Chapter 23: Final Act of Reunion

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Covered in soot and with both his hands and face slightly burnt, Jacob waited at the train station for the locomotive on the unusually quiet platform, which could have something to do with the explosion that occurred at a workshop not long back. When the train finally pulled into the station, Jacob quickly jumped on and made work at cleaning up his burns that were becoming more and more troublesome. With a rag to his wounds, he strode to his car. As he walked past the threshold, he stopped in his tracks.

There you stood, hands held in front of you nervously, awaiting a single word to slip past his lips. You could feel his eyes wander down at your attire as you still adorned your wedding dress, then back to your face.

"P-Please say something," You choked, feeling yourself tearing up as, after all this time, he couldn't seem to speak.

"Why are you here... Why are you not in Cambridge?" He finally asked, his voice somewhat in disbelief.

"Are you not happy to see me?" You whispered, your voice barely able to raise past a whisper as tears threatened to spill.

"[Name], I am more than happy," He rushed up towards you and pulled you to his chest. It felt surreal to Jacob that he was able to hold you so close to him once more, "God my heart could burst,"

Your eyes lifted to meet his, and within that second, neither of you could resist the urge as your lips met in a passionate kiss. One that you had yearned for months. When the kiss finally slowed to a stop, you broke apart to catch your breath. His eyes once more looked down at your wedding dress.

"You look beautiful," He said, pushing you at arm's length so he could get an eyeful of you.

"I forgot I still had this on," You said guiltily, knowing you had to explain yourself, "You better sit down, I have a lot to tell you,"

Once Jacob had taken a seat, you began, "As soon as I got home, it was like I hadn't even been away. Mother played matchmaker again and... and I tried to tell her no. I tried so hard-"

Jacob watched as you struggled to come to terms with everything that had happened, and he put his hand on your cheek, gently stroking your skin.

"She matched me up with this gentleman called Benjamin. He was sweet and we shared common interests. We became friends, and I-I just thought..." Your head hung, "I just thought to satisfy my mother, and to try and move on, I could grow to love him perhaps. But then I stood at the altar and... and I couldn't do it,"

Your eyes met up with his, "Because I love you, Jacob,"

"I love you too, [Name]. And don't get me wrong, I have missed you so much it hurt. But this world isn't for you-"

"I wouldn't be here if I haven't thought about what might happen. But I can't live in a world without you by my side, can't you see that?" You shook your head, "I'm not going back. I'm not. I will fight by your side. I know what I'm signing up for,"

"Are you sure about this?"

Without hesitation, you pulled the engagement ring off your finger and placed it down on the side, "I'm sure,"

Jacob held you for a few moments, took you all in and appreciated your presence. However, your eyes wandered down to his burnt hands, "Jacob, what the hell happened to you?"

"Ah yes, I probably should tell you what's been happening," He sighed, "I was working with a gang leader of the Blighters to get back at Starrick, and well... things haven't gone so well. Let's just say we have our differences in how we do things. He wanted to blow up one of Starrick's workshops which I found out too late was full of children. So I went in there and got them out,"

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