Chapter 28: The End?

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Evie had finally got the plans for the Palace grounds, she had managed to look at it, and managed to figure out where the vault would be. All she needed to do now was find you and head off to the vault before Starrick does. But as she got to the centre of the party, you could not be found anywhere. With a furrow of her brows she wove through the party-goers, her eyes skirting from one person to the next, yet no sight of either you or Starrick. Her foot knocked an object on the floor, kicking it from under her dress, and as she picked it up, she saw it was your fan.

"Ah Miss, that was the lovely lady's fan that I danced with earlier. I have been looking all over for her-" The man from Oxford said as he noted Evie holding the fan.

"Where did she go?" Evie asked impatiently, and noting the seriousness in her voice, his face fell.

"A man led her away, over in that direction," He pointed away from the ball, deep into the park. Immediately Evie set off, but was halted to a stop when she felt a hand on her arm. It was Jacob.

"I think Starrick has took [Y/N]," Evie said as she handed him the fan, and Jacob's eyes darkened, "Here, go after her,"

Jacob took the palace plans, "What about you?"

"I'll follow behind, I just need to be rid of this infernal contraption!"

Jacob didn't waste a single second as he set off across the gardens and into the park to try and reach you.


After you waded through the pond, your dress began to feel heavy and slow you down as Starrick dragged you across the park. The ball was just a distant noise now, and too far for your calls to be heard. You felt hopeless.

Reaching into his pocket, Starrick took out an explosive where he placed it down and lit the fuse. He forced you into cover before the fuse ran out and fire exploded into the air. The ground rumbled as stone moved away and unveiled darkness that led below ground. It was something truly out of an adventure novel. You watched with parted lips, as the stone crumbled and broke away, finally showing a slope that led down into a cold and dark emptiness.

"Go," Starrick instructed, but you stepped back slightly.

"What?" You asked meekly, your eyes widened. Starrick did not have the patience, and he pushed you. Your heart stopped as you fell forward, and slid down into the abyss. Your screams echoed through the darkness, and it seemed like it was never ending, until finally you hit ground with a thud. It winded you as you laid there for a moment, and as soon as you caught your breath, you pushed yourself up to your feet. It was dark, yet you could just make out a row of archways in what looked like a crypt.

Eventually, Starrick joined you, standing up gracefully from his slide down and grabbing your arm as he led you through to the vault. You tried to protest against his hold, but he jerked your body forward into submission. Further into the vault you went, you finally reached into the main room. The low archways opened up into a large hall, its columns reached high up into the ceiling metres above. Your eyes widened in wonderment, but also in fear of what would be so grand and powerful to be held in such a place, and on such protected grounds. At the other end, with a beam of heavenly light shining down upon it, was an alter of some sorts. As you and Starrick finally reached it, his hand slipped away from your arm and began to stroke across its surface as he inspected it.

"After years of searching, its finally led me to this point," His voice was soft as he spoke dreamily. Clearly, thinking he has triumphed in his mission. You watched as he once more dug into his jacket pocket to produce out a necklace. You watched him carefully, and without taking his eyes away from the necklace, he chuckled, "At least Lucy was good for something,"

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