Chapter 10: Train Hideout

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The station was almost empty as night overcame London. The tall iron lamps lit up the platform as you and Jacob stood, waiting for the train to arrive. Jacob had been nothing but comforting the whole journey to the station, and as you stood, his hand never left your waist, keeping you close to his side to remind you that he was with you and that you were not alone. You stared off down the tracks as the sight of Victor's death played over and over again in your mind.

No sooner later, you saw the train powering along the track, heading towards the platform, and you came back down to the present as your breath hitched slightly. Jacob gave you a small rub of his thumb against your waist before the train finally halted in front of the two of you.

Jacob guided you up onto the train and you stood, taking in the surroundings momentarily before you moved aside for Jacob to climb onto the train too. You had expected the train to be just a train, but as soon as you had stepped in, you realised it was a whole lot more. It was a hideout, a home for the two Frye twins and their companions. In a way, it made you feel a whole lot safer, knowing that whilst in the comforts of a home, you were constantly on the move, and safe from the Blighters.

"Welcome to our train," Jacob announced, giving you a soft smile before he slipped his hand down to yours and led you through the cars of the train down to the very end where there sat a bed, "You can sleep here, no one will disturb you,"

"But, is this your bed?" You asked as you turned to face Jacob, and he nodded.

"Yes, but it's fine," He gave you a warming smile before he began to walk backwards towards the door, "I'll leave you to settle in,"

You watched as he left the car, leaving you alone. Your eyes wandered around, everything about the car reminded you of Jacob from the screwed up bedsheets to the brass knuckles that laid upon the arm chair, and not to forget the smell. The room filled you with a sense of warmth from the man sweat and cologne scent that filled the room, reminding you of whenever you was near Jacob.

You tried to busy yourself by getting ready for bed, undressing yourself down to your undergown and slipping under the bed sheets, but even then, you could not stop your mind from replying what you'd witnessed.


Jacob laid upon the chaise with just his trousers and shirt on, and he gave out an exhausted sigh as he closed his eyes, willing himself to fall asleep.

However, his eyes snapped open as he heard the door open, and he looked down the car to see you entering. His brows furrowed slightly as he sat up, "Are you okay?"

You were silent as you made your way over to where he sat. Jacob noted the large tears pooling in your eyes and as you lowered yourself down beside him, and buried your head into his chest, he did not think twice about wrapped his arms around your slight form. With his comforting console, you burst into tears which immediately stained Jacob's white shirt.

"Shhh it's okay," Jacob whispered softly against the top of your head as he placed a soft kiss against your head, "Just know that you are never alone, I'm here for you,"

His words warmed your torn heart, the pain you felt was immense. Your life once used to be simple, it used to be boring, sure, but at least you were away from the pain and sorrow you felt now was tearing away at your heart piece by piece. Your sobs became stronger, but so did Jacob's arms and he hushed once more into your ear.

A moment went by and the train stopped at the next station. Evie came striding into the train, but as she saw you two's rather close embrace, she froze, "Am I missing something?"

Jacob's head lifted to see his sister and he let out a low sigh, "Templars came for [y/n],"

Despite his brief explanation, Evie knew that there was more to it, and her jaw clenched knowing that Jacob was the one who was mean't to protect you, but was clearly failing in doing so.

"I thought your Rooks were outside her house?" Evie asked rather harshly, and Jacob's brows furrowed.

"They were, but the Templars killed them,"

"Then you didn't send enough Rooks to her shop," Evie sighed, shaking her head which only annoyed Jacob more and more by the second.

"How was I suppose to know that they were going to attack eh?"

"You should have been prepared for anything to happen, Jacob!" Evie's voice rose.

"WELL DO YOU WANT TO TAKE OVER?" Jacob yelled, his face turning slightly red in anger.


You sat up from Jacob's chest suddenly having been against Jacob's chest during their argument, and quite frankly, you had had enough. You pushed yourself up to your feet and looked over at the twins with your mentally drained and tear stained eyes.

"Excuse me," Your voice came out cracked and weak before you turned and headed back down to Jacob's car. Their arguments continued, though were a mere muffle under the sound of the steaming train that powered down the railway tracks.

You climbed back into bed and tucked your knees to your chest in a desperate attempt to get some sleep, and from your sheer exhaustion, you finally drifted into a light slumber.

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