Chapter 5: Ammends

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Money. This whole situation was about money. And you found yourself once more thinking about the money your father had left you which you now needed for the preparation of the renovation. Maybe then, once business is back up and running, you could start paying off debts owed.

Which then led you strolling through the bustling streets of London. The city was a maze of grand architectural structures, the sound of trains, steamboats and carriages and yet, you felt almost isolated within the population of over 6 million people who lived within the Capital.

You looked around, finding that no one made eye contact with you, not even a quick smile or a nod of the head. London was certainly different from Cambridge.

With a deepened inhale of the thick smoggy air, you continued on your path to the Bank of England. Your heeled boots strolled along the cobblestones of the streets and streamed through the crowds that only seemed to condense the closer to the City Of London you got.

Arriving at the Bank Of England, you stepped inside and through to the main hall. The room was large, and as you glanced up, its domed ceiling never failed to make your eyes widen in wonderment. Through your moment of awe, you did not hear the voice calling out to you, it wasn't until you felt a light touch to your arm that you came back down to Earth.

"Miss, do you need any assistance?" The grey haired man asked, his rounded glasses sat on the very end of his nose, and despite his weasel like eyes, he adorned a rather friendly smile.

"Um, yes, I'm here to check the contents of my fathers bank," You explained, and the man nodded.

"If you would like to follow me, Miss," He said as he turned on his heels and led you over towards an oak wooden desk at the far end of the room, set before a large gate that led towards the various vaults held within the bank. The man slowly sat down, his joints cracking as he did so from his tiring and fragile body.

"What is your fathers name?" He asked, bringing out a large folder from under the desk.

" Hugh [Y/L/N],"

"Aaaah Mr [Y/L/N]!" The man lifted his head in acknowledgement to the name, "He helped me on many occasions with my troublesome joints. It was sad to see him pass away,"

"Indeed, in his will, he has inherited his apothecary to me, but unfortunately the place looks worse for wear. I need to get it back up and running," You sighed and gave him a faint smile.

"Of course, I will check your fathers documents now,"

It took the old man a while to find your fathers documentations, and he looked down into his glasses as he read the scribbles made into the parchment. However, as he began to frown, your heart almost stopped knowing something wasn't right.

"Your fathers money has been withdrawn, Miss [Y/L/N]," He said and his eyes flickered up to yours.

"What? By whom?" You asked rather panicked. The man looked down once more at the document.

"By a Mr Fergus Strong at precisely 12 o'clock yesterday, says here that he was collecting a debt owed to Mr Crawford Starrick,"

Your heart thudded hard against your chest, it was the Blighters once again, and right after Mr Frye had came back from killing some Blighters yesterday. With your nostrils flared, you nodded over to the old man.

"Thank you for your help,"

Then, you turned on your heels and stormed quickly out of the bank, back home.


Jacob came around later that day, to check up on you like he was told to do by Abberline, not that he really wanted to after your first meeting. The way you had looked at him when you first opened the door had really knocked him back slightly, as though you were judging him almost immediately without the decency of giving him a chance to introduce himself properly.

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