Chapter 6: Manifesto

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As the days went by, the apothecary began to build into something much more appealing and pleasing to the eyes. The exterior now a dark blue with the sign freshly painted with a white lick of paint, it looked just like new. Inside, the counter was polished, the cabinets cleaned with the windows perfectly transparent to see the contents inside and all the shelves were full with new products.

When the renovations were finished, you stood back on the opposite side of the street to admire your new apothecary. A feeling of joy spread through your bones knowing that you would no doubt have made your father proud. In the end, knowing that you knew near to nothing about medicine, you decided to hire someone who did, and the old man, named Victor, ran the shop for you.

The passing couple of weeks were your favourite as you saw that the apothecary began to grow, customers slowly began to arrive in need of something to cure their problems, and money was starting to build. Relief washed over you as you knew you would no longer have to worry about not making an income that would be enough to feed you. In the back of your mind, you knew you should probably apologise and thank Jacob for what he did for you, even if he did mess up slightly, he still went out of his way to make things right for you, and for that, you told yourself you would thank him the next time you saw him. You decided you would go for a stroll, knowing now that you were able to relax after such a tiring and busy few weeks of hard work, it was now starting to pay off.

The midday sun of London shone down upon your face, warming your skin softly and you hummed out contently. You leisurely strolled along the river side, watching the businessmen down upon the docks below as they loaded a boat with crates of substances. Their skin sheeted with sweat from their hard labour. Then your eyes drifted into the distance, to the city skyline as you looked over and saw Saint Paul's Cathedral towering above all the other buildings. 

With everything starting to look up, with your success with your shop and the silence you received from Starrick's men, you were able to finally take your first real glance at the city and take in its magnificence. You could see the appeal to be apart of something so grand and so life changing during the time of an industrial and technological revolution to the world, and you were glad that you had taken the opportunity to move to London when you had it

However, your tranquillity was disturbed when you heard soft gasps and concerned voices.

"Is that smoke?"

"I wonder where thats coming from?"

"Oh god theres a fire,"

As you lifted your head, you noticed that the smoke was in the direction of your shop, and you wasted little time as you began to quickly make your way back home as your stomach practically turned inside out with sickening worry. Fire-fighters rushed by in the streets, with its bells ringing to grab the upcoming carriage drivers attention and make them move to the side so that the fire-fighters could get by.

The mere thought of your shop being up in flames had driven your feet to move faster. To think that all your hard work, all your income and profit, all your belongings in your apartment above being set alight had your heart racing. 

By the time you rounded the corner of your street, the fire-fighters were already in action. Your eyes were wide as you saw your worst fears come to life, a fire raged in your shop and the fire-fighters tackled ferociously against it to put it out.

Jacob, who was now covered in soot from the thick acrid air, patted Victor, who he saved from the burning shop, on his shoulder before he rested his hands upon his thighs to try and catch his breath. When he went to visit the shop moments before, he saw 3 Blighters rushing out from the burning store, and he instantly thought that you were in there. So he darted over without a second thought. Luckily Victor told him you were not there, and Jacob's heart settled slightly.

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