Chapter 27: Buckingham Palace

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You'd made your way back to the train, the days adventures having you buzzing with adrenaline that you almost bounced through to yours and Jacob's car. Stopping in your tracks, your eyes fell upon a large velvet green box in the middle of the messily made bed. On top was a carefully placed note, and with a furrowing of your brows, you opened it and read it.

I hope you like it and that it fits well. If we are to go to a royal ball, we might as well make the most of it.

I love you,


Inquisitively, your fingers pried away the lid to revealed an exquisite cherry blossom pink satin material that glistened in the flickering candle light. Gently, you lifted the material from the box to reveal the beautiful pink dress of satin and tulle, and your lips parted slightly in awe.

"Oh, Jacob," You whispered as your eyes took in the beauty of the off-the-shoulder fine laced bertha neckline, and lace that adorned the bottom of the skirt with gems stitched in. With a warm smile, you placed it down upon the bed and began to ready yourself for the upcoming ball.


The carriage ride to meet with Jacob and Freddie was one that made you sick to your stomach. You knew what was going to happen, or at least what needed to happen. But the niggling thought of what could happen was making it hard for you to breathe. Though that was partly due to your tight corset. Fan in hand, you tried to cool yourself down.

"Calm down, [Y/N]," Evie placed her hand upon your own, "You will be absolutely fine,"

"I know, it's just..." You gasped, "I just don't want anything to happen to Jacob and yourself,"

"If you don't want to do this-" Evie began, but you shook your head.

"No, no I do," You insisted, "I'm not turning back now,"

"Are you sure?"

"I've never been more sure about something in my life,"

Evie's rosey lips pulled into a thin line before leaning back against the chair. Her blue eyes were strong, ocean-like as they crashed over to the views outside and watched the world go by. Eventually, the carriage pulled up with a jolt and the door opened. Evie stepped out first, her wine coloured dress filtering out into the nightly breeze. You followed suit, and Jacob's - who had awaited for your arrival along with Freddie - face fell.

Your hair was pinned up with a single piece draped delicately over your left shoulder, and with flowers crowning your head. A silver crystal encrusted choker decorated your neck and below, the most elegant and feminine dress you had ever worn. Its movements were like that of a cloud, floating and gliding across the floor. With cheeks rosy against the cool nights air, your [e/c] eyes lifted and met with Jacob's who stood awaiting for you both to arrive.

"[Y/N], you look..." He began, his voice trialing off, lost for words. You're smile broke out, and you stepped over to him as he lean't down and kissed your forehead tenderly.

"Here," Evie said to Freddie, who wore a royal guard uniform, as she handed a bag of their weapons over to him, where he took them, gave them all a slight nod, and walked off towards Buckingham Palace.

"Shall we go?" Evie asked, her eyes flickering between the two of you as Jacob's hand rested upon your lower back. With a nod from Jacob, Evie climbed up into the carriage. Jacob gave out his hand as he helped you in before following behind you, and with a knock of Jacob's knuckles on the top of the carriage, the driver cracked the reigns.

It was surreal as you watched Buckingham palace get closer and closer, the large black and gold iron gates reaching nearer and nearer until finally the carriage stopped by a guard. With a dig in his pocket, Jacob pulled out three invites and passed them over to the guard. With a quick inspection, he stepped aside and let the carriage pass through the royal gates and into the Buckingham Palace estate. The ride was awfully quiet as the tension between the twins continued to linger in the air. Neither of them had proper spoken to each other since their previous debate, and you awkwardly sat in the carriage as your eyes flickered between the two.

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