Chapter 16: Fight Club

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The smell of blood, sweat and cigar smoke lingered thickly in the air. Jacob, shirtless and focused, was wrapping the white bandage around his clenched knuckles as you watched on uneasily.

"Jacob, are you sure about this?" You asked, your voice unsure about whether or not you really wanted to see him potentially get beaten up. You've never been to such places before. Warehouses, full of drunken men and rugged women, rough as a dogs arse. It put you on edge, more so that the excitement in the air was thick despite what was about to occur. Though the Rooks that joined the entertainment of the evening were more than enthusiastic and positive that Jacob would win the fight.

"Oh don't worry miss, Mr Frye here has never lost a fight!" One Rook grinned, his toothless smile beaming down at you, "He's a natural born fighter he is,"

"Even so, i don't like the thought of you getting hurt, Jacob,"

With your concerned tone, Jacob looked down at your worried face and gave you a confident smirk, "No need to stress about me. I'm not intending on losing,"

Just at that moment, the call for the next fighters bellowed through the room and a cheer rippled through the crowd. Quickly Jacob jumped to his feet and leant down to your seated form, planting a quick peck upon your lips as he did so.

"Wish me luck," He said with a wink before he made his way into the fighting ring.

As Jacob entered the ring, the cheering became louder, his reputation and popularity clear with the crowd. Enthusiasm and excitement whirled in the air with the mixture of smoke and musk. The room never seemed to cease. In fact, it only got louder as a large man, both in muscle and body.

"Jesus! Please don't tell me thats who's going against him?" You cried out to one of the Rooks, you eyes large and pupils wide with fear. With no reply, the Rook simply smiled and watched on.

Circling, the two men eyed one another, taking in their stances, which foot they use the most, their weaknesses, their strengths. And soon, the first punch was swung. Jacob ducked, before recovering his stance.

With each swing made, you jumped or cringed, though as Jacob finally made a blow to the opponents stomach, you cried out in encouragement. Slowly the opponent was tiring out, his punches less frequent and his stance becoming more slouched.

Jacob took this to his advantage as he limited his energy usage, keeping his attacks light and minimal. With that, he gave a few hearty blows to the opponents face, weakening him considerably. Blow after blow and the opponent stumbled, causing the crowd to roar. Jacob looked around at the crowd, distracted by the attention, that he failed to notice the on-coming fist that plowed into his face. With a crack, Jacob stumbled back and fell into the wall of the arena, his nose gushing with blood.

Horrified, you gasped and darted over to the edge, putting your hand on his shoulder, "Jacob! Are you okay?"

With a wince, Jacob nodded his head knowing immediately that his nose has broken for the hundredth time, "Yeah yeah, i'm fine love," He sighed before wiping the blood away from his nose with the back of his hand, "Go sit back down, I'm going to finish off here,"

Raged by the pain inflicted, Jacob pushed himself up from the wall and stormed over to the slightly more recovered opponent. Seeing red, Jacob's rage charged his body. Blow after blow. Punch after powerful punch. The opponent fell cold to the ground. Sweat ran down Jacob's body in beads, dripping from each exertion. His hair fell floppily over his face, wet and messy. Then Robert Topping made his way over and lifted Jacob's arm in the air in victory.


A small smile crept upon your face as you saw the grin spread across Jacob's face. And as Jacob made his way back over to you, you ran into his arms with a giggle. Despite how knuckle biting it was to watch, seeing Jacob victorious was a proud moment.

"How did i do?" Jacob chuckled, slightly pushing you away from his sweat drenched and blood smattered body, not wanting to stain your dress.

"You were rather impressive Mr Frye," You smiled up at him, and on the tip of your toes, you reached up to give him a longing kiss upon his bloody lips.


Sorry for my long absence, second year of university has started off with a bang with nothing but assignments already. Very stressful time of year! But writing will be my relaxation through it all so hopefully you'll be seeing me a bit more than usual!

Thank you guys! Love you all 💕

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