Chapter 13: Stollen Kiss

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Light peaked through the trains windows as you woke the next morning, with a smile imprinted upon your face with the memory of your kiss with Jacob that you both shared the previous night. A content sigh escaped your lips. You had felt feelings for him for a while, but you never really knew what it truly was that you felt, until he kissed you and it was made clear.

You wanted to see him again, you wanted to feel his lips on yours and his hands upon your body. With that in mind, you pushed yourself out of bed and dressed yourself before making your way out of Jacob's car.

"So I was thinking that perhaps we can start working on finding the shroud, I found some information on its..." Evie continued to talk, but as she did, she noticed that Jacob was not paying attention to her, "Jacob!"

"Hm? What?" Jacob suddenly snapped out of his daydream, and looked over at Evie with a slight furrow to his brows.

"Have you been listening to anything i've been saying to you?" She asked, her voice laced with a hint of anger that she had wasted all morning talking to him, and not once had he been taking it in.

"I'm sorry Evie, i've got a lot on my mind," Jacob sighed as he lean't against the wall, his eyes casting over to the wall with all their targets. Despite the need to kill them off one by one, he had been so wrapped up with other things to even think about it. In fact, his mind was suddenly whisked away from all thoughts of templars as you entered the car.

"Morning," you sighed, and your [e/c] eyes lifted to Jacob's hazel ones in a knowing glance. The two of you couldn't help but think of the night before, and because of that, a thick tension formed between you both.

"Morning [Y/N], maybe you can knock some sense into my brother," Evie said with a shake of her head, "I've been speaking to him all morning, and not a single thing entered his ears,"

Your eyes flickered from Evie to Jacob, who then rolled his eyes to Evie's complaining. You did your best to avoid laughing, and instead, you settled to a smirk. However, as Evie turned around to look at the two of you, your smirk was quickly wiped away.

"Well, i'm off to see Henry, at least he will want to listen to what I have to say," Evie scowled over at Jacob, then disappeared from the train as it pulled up at Charring Cross Station.

Once alone, Jacob grasped your hand and pulled you towards him as his hands laced around your waist, holding you close against his body. Your lips were inches apart, that as Jacob spoke, his breath tickled against your face.

"God..." he whispered out, "I want to kiss you again,"

You giggled out, his words making your heart quicken instantly, "Then kiss me,"

Without a second thought, his lips crushed against yours, in a desperate, needy and sensual kiss that had your skin raising in goosebumps. Your hands rose and your fingers scraped through his thick hair as your tongues met in a small battle for dominance. Jacob moaned gently to your touch, grasping handfuls of your dress as he pulled you even closer.

The sudden screeching jolt of the train, halting to a stop, pulled your lips apart in confusion. Jacob grasped you to stop you from tumbling to the floor before the train finally went still. He stepped from the wall to look out the window, seeing nothing outside. However, voices came from inside the train.

"MR FRYE!" A voice called. Jacob's brows furrowed further and he grasped your hand as he led you towards the source of the voice in another car. A group of Rooks, who looked panicked with their large eyes and blood stained clothes came rushing over to Jacob.

"What happened?" Jacob asked, his hand never leaving yours.

"The Lambeth Stronghold sir... theres been an attack!" One of the Rooks said, out of breath as he rested his hands upon his knees.

"Jesus! Are there any more Blighters near?" Jacob asked, his hand now slipping from yours as he walks down to his own car, the Rooks following after him, and you do the same.

"Aye sir, many,"

"Jacob," You called after him as he began to gather his weapons, strapping his holsters on, clearly preparing for a fight, "Jacob, whats going on?"

Jacob's head lifted and he sighed out, "I've got to help the injured and help protect the stronghold,"

What with your medical knowledge, you saw the perfect opportunity, "I'm coming with you,"

"Woah woah woah, no way," Jacob turned abruptly around to face you and shook his head, "You're staying here where it's safe,"

"I can help with the injured, I can probably help more than you could, and you know thats true... I want to help,"

"And what if we have another attack hm?" Jacob asked with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Then i'll go somewhere and hide, and plus, I know you won't let anything happen to me," You whispered as you stepped closer and encased your hands around his.

Jacob's lips thinned, and with a deep sigh, he finally gave in, "Fuck sake, fine! But you stay where I can see you, unless I tell you to hide, okay?"

You gave him a firm nod, and with that, the two of you and the Rooks made your way off the train and towards the Lambeth Stronghold.


Dead bodies and blood scatters along the muddy floor of the stronghold. The stench was enough to make you physically gag, but you knew you had to hold it in. You needed to hold it together for the sake of the rest of the injured's lives.

Your hand slipped away from Jacob's, and you ran over to the first injured person you saw. A large gash ran along his chest, which he held down upon to try and prevent the bleeding, though to no avail as blood soaked the clothes that he wore. You quickly tended to him.

As you disappeared, Jacob, too, made his way over to a group of Rooks who tried to tend to another injured. His eyes lifted up to the group, "What happened?"

"I-I don't know... one minute we were playing a game of jacks and the next we were all falling down like flies," One of the Rooks said, a little overwhelmed by all that had happened, "My brother he-he died sir,"

Jacob's face instantly dropped seeing the heartbreak this man was going through, and his hand lifted to the Rooks shoulder, giving it a tight and comforting squeeze, "I'm sorry Sam,"

"Not as sorry as I am sir, these Blighters don't know whats coming for them," Sam growled through his shaken voice.

An hour had passed. You were tending to a female Rook who had a large gash to her head, which you were cleaning and bandaging. But you jumped up to your feet as screaming was heard from around you.

A flurry of Rooks began to flood into the stronghold in panic, and your eyes widened, realising what was happening. Your eyes sought out Jacob's from across the courtyard, and once he caught your attention, he yelled towards you, "HIDE!"

Dropping all the things you had in your hands, you helped the girl you were tending to, to her feet, and you began to run towards the nearest building. Inside, you looked around desperately for somewhere to hide.

"Follow me," Said the female Rook, and she lead you towards a door beneath the stairs which lead down towards the pitch black cellar. There, you hid.

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