?" You asked curiously, and Jacob chuckled slightly.

"You could say that,"

For the rest of the walk, the two of you got to know each other more and more, and the more you knew, the more you grew to like Jacob.

As the sun began to dip below the skyline, Jacob decided it was time to return you back home.

"Today's been lovely Jacob, thank you," You said as you walked up the couple of steps up to your front door and you turned to face Jacob with a smile.

"No, thank you for agreeing to walk with me. We really did get off on the wrong foot before," He said as he lifted your hand and pressed a lingering kiss upon your knuckles. The soft touch of his lips rendered you speechless, and you gazed upon his sharp features that strengthened even more in the orange hues of the sunset.

"Goodnight," He said with a tilt of his top hat and he strolled away. With a deep breath, you made your way back inside.

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