Chapter 4: Mr Frye

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A knock on the door roused you from your light slumber, the dewy morning sun of London shone through the cracks in your blackout curtains. A groan emitted from your throat as your eyes cracked open against the suns orange beams of light, seeking out the clock on your bedside table to check the time.

7 o'clock.

It was too damn early for your liking that you then decided to ignore whoever it was and snuggle back into your feather pillow. However, another knock, louder than those before, echoed through the corridors of your house.

"Christ," You muttered under your breath as you shuffled to the edge of the bed and rose to your feet. You looked utterly dishevelled from the lack of decent sleep, your hair was in dismay and dark under eye circles drained your features. With a stretch, you headed over to your bedroom door as you grasped your silken dressing gown and made your way down to the front door.

As you opened the wooden door, painted a fine green colour to match the exterior of the shop, your eyes were met with a man leaning against the door frame. His frame was tall, accentuated by his top hat, and masked with a long leather jacket. His face was chiselled with his sharp jawline and defining stubble. He looked a rough and ready type of man, yet rather handsome none the less.

"Miss [y/l/n], I hear you're in need of assistance," The man spoke with a rather cool yet calm tone, all of which immediately grated at your nerves.

"You must be Mr-"

"Frye, Jacob Frye," He finished, a smug smirk present upon his lips. You scowled faintly towards him, already you disliked his cocky demeanour.

"Pleasure to meet you," You said flatly, but Jacob put his hand upon his chest and lean't towards you slightly.

"Oh the pleasures all mine, Miss [y/l/n]," He grinned.

With a roll of your eyes, you opened the door a little wider for him to enter into the hallway, "Follow me,"

With a slight spring in his step, he followed after you into the apothecary and his eyes flickered around the destruction that the Blighters had created. Followed by a raise of his brows, he wandered around the shop, seemingly looking over the extent of the damage.

"Well,  they certainly have a grudge against you, don't they?" He said with a slight chuckle which made you frown. What was so funny about the situation you were now in?

"It's not a grudge against me, actually, but against my father," You corrected sternly, and Jacob nodded as though he'd forgot.

"Aaah yes, he bargained with the Blighters, how very bloody clever of him," He said as he picked up the note that she had put back down on the desk where she found it for him to investigate, and he read it with a shake of his head.

"Excuse me? I don't know how you have the audacity to say such a thing!" You exclaimed, a little taken back by his rudeness. However, he seemingly dismissed you as his eyes skimmed around.

"I think i know where to find the ones who wrecked the shop, stay here eh?" He said with a cocked smile.

"Wait w-"" Before you could find out exactly what he was about to do, he strode quickly out of the shop leaving you alone.

3 hours had passed since Jacob had exited the store with haste to rid the Blighters who demolished the shop, and you busied yourself with cleaning up the broken glass and the dust that had gathered since your father's death.

You were half way through sweeping the floor when the door groaned, signalling someones arrival. Your head swivelled around to see Jacob, his robes now covered in splashes of red crimson blood which made your eyes widen in shock.

"Is that your blood?" You asked quietly, but when he shook his head, your eyes widened even more.

"No no, not mine," His reply was nonchalant, almost carefree to what his previous actions were.

"I have found your offenders," He said with a smug smile, proud that he had done something accomplishing.

"Y-you killed them?!" You exclaimed in disbelief, and he let out a frustrated sigh.

"Unfortunately not, I have found where they might be hiding, but I killed some Blighters along the way," He chuckled.

That was it, that was your trigger point, and your voice rose higher than it ever had done before, in front of him.

"You can't go around killing people!"

A frown set upon his brow at your raised voice, "If you haven't figured out yet, those Blighters are anything but merciful, so why should I?"

"Because it's the most humane thing to do," You shrugged your shoulders as though it was blatantly obvious, but clearly not for Jacob.

"What the most humane thing to do is to kill those bastard and save the innocent people from their wrath," He growled, growing ever angrier as you questioned his actions against the gang.

"Fighting wrath with wrath, yes well done, what a brilliant idea that is!"

Jacob's lips went into a fine line as he shifted his weight, seemingly trying to hold back the words that wanted to burst out past his lips.

Instead, with a calm tone, he spoke, "Next time you want to co-operate with me and let me get on with my work, then send for me,"

With a slight cock to his head, he turned on his heels and walked out of the shop. His feet pounded hard against the wooden floor boards and his fingers curled into angered fists.

You were left alone once more to wallow in the anger that coursed through your veins. How could one be so brash and brutal as to go around killing men. Even if they were not so innocent, was there any right? Was it within the law for him to do so?

With little knowledge came little understanding, and with a huff, you decided to carry on with the task you had appointed yourself to clean up the apothecary.


So Chapter 4 is done yet I feel this chapter went absolutely yucky! Despite the amount of time i've spent on this chapter, i just feel like its not up to my full potential due to not having time with my A levels and shit!!

But thanks for reading anyway, means alot :)

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