Chapter 19: Dead Men Tell Tales

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"What do you mean they've taken her?" Evie exclaimed after only moments before, Jacob stormed onto the train and alerted her of the situation, "What do they want with her?"

"I'm not sure, maybe they are using her for bait for something," Jacob shrugged. His mind was going into overdrive with worry for you, his leg bouncing nervously as he sat forward, elbows on his knees and fists to his lips, staring into nothingness.

"Jesus, how do we even know where to start?" Evie paced the length of the car, the train chugging along the metal tracks with speed, "She could be anywhere!"

Rolling to a steady stop, the train pulled up momentarily into the train station. The platforms unusually quiet for the time of day when markets were usually bustling with life and housewives doing their daily chores. Footsteps approached the twins as they sat pondering their next move.

"Sir, Ma'am?" Davy gave a slight nod of the head with a clear expression of worry plastered on his face.

"Davy?" Jacob rose to his feet upon the arrival of one of his Rooks, "Is everything okay back at the bureau?"

"I think you'll want to see what we've found," With that, Davy turned on his feet and headed into the next car. Jacob and Evie followed behind. Stopping abruptly, they looked down at the sorrowful sight of Zachariah, one of Jacob's most trusted gunslingers, beaten and bloody on the floor.

"What the bloody hell happened?" Jacob hissed angrily.

"We found him dealing with the Blighters. Got a wad of cash from them outside their bureau," Davy explained, and Zachariah looked up, eyes brimming with guilt, "Thought it might have something to do with what happened today, but I couldn't get a peep out of him,"

Jacob slowly knelt in front of Zachariah, an air of intimidation and outrage simmering from his very being. As he spoke, it was slow, deep, and laced with a murderous incentive, "You will tell me the truth, or so god help you, I will cut your tongue off and pull your throat out until you cannot bear it no more, do you understand?"

Zachariah's head nodded as best as he could, blood trickling down from his black hair into his glassy brown eyes.

"Did your deal with the Blighters have anything to do with the attack?"

"Y-yes," His voice shook.

"Did it have to do with [Name]'s disappearance?"

Zachariah's head nodded weakly, "Yes,"

"Why do they want her?" Jacob could feel the fire getting bigger and bigger inside of him, raging like a bushfire, uncontrollable, and deadly.

Zachariah looked around at all the faces that peered down at him, all judgemental and seething at his actions. He knew he was a dead man that was for sure.

"I will ask again, why do they want her?" Jacob grabbed the lapels of his green jacket, shaking him ever so slightly to grab his attention.

"I-I overheard..." Zachariah started, then paused as he moistened his throat, "I overheard the conversation you, Miss Frye and Miss [Last name] had about her relation to the assassin, Edward Kenway-"

"Oh for fuck sake," Jacob cried out, knowing exactly what happened and what you must be going through.

"I'm sorry sir, I needed the money, I came into a big debt and I have no way of paying it off," Zachariah panicked, his wide eyes searching the room for some sympathy, but saw he was getting none.

"Christ, I swear to GOD if she is dead-" Jacob began but was cut short when Evie put her hand on his shoulder.

"Where did they take her Zach?" Evie asked, her hand not letting go of Jacob's shoulder, trying to calm the fire that even she could see was about to explode.

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