Chapter 3: Chief Inspector Abberline

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"What can I do for you, Young Miss?"

You stood at the dark mahogany desk, behind it a policeman with his blue suited uniform and his black hat. You shuffled from one foot to the other, the previous night events had shaken you to the core.

"I'd like to report a crime," Your voice was slightly wavered but strong, you wanted the police to take you seriously, and not treat you like a scared little girl.

"And what would that be?"

With your hand now buried into your pocket, you pulled out the folded note that was left behind by the intruders who named themselves the Blighters. With your hand outstretched, the policeman took it from your fingers and read it.

"Well Miss-"

"[y/l/n]" You interrupted, making the policeman look up with a cocked brow.

"Miss [y/l/n]... It appears you are in a bit of a sticky situation, this gang is being handled by our Chief Inspector, maybe he could help," He shrugged and rose to his feet, "Please wait here a moment. Take a seat if you want,"

You did so as you lowered down into the dark wooden rickety chair. As you waited, your eyes gazed around the room. The wallpaper was a dull light green and the room was dimly decorated with dark wooden panelling and shelves, with a grandfather clock in the corner and books and files scattered around the room. It was all in a messily organised state, something you could only gaze at for a moment, it was definitely a masculine room.

Your head turned as the door to the office creaked, and a man with dark hair that matched his large dark moustache came striding in.

"Miss [y/l/n], you are having problems with the Blighters, so I'm told," the man said as he looked up from the note he had now in his hands.

"I am,"

"My name is Chief Inspector Frederick Abberline," He held out his hand and you took it to shake his hand, "Please, tell me what the Blighters have done,"

Once Abberline sat down, you straightened in the seat and began, "I arrived in London only yesterday to take over my father's apothecary. He recently passed away, you see. And I found documents of my Father's debt, £1000. I didn't know anything nor did I know how long my father had left it. But I can see now the extent of his debt as these... Blighters, have now desolated the shop, leaving that note on the counter,"

Abberline listened intently, the occasional nod here and there to acknowledge what you were saying. Then with a deep inhale through his nose, he put his elbows upon the desk and looked into your eyes.

"Miss [y/l/n], did you bring these documents?" He asked, and you nodded as you once more buried your hand into your pocket, producing the documents he asked for.

With a thorough read through, he spoke with a shake of his head, "It appears that your father has been under the protection of the Blighters, and selling into the black market,"

"So what does that mean for me?" You said with a frown, a slight fear in your voice.

"It means that until you pay them your debt, you will be seeing regular visits," Abberline lifted his eyes up to your [e/c] ones, "But, I could get someone to sort the problem out a lot quicker if you would so wish to?"

"Yes, anything so I can run the business in peace... I haven't the money to pay this Starrick person," You felt a little more relieved knowing that someone can help you.

"His name is Jacob Frye, I will ask him to drop by as soon as possible, but for now, please sit tight," Abberline said as he rose to his feet, collected the documents and note that you had brought along with you, and handed them back over to you.

"Thank you very much Inspector," You gave him a small smile and turned to leave.


So this was only a short chapter seeming as i'm on holiday atm, next chapter will be longer i promise.

Happy new year by the way. Hope everyone has had a good couple of days in the start of 2016, I certainly have.

I just wanted to write this little message to my amazing friend FeedMeFryes I know shes been a bit down at the moment, so I just want to take this time to tell her just how amazing and beautiful she is. She is such an great writer and she's such a lovely person. She shouldn't let those petty people get her down because she deserves to be happy! ......
So... Don't be sad, when we meet, we will have a hella good time watching the new AC movie, and we will go look at vinyls together and fangirl over Jacob Frye! Love you man!!!!

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